Hargeysa - Waxa galabta qasriga Madaxtooyada JSL lagu qabtay xaflad balaadhan oo lagu saxeexayay Lixdii qodob ee beesha caalamku ku taliyeen ee khilaafkii taagnaa ee dalka soo afjaray.![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() Waxa saxeexay lixda Qodob Gudoomiyayaasha saddexda xisbi Qaran, Dawlada Itoobiya iyo Deeqbixiyayaasha oo uu u saxeexay John Maarshaal Sariir ku Xigeenka Britan ee Adis ababa, ugu horeyn waxa saxeexay Madaxweynaha JSL Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, ahna Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga UDUB, Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo iyo Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID Eng Faysal Cali Waraabe, waxana goob joog ka ahaa Shirgudoonada Golaha Guurtida iyo Wakiilada, Deeqbixiyayaasha oo uu wakiil ka ahaa John Marshal iyo Dawlada Itoobiya. Source, Somalilandnation |
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Somalia: Hizbul Islam warns al Shabaab
![]() Reuters | Somalia: Hizbul Islam warns al Shabaab Mareeg ... (Mareeg)—Hizbul Islam insurgent group has warned Wednesday al Shabaab against starting fighting in Kismayo, the strategic port town in southern Somalia. ... Ambulance offers hope in war-torn SomaliaCNN International Somali Government Claims Al-Shabab Executed Innocent MenVoice of America Suicide bombings complicate Somalia aid situationReuters AlertNet Mareeg -Mareeg -Mareeg all 305 news articles » |
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
New York, Sep 29 2009 8:10PM
Strengthening the rule of law is the critical factor to effectively tackling piracy in the Indian Ocean, Seychelles told the General Assembly today, saying the world's countries have a shared responsibility to deal with the problem.
Ronald Jumeau, Permanent Representative of Seychelles, told the final day of the Assembly's annual high-level segment that his country was pleased that many States were becoming increasingly engaged in efforts to deal with piracy in the region.
He stressed that the "root cause of the problem lies within Somalia; the long-term solution lies in strengthening the rule of law within Somalia."
Mr. Jumeau said it was important to take steps to ensure that piracy is not an economically viable activity, starting with enhancing coordination and information-sharing among the States of the region.
"We must share information to ensure we are always ahead of the pirates by keeping vessels beyond their reach," he said.
"We must ensure there is enough deterrence in terms of military assets in the region. Seychelles alone has an exclusive economic zone of 1.4 million square kilometres to patrol and protect, something we would not be able to do effectively without the help of friendly countries."
In his address to the Assembly today, Grenada's Foreign Minister Peter David highlighted the need to protect the waters of the Caribbean Sea from the transport of waste materials. He called for the General Assembly to strengthen the resolution on the issue.
"The States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and other members of the Association of Caribbean States depend on the tremendous benefits from the pristine waters of the Caribbean Sea," Mr. David said.
"Yet these ocean-based resources are threatened by the trans-shipment of nuclear and other hazardous waste materials through our waters."
