Sunday, October 25, 2009

We the people of idiots!

We the people of idiots!

Political analyst

Ottawa, Canada

We the people of idiots!

Taking the independent Somaliland to the unknown Somalia was an accident in the history of Somaliland! A bad one! We paid that with blood and treasure!

Passing the hard-won second Republic of Somaliland to the remnants of the evil regime of Siyad Barre, who are themselves evil, is another accident in the history of Somaliland! A double jeopardy!

To make and ex-spy who allegedly supervised the murder of over 2500 Somalilanders in the city of Berbera where he was the chief NSS agent, a president for the victims of that clan based mass murder, earned Somalilanders a place in the world of idiocy! That made the people of Somaliland idiots! We the people of idiots!

"Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves" [ AlRaad. Ch.13. V11] Somaliland values, the sense of purpose and the reason she sacrificed men and material for her liberation and recall, has been affected immensely by the ex-spy agent made president; by the people of idiots: thus Somalilanders changed what is in themselves!

Women, Somaliland women, not included in this people of idiots, because they are not idiots! They are our pride.

Somaliland women and their kids were the first to throw the stones at Afwaini. That was the beginning of the popular revolt against injustice of Siyad Barre! A matter of history!

They had and have guts, wisdom and courage idiots don't have!

They will be the first to throw stones at the remnants ruining this Republic of Somaliland when time comes!
They are the breadwinners of over 90% of Somaliland households

They are straight talkers. They are honest. They are dependable. They are the conscience of the nation. God bless them and protect them for us, for Somaliland.

When people fall, when they fail and fell down, when they make mistakes they are not idiots. When they fail to learn from that mishaps that is when they become idiots! And we are in that- not-learning category: thus we are idiots, women not included again!

Once a Riyaale Minister told me that through out the nights they play cards with the president in the presidency! "Did you say playing cards in the presidency?" I asked him in disbelieve!

"Yes" the minister confidently, replied! "Is it correct that ministers and others go there for "qaat" sessions so often, as well!" I asked him again. " Sure " the Minister confirmed that! "The president pays the qaat expenses! There is a fund for that" he added

At that point I said to my self, "what kind of a result one can expect in such president or presidency! Only we the people of idiots my expect (progress) a result there!"

"He that hides a dark soul and foul thoughts; Benighted walks under the mid-day sun; Him self, his own dungeon!" But here Mr. Riyaale did not hide his dark soul nor did he hide his foul thoughts? However this is not the point here now.

Riyaale, we created (his power) him and now cursing him! He was not born to shame, upon his brow shame is ashamed to sit, so are others in his camp of cabals and corruptors! The man did shameful things and shameless about them! He is a minus to society, to Somaliland, to us, we the idiots!

Entrusting the most precious thing- the destiny, the hopes, aspirations, dignity and integrity of a people who sacrificed men and material-all they had for those noble things to a collection of Moral less and mindless remnants headed by Riyaale, yet expecting good, any thing good, are idiots as they are insane! A cursed people indeed!

That is what we are reaping now! This was/is born and produced by our sin!

More precisely the continuous curse from the spirits of the Martyrs and Mujahedeen who liberated this lost land, Somaliland is continuously raining on us, and therefore we are cursed people! The author believes so!

This idiocy and insanity thing reminded me a quotation from Ernestine to the effect of "Repeating the same thing over and over again and again is not insane" he said "Expecting a different result is insane indeed" he concluded

Indeed an idiocy I may add!

Expecting any thing good for a nation building from Ex-NSS, Hangash and remnants is insane as it is idiotic! That is where we are!

What a tangled web we wove when first we practice to deceive!

When first we accepted and trusted a man with a blood of innocent men and women of ours in his hands! We the people of idiots!

Somaliland's hopes, aspirations and dreams were to build a society based upon the opinion of a free people in thought and expression, in creativity and intuition.

A society where the rule of despotic tin pot dictator, the condition of clannish mentality, give place to houses of congress from the people and for the people.

Where laws are made.

Where independent courts of justices in which over long periods, the laws are maintained.

Where a just society born and prospers.

Where human dignity and a charter of rights are established, recognized and respected. Where consensus and common ground are the corner stone of the new Republic

Instead Somaliland ended up in the hands of those who harmed and hurt her before!

In the hands of the remnants of Siyaad Barre! In the hands of the ignorants!

In the hands of the none-believers, those who for a minute never believed an independent sovereign nation of Somaliland!

If you may not recall of what a neighbour once threatened Somaliland said, it was this: "two lambs can not glow in both the places at the same time- his place and Somaliland that is! One must be dimed, damped and put off"

It is believed that Riyaale and gang of four sub-contracted to dim and dampen and put off the lights and aspirations of Somaliland! Unfortunately they succeeded partly and they are to complete the project wholly as per contract if we don't confront and stop them!

We the people of idiots are watching, wondering and saying like legendary "Egaal Sheelaad" " let me see if he can dare to do more!" when told," He did it again!" We get another excuse and another, and so it goes on and on and on!

The curse of good intentions is, what is haunting Somaliland now!

Trusting the untrustworthy is what is haunting Somaliland now!

With out conscionable knowledge of the facts and history of a given person or people or situation is what is haunting Somaliland!

Good intentions with out thinking beyond just good intentions are idiotic!

Good intentions with out gut feeling and courage, with out saying and living with the truth is idiotic as well!

Good intentions for the sake of good intentions are out of line!

Trusting Riyaale and like minds is like trusting Morgan! What is the difference except their clan name? You tell me!

Tasking them with the nations business is the ultimate idiocy of all time!

Allah said in his Quran,

" Because Allah will never change the grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their souls: And verily Allah is he who hearth and knowth all things" [Al Anfaal, ch.10. v53]

Here Somaliland has changed the grace and the victory over the genocidal regime of Barre Allah bestowed on them.

Somaliland called the Faqash they defeated by another name, back!

However, peace

Ibrahim Mead

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