Monday, December 24, 2012

Somaliland: Defuse post-election tension

Somaliland: Defuse post-election tension

berbera riots

It is incumbent upon the state to stabilize fully any feathers that were hitherto unruffled during the electoral processes.

Now that NEC have confirmed all the results from all regions, the final three top parties to become the official political organs in the country should be announced forth with.

Similarly it is upon  the government to name, appoint, transfer or sack any civil servant as it deems fit.

It is heartening of course, to have our political fevers being calmed by  various heads of political parties urging  the populace to be cool, sober-minded and continue maintaining prevalant stability.

Of course it is no secret that sad incidences have happened shortly before going to the polls and immediately after.

The members of the public have no right whatsoever to take law into their hands and  breach peaceful stability  anyhow.

Equally, as observers of the international elections monitoring teams have it in their latest reports, post election period is blanketed with a tense aura.

As we have again and again held in this very  column, it is incumbent upon all stakeholders to work together in making sure our vessels travels safely in the waters, whether turbelent or otherwise.

For the major stakeholders, thus the population, their conduct have largely been remarkable and we hail them once more.

As for the state, much of the remaining task of coxwainship is incumbent upon it.

The administration should pull together all the tricks under the hat to defuse any real or unreal tensions wherever  and whenever portended in the whole nation.

It is our job as responsible people of a civilized society to avail at all times an aura of harmonious setting whose secenario depicts stability, unity, solidarity, and nothing else but, peacefulness.

Tangible development can only  take place in a setting where stability is not only prevalent, but surely, guaranteed.

It is ironic that non Somalilanders can advice us to be conciliatory, understanding or persevering whereas the characteristics are indeed  what have made us a hallmark in the history of journals.

The government should be strict on public officers who do not toe the ethical lines. It should similary be stern to those who would be inclined, however  in the remotest senses,  peturb the peace and stability cherished at  any location in the country.

It is in this breath that we herein urge and plead to the state to work the extra time and go the extra mile to  completely obliterate whatever mistrust or post-election tension that may have been emotionally aroused.



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