Sep 29 2009 8:10PM
The failure of the international community and the resilience of a people
Somalia is officially classified as a failed state where warlords, Islamic extremists, suicide bombings, piracy, secessionists, poverty and anarchy prevail and are the norms of every day life. Believe it or not the Somali question remains one of the most difficult, unabated and unresolved conflicts in modern times while other major post-cold war conflicts in Europe and Africa have been resolved. In case you have forgotten, the unbearable roar of guns and bombs explosions in former-Yugoslavia that we used to see and hear through our TV screens, seem to have been silenced by, among other things, a massive military intervention supported by a long term political commitment and diplomacy as is the case in the Balkan, or through a peace keeping mission initiated by an individual country like the UK experiment in Sierra Leon where British forces have helped end a long civil war. Even other hotspots, Iraq and Afghanistan, which one can called as the 9/11 conflicts, the international community (Western powers), although they might have to stay there for a long time before realising their objectives, have installed functioning governments in those countries and have enabled them to hold "democratic" elections although imperfect and flawed. With regard to the Somali conflict, the international community seems ambivalent and divided as ever between those who have given up on Somalia, blaming Somalis for the failure! And those who are willing to help but end up taking the wrong decision, thus worsening the situation, as was the case when Ethiopia was allowed to invade and occupy Somalia. However, to be fair on history, the international community did try to help end the conflict when in 1992 the United Nations Security Council authorised the deployment of peace keeping forces (the UNISOM). Though huge resources were allocated, the mission failed for the lack of a long political commitment and plan. The death of few American soldiers was enough to force the American administration to withdraw its forces. Compare that failure of policy with another post-cold conflict namely former Yugoslavia (Balkan conflict) and you will see how these conflicts were treated differently which led to different outcomes! One was given a long term political commitment with massive military intervention while the other was left to crumble on its feet. Put it bluntly, the international community has failed Somalia. However, despite the negligence and indifference by the international community, lack of normal and formal state structure, and despite human suffering and economic costs of the conflict, Somalis have proven to be resilient, entrepreneurial, creative, hardworking and ingenious, and have accomplished some remarkable and great things against the odds. In fact Somalis have done well in some development sectors and are well ahead of those "stable" neighbouring states, including Kenya and Ethiopia. Let us tell this untold story. Powerful autonomous regional administrations Despite the threat of dismemberment, and an uncertain future, Somalis have succeeded in creating some administrations e.g. Puntland, Somaliland, TFG etc. And some of them have good functioning public institutions, which provide diverse and varied levels of peace and security and some kind of basic social services. What Somalis have got now is strong and assertive regional administrations, under which they are exercising some kind of self-rule. Somalis are now more or less autonomous and independent from a centralised government or structure, which has arguably caused the failure of the state, and which Somalis have fought against it. It is really sad that it took 30-40 years and a lot of suffering before cities such as Baydhabo, Garawe and Hargeysa could try to taste regional autonomy and asserts their freedom from Mogadishu. Also one wonders whether some of these entities with a secession tendency are not really seeking total independence but merely are craving for, and expressing the desire for legitimate greater freedoms and autonomy, which have been denied by previous governments, particularly during the dictatorship in which the famous Villa Somalia was the power-house. Somalis have now an emerging weaker federal structure embodied in the TFG, which could be utilised as a blue print for a looser federal structure. So what Somalis need right now is a negotiated federal structure that will hopefully lead to the rebirth of a stronger Somali state. Good primary education enrolment At the independence, Somalis had a Grade 1 primary enrolment of only 6,000 in 233 primary schools. During the 1960s the education system stagnated and this caused a decrease in primary education enrolment. This situation got better in early 1970s because of the successful literacy campaign, compulsory primary enrolment, and the adoption of the script of the Somali language. However, the education system deteriorated in 1977-78 due to, among other things, the Ogaden war. And a year before the collapse the central government the primary and secondary school enrolment dropped to 60,000 from 300,000 in the early years of 1980s. Although Somalis have lost two generations who are without or with little education due to state failures in 1980s and the civil strife in 1990s, and this loss of human capital will negatively impact on future human development in the country, despite the fact that Somalis lag behind most countries in terms of primary education enrolment, they have however succeeded in creating and restoring old and new educational institutions and facilities, which now provide essential education services. For example, the primary education enrolment though diverge and fluctuates between administration, has improved, and in 2003-04 enrolment shoot up to 300,000, a figure that is much higher than what it was few years prior the civil war. In addition, there are some secondary, vocational institutes, and adult education colleges, where students learn different subjects. Before the civil war, higher education was more or less bankrupt (1980s), and its institutions, for instance the Somali National University, were bankrolled by donor countries. However, during the civil strive with their