Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Outrage against Harowo’s Baseless and Shameless Attack on Amal H. Ahmed Misan

Outrage against Harowo's Baseless and Shameless Attack on Amal H. Ahmed Misan

Saylicipress Editorial

In the name of Saylicipress we vehemently condemn the unwarranted, and  unprovoked harangue the above website has thrown against a young hero and rising star in the Somaliland politics, Honorable Amal H. Ahmed Miisan.

This website became the center of mirage grievances against Awdal/Salel.This website never uttered even one word of criticism against Dahir Rayaale corrupt and inept regime. Amal came from a business and activist Awdal family who have made enormous contributions to Awdal and Somaliland. Their contribution so many different fields is well-known and well-recognized. This is a vicious and baseless attack against a courageous revolutionary.This behavior is unbecoming of the deep Awdal and Somaliland Islamic beliefs and tradition.This is a totally un Islamic trait.

Moreover, we would like to point out the website has waged a relentless and sustained campaign against the new Somaliland government. Everybody knows quite well that this website has never expressed even a positive criticism against the ousted Rayaale regime. It is ironic and laughable for the owner of this website to complain against grievances against Gadaboursi. If there is a grievance, it did not start with the Siiraanyo government. 

Dahir Rayaale in his long reign has both the opportunity and the power to address that.The website has turned in to a megaphone of baseless and mythical Awdal grievances. Genuine grievances if there any should not come from this website, and they will be addressed through peaceful means and in non public settings.This website clearly can not yet swallow, its favorite son Mr. Rayaale has lost the election.
 We are urging them to get over their abcession and preoccupation with the former regime. Mr. Rayaale at last did the honorable thing by peacefully transferring power. Therefore, we are urging all people of good conscious in Awdal/Salel and Somaliland to condemn this out of control website.

Saylicipress Management

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