hard work and resilience Somalis have successfully created new institutions from scratch. For example, it is worth mentioning the success story of creating the Amoud University in which Borama residents, faced with 8,000 primary and secondary students, transformed the residential Amoud Higher School to a university. So if yesterday Somalis were proud of the Somali National University – the only and dominant institution - to serve the country today there are up to 10 universities in the country, including among others Hargeysa University, Mogadishu University, Puntland State University, and three of them are in Africa's top 100 universities. Although the ownership, management and financing of educational institutions vary from public-community-NGO to private sector, despite the fact that some of these institutions are rudimentary and operate through varied and different curriculum and standards, although accessibility is limited due to issues around affordability, it must be recognised that these institutions provide much needed education services to Somalis. And therefore Somalis should be commended for their hard work and tireless efforts. A vibrant private sector Telecommunication: Access to telecommunication before the civil strife was very expensive and not accessible to most Somalis. Telephone lines were limited to cities and to those lucky ones who could offer it. For example, in 1990 there were about 2 fixed telephone mainlines per 1,000 people. However, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of Somalis and to new technologies today there are about 9 private operators that provide competitive telecommunication services to almost every province and to even towns and village, which did not have access to telephone prior the war. Today, there are around 25 mainlines per 1,000 persons, and availability of telephone lines (tele-density) in Somalia is higher than in neighbouring countries, three time higher than in Ethiopia. Access to international telephone calls is probably the most affordable and cheapest in whole of Africa. For example, in 2005 one minute phone-call from Mogadishu or Hargeysa cost $0.50-0.80, as the rate of one minute international phone call from a small town or a village in Somalia was cheaper than of that in Addis Ababa! In 2003, there were 63 mobile phones per 1,000 people and there are internet facilities. Although in need of regulatory and structural framework, the sector provides much needed services, which improve the lives of thousands in terms of, among other things, job creation and income generation etc. Small scale industries: Just few years before the civil war, the 53 or so state-owned large-medium and small manufacturing enterprises, like many public institutions, were breaking down and bankrupt. Then the civil war destroyed the rest, almost all infrastructure were looted. However thanks to investment by the Diaspora, the remittance sector, and some intervention by the international community Somalis have managed to re-start some old small scale plants, as they have created new ones. These include fish canning and meat processing plants in the north, some 25 factories in Mogadishu, which produce pasta, mineral water, sweets, plastic bags and sheets, hides and skins, detergent and soap, aluminium, foam mattresses and pillows, fishing boats, packaging, and stone processing etc. The airline industry: Again thanks to their entrepreneurial spirit and lack of strict regulatory frameworks, there are up to 14 private companies (e.g. Daallo) which run commercial flights from Somalia to abroad. These companies offer competitive flight tickets. These carriers have been a life-line to Somalis' booming trade, as they have been a helping hand in the delivery of crucial humanitarian assistance by the international community. So if yesterday Somalis were proud of the now bankrupt and defunct Somali Airline – the only national carrier that dominated the sky – today Somalis have successfully created private airlines companies that connect Somalis to the outside world. Road Infrastructure: in late 1970s there were 19,380 kilometres of road infrastructure which include all categories from paved, gravel, to tarmac. Despite the fact that these roads have been badly deteriorating in some parts of the country and in need of maintenance, the percentage of roads that have been paved and maintained by Somalis during the civil war period is the same as of that of Kenya and Ethiopia, and much higher than in Tanzania. Remittance fuels booming trade: Some 750,000 Somalis in the Diaspora sent US$825 million to $1billion in 2004 to Somalia. This is estimated to be around 60 percent of Gross National Product (GNP). This generosity offers much needed subsistence to relatives, and acts as a life-line not only for immediate families, but also to wider society as the money trickles down via domestic commerce to even remote rural communities. The money transfer helps much needed construction projects, small business, credit and loans schemes, as it assists in creating some job opportunities and incomes. Also, the money transfer- handled by a network of roughly 8 remittance companies, facilitates international trade. Even though these companies face future challenges in terms of adopting structural and regulatory frameworks to get them integrated into the global financial system, and despite the current setbacks caused by the closure of some companies due to alleged terrorism financing, the sector has proven to be resilient, and it continues to help a booming trade in which exports (livestock etc) and imports reached a record high US$265 million and US$400 million respectively. The remittance sector also makes regional and international payment transactions from and to Somalia more efficient and smoother than pre-war system. $100 sent from Europe/USA takes 1-2 days to reach relatives in Somalia if compared to the pre-war era where because of, among other things, bureaucracy it was a cumbersome task to transfer money via banks. It would not be an exaggeration if I say that the Somali remittance network is more efficient and reliable than those "formal" banking systems in Kenya and Ethiopia where bureaucracy and cumbersome regulatory frameworks make business and banking transaction much harder. Somalis have even tried to create banks, for example the attempt by a Somali group to open the Universal Bank of Somalia, the Dahabshiil efforts to become a bank is worth noting. Furthermore, the vibrant and resilient private sector – sometimes in partnership with public/NGO sectors, continues to provide essential services e.g. water, electricity, education and health, which are sometime better and more efficient than the pre-war service provision. And towns and villages, which even did not have access to some of these services under the central government are benefiting from it. And thanks to their resilience and hard-work Somalis' Gross National Income per capita is higher than Kenyans and Ethiopians!! Conclusion No room for complacency However, having highlighted some impressive achievements, I must say there is no room for complacency. This is because Somalis are amongst the poorest in the world and they owe the international community a massive debt of US$3.2 billion. Somalis lag behind in all human poverty indexes; and about 71% of population do not have access to sustainable water sources. In addition, they are far behind in meeting the UN's millennium targets that, among other things, stipulate universal primary education to all children by 2015. Even those stable regional administrations are now facing same old problems that existed during the central government, ranging from mismanagement of public funds; corruption; ineffective revenue collection mechanism; an imbalanced public budget in which higher percentage of the public purse is allocated to security and presidency sectors, while less is spent on social services and developmental projects. For example Puntland and Somaliland spend only 1% to 5% of their annual budget on education, which is the same as the pre-war expenditure. And obviously this would mean less education for children. Recommendations: what the international community should do: Pragmatic and practical support to all existing and emerging governance structure be it local, regional or federal. Refrain from inflaming the situation by whipping up the politics of war on terror in the region. Please try to learn a lesson from what had happened in Somali when Islamic Court Union was forced out and Ethiopia occupied Somalia. As extremism and terrorism forces in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan seem to have defeated ideologically and military, it is very likely that those forces in Somalia will be defeated by Somalis' dislike of extremism and fanaticism combined with Obama administration's policy of dialogue with the Islamic world. These forces will make noises now and then (suicide bombings etc) but it is a matter of time before they disappear. So patience is required. Do not see and use one issue e.g. piracy as a tool to resolve the Somali conflict. This is a short term strategy and policy that proved to be a failure. In order to safeguard the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country, the international community should try to coerce through diplomacy and political will all stake-holders (regional states and federal government) to work together in view of constituting a federal structure. A case in point is the recent efforts by the Congressman Donald Payne, Chairman of subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of trying to bring stakeholders under one roof for dialogue and reconciliation. This was a historic landmark in America's policy. This is the kind of soft power which the US and other countries need to use in order to bang and bash heads together because this method is much cheaper but more powerful and effective than any other methods. So please keep on inviting these institutions to your Congresses and parliaments in the hope that one day wise men with listening ears might listen to your wisdom and learn from your country's experience as united states under a federal system. For Somalis, please continue with your resilience, perseverance, ingenuity and hardworking in order to achieve even greater results in the future. Help yourself so that the world can help you. Muuse Yuusuf |
New York, Sep 29 2009 6:10PM
The Security Council must take steps to solve the border dispute between Djibouti and Eritrea, Djibouti said today, warning that if the row is allowed to fester it will set a dangerous precedent for other crises around the world.
Roble Olhaye, Djibouti's Permanent Representative to the UN, <"http://www.un.org/ga/64/generaldebate/pdf/DJ_en.pdf">told the final day of the General Assembly's annual high-level segment that the Council needs to use "all means at its disposal" to end the stand-off between the African neighbours.
In June last year, following weeks of rising tensions and military build-up, the two countries' armed forces clashed over an un-demarcated area in the Red Sea known as Doumeira, killing 35 people and leaving dozens of others wounded.
This January the Council adopted a resolution demanding that Eritrea pull its forces from the disputed area and cooperate with diplomatic initiatives, and welcoming Djibouti's withdrawal of its forces to its positions before the dispute.
A UN fact-finding mission sent to the region after the dispute flared was welcomed by Djibouti but blocked by Eritrea, which refused to meet with it or with any envoy of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who offered to use his good offices to help resolve the issue.
Today, Mr. Olhaye called for the row over Doumeira – which he noted is "situated in one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world" – to be resolved along the lines of the Council resolution, "without further equivocation, confusion and deliberate procrastination."
"Inaction sets a dangerous precedent which others will surely follow in the future – deny and refuse to cooperate! The Council must not appear to be appeasing Eritrea indefinitely; this is a dangerous and an unpredictable regime that has not shown so far any respect to international norms and behaviour."
Exercising his right of reply, an Eritrean delegate told the Assembly later today that his country "doesn't have territorial ambitions" and it has not occupied land belonging to Djibouti. He also said that Djibouti had presented a one-sided view of the situation.
Responding further, a delegate from Djibouti said Eritrea had demonstrated a pattern of military aggression in the region since it gained independence in 1993, and accused the country of a lack of cooperation with any efforts to resolve the dispute over Doumeira.
Sep 29 2009 6:10PM
Monday, September 28, 2009
New York, Sep 28 2009 4:10PM
The Security Council must be fully reformed and enlarged to include a proper African representation, particularly since two thirds of the issues it addresses concern the continent, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) told the General Assembly today.
"The present UN system does not correspond in its current concept to the hopes of its founders and to the letter of the Charter that its creation was able to inspire," DRC Foreign Minister Alexis Thambwe Nwamba said as the Assembly entered the fifth day of its annual General Debate.
"Whatever the outcome of negotiations under way on this issue, my delegation remains committed to the idea that the Security Council must take into account the political and numerical weight of Africa in the General Assembly (where the continent holds 53 national seats), and this above all because two thirds of the situations that come before the Council concern it."
That is why the DRC reiterates its plea for full African representation in al decision-making organs and above all the Security Council, he added.
Referring to his own country, where the UN played a major role in efforts to restore stability and hold free, democratic elections in 2006 after years of civil war, Mr. Nwamba noted that conflict and above all the use of rape and other sexual violence as a weapon of war continued in the conflict-torn east of the country where fighting has persisted between the national army, rebels and other armed groups.
"Sexual violence against women and girls in the east of the DRC constitute in our view the most shameful and serious crimes that humanity has ever known in this 21st century," he said, noting that two eastern provinces, North and South Kivu, account for 80 per cent of the national total of such crimes.
"Just must be done for these violated women and girls," he declared, stressing President Joseph Kabila determination to put an end to impunity and adding: "Despite this apocalyptic picture the situation in eastern DRC tends to improve."
He cited joint operations with neighbouring governments over the past year against Rwandan and Ugandan rebels and noted that operations were continuing against Rwandan rebel hold-outs in South Kivu.
Sep 28 2009 4:10PM
New York, Sep 28 2009 3:10PM
The moment has come for Israel to take action to achieve a lasting peace in the Middle East, Arab nations told the General Assembly's high-level debate today, calling for an immediate end to settlement activity.
Through its measures, including settlement building, Israel "challenges the will of the overwhelming majority of the international community," Foreign Minister Walid Al-Moualem of Syria <"http://www.un.org/ga/64/generaldebate/pdf/SY_en.pdf">said at United Nations Headquarters.
"Peace and occupation cannot coexist," he stressed, calling for a "genuine political will" to end the long-running conflict.
Mr. Al-Moualem appealed for an end to the "lip service" being paid to the need for peace, which, he said, is "categorically different from working for peace."
He welcomed the engagement by the new United States administration, the UN Security Council, the European Union, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Non-Aligned Movement, but lamented that the momentum has been dampened by Israeli positions and actions.
For its part, Oman <"http://www.un.org/ga/64/generaldebate/pdf/OM_en.pdf">said that it calls "upon Israel to seize the historical opportunity to establish a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East that would achieve security and peaceful coexistence between the States and peoples of the region," Yousef Bin Al-Alawi Bin Abdulla, the country's Foreign Minister, said today.
"Squandering this opportunity by Israel will constitute a grave loss for the Israeli people," he added.
The establishment of an independent Palestinian State on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, among other measures, will help ensure a peaceful coexistence between Arab states and Israel and promote development in the region, Mr. Abdulla told the heads of State and government gathered in New York.
"Peace, based on these principles, will be one of the most important gains of the people of the regions which would lead towards ending regional crises and eradicating the root causes of terrorism," he underscored.
The conflict is still continuing because of the "lack of a methodology based on a just and balanced peace," as well as the "conspicuous absence of a binding mechanism for implementation," Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmed, Bahrain's Foreign Minister, said in his <"http://www.un.org/ga/64/generaldebate/pdf/BH_en.pdf">address to the Assembly.
The Arab side, he pointed out, has gone to great lengths to delineate its position that peace is both strategic and irreversible. The international community must, therefore, do its part by exerting pressure on Israel to freeze and ultimately dismantle its settlements.
Last week, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced his strong support for Palestinian efforts to complete the building of state institutions in two years, and pledged the full assistance of the UN towards this goal.
The plans to build up Palestinian institutions were announced last month by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, and reportedly include disentangling the Palestinian economy's dependence on Israel and foreign aid, trimming the size of the government, increasing the use of technology and unifying the legal system.
"I strongly support the Palestinian Authority's plan to complete the building of the state apparatus for Palestine in two years, and pledge the UN's full assistance," Mr. Ban said in a <"http://www.un.org/apps/sg/sgstats.asp?nid=4079">message to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee.
"The significance of this goal should not be lost on any of us. Nor can we underestimate the urgency of the moment," he told the gathering, which was attended by Mr. Fayyad and other officials.
"Either we move forward, towards two States living side-by-side in peace, or backwards towards renewed conflict, deeper despair and long-term insecurity and suffering for Israelis and Palestinians alike. The status quo is untenable."
Sep 28 2009 3:10PM

Codka muwaadinku waa codbixin warqadeed xilliga doorashada, xiliyada kale waa bandhig fikradeed oo qoraal, hadal iyo muuqaal ah. Muuqaalka waxa ka mid ah dhoola-tus, isu-soo-bax, shirar iyo banaanbax lagu muujiyo dareenka muwaadinka. Waa tiirarka dimuquraadiyadda, meesha laga waayo xorriyadda muujinta dareenka muwaadinku waxa lagu sifeeyaa meel u xaglisa dhinaca qorax dhaca qarannimo dimuquraadi ah, oo meel haddayna ahayn mudgi kelitalisnimo, cagta saartay dhabadii u kaxayn lahayd dhinacaas. Kelitalisnimadu ma aha marka xadhig iyo dil jiro oo keliya, waa dal awoodda talisku ku uruurto gacan keliya, oo ayna jirin wada-tashi iyo wax is weydiin, xataa haddayna ka jirin xad gudub xorriyadda aadmiga ahayni.
Haddaba waxa ina soo maray laba wiig oo kala-guur ah, halgan ay isku haleeleen koox doonaysay inay dalka ku hubsadaan dariiqa kelitaliska, iyo xaq-u-dirir lahaa halkaa dhafimeyso, ee dib hoggaanka ha lagu soo celiyo xeyndaabka sharciyada. Alle mahadi ha ka gaadhee waxa guulaystay colka dambe.Waa farxad iyo reynreyn qaran, waana mid kor u qaaday mustawaha lagu qiiyaaso qarannimada iyo sida loo xaliyo ismaandhaafka siyaasadeed, Soomaliland oo saarnayd kafadda miisaanku, waxay u dheeliday dhinacii dadweynaha iyo wanaag-doonka.
Taas waxa daliil u ah xaalad abuurkii dawladda ee dhicisoobay, iyo go'aanadii sharciga ka baxsanaa ee Madaxtooyada oo dhammaan noqday qaar socon waayey, waxa Madaxtooyadu ku fashilantay xaalad abuur kasta ooy soo malaygtay tan iyo bilowgii qalalaasaha ay iyadu furaha u haysay. Aan si aan qodobaysnayn bal se ku kooban sawir dhacdooyinkii xidhiidhka ahaa aan idiin soo dhigo oon dib u celiyo xusuustiina.
- Waxa la eryey Hayadii Interpeace ee Deeq-bixiyaasha wakiilka u ahayd. Waxa madaxtooyadu keli go'aamisay in doorashada lagu galo diiwaangelin la'aan.
- Waxa Guddoomiyaha Komishanku ku dhaartay inaan cidna loo joojinayn, waxuuna soo dhigay jadwalka ololaha. Isaga iyo Maxweynahu waxay habeen iyo dharaar lahaayeen doorashadu waa maalinteeda 29 Set, waa diiwaangelin la'aan, sharci noo diidayaa ma jiro in xisbi keliye doorashada galo, hadday kuwa kale diidaan...Waaba ereyada dalacsiiyey Mcalin Xasan oo ahaa wasiir dawle, kana dhigay wasiirka Madaxtooyada.
- Waxa dawladdu marar badan ku celcelisay in gacan bira lagu qaban doono ciddii banaanbax sameysa. Waxa gacmaha is-qabsaday labada xisbi oo dhigay banaanbax muujiyey awoodda shacbigu halkay la jirto, waxaana dabadeed la waayey ololahii maalka shacbiga lagu agaasi jiray ee UDUB oon dib loo arag, illeyn la arag cidda dadweynahu la socdee.
- Wasiirad ugu dhow Madaxweynahu dhinaca dhulka mey dhigin, habeen oo dhan la soo jeed, la dhaqdhaqaaji suldaano, cuqaal, ganacsato, dhalin iyo waayeel midba wax loo sheegay..ereyadii qabyaaladeed ee ku fogee reer hebel, reer hebelna reer hebel ku dir, ka jabi, ka kaxee, soo riix, didi, eri, cay iyo bulshada oo nabar kasta oo hore u soo mary la damqaayo, ayaa lagu bixiyey hantidii qaranka.
- Soconweyday. Baaqyo iyo warbaahintii sharka oo hawl gashay, guddiyo hoosaasin iyo daacad isagu jira la farsamee. Soocn weyday oo meel daalin iyo daacad ku wada jiraan dhaqaaqi weyday.Loo dhaqaaq dhinaca sharcidejinta Waxa la abaaray ridida labada Guddoomiye, waa Sulayman iyo Cabdirahman Cirro.
- Golayaashi dareeme duulaanka iyo xaalad-abuurka dalka ka taagan. Golaha wakiilada waxa ka bilaabmay dood ah dambiyada iyo dastuur jabinta Madaxtooyada, kuna biyo shubantay inaan laga fursanayn maamuus-ka-xayuubin.
- Waa nidaam sharci ah oon lays hortaagi Karin. Waxa xertii Madaxtooyadu go'aamisay in Golaha lagu dagaalamo oon Wakiiladu salkaba dhigin. Waa ayaan darro ee lix nin oo saaxiibay Mujaahid Axmed Weysacadde ku jiraa dirir iyo waraaqo jeex ku dhaqaaqe.In yar oo kaftan ah. Waagii hore waxaanu Burco ku dacaayadeen jirin inay ciyaarta kubbadda ku dheelaan hab ah haddii kubbaddu ku dhaafto yaan ninku ku dhaafin. Maalin dhoweyd anigoo arrinkan dabajooga ayaan kula kaftamay nin reer Boorame ah, taas waxaad ku badashayn dhinaca siyaasadda haddii lagaa badiyo, madasha shirka khalkhali oo yaan laba fadhiisan, isna waxuu yidh Waar taas ma naqaane, Riyaale waxuu kala yimid dhinaca Itoobiya.
- Loolankii Wakiiladu waxay socotaba gaadhay bastoolad la bax iyo gardarradii soconweyday oo heshay taageero Madaxtooyo. Taariikh cusub ayaa bilaabantay. Golahii la quful, muftaaxiine gacanta loo geli Madaxtooyada waa bidco ku soo biirtay dalka.Dawladdu ku faantay"Annagaa xidhnay ilaa aan nabbadda sugnana la furimaayo". "Waxay u shaqaynayaan Shir-guddoonku cadow raba inuu burburiyo dalka"
- Dadweyne is abaabul, la yee halkan hadday dhaafto, arrinku wuu fogaan. Banaanbax salmi ah lagu soo galbi Wakiiladii, rasaasi joojinweyday, dhulkana u dhace geesiyaal ku dhintay dareenkooda ooy si sharci ah u muujiyaan. Dilki cabsi keenio waa, deedna la fur Golahii..waa xaalad-abuur kale oo fashailmay…Weedhahii dawladda"Ciidan beeleedyo hubaysan ayuu ShirGuddoonku abaabulay" iyana waa ereyo taariikhi ah oo diiwaanka loo gelin doono maamulka Riyaale.DAAWO BANAANBIXII MUWAADINIINTA RASAASTA LAGU HAFIYEY EE DHIMASHADA IYO DHAAWACABA KEENTAY http://www.radiohormuud.dk/news.php?id=2857&page=8
- Dhanka kale u bood. Waxa la birtilmansaday Golaha Guurtida. Koradhsiimo sanad iyo laba sano ah kala doorta la yidhi, la barbar eri ha la bedelo Shir-guddoonka. Cabsi gelin, sooryo, dhaameel iyo hunguri kicin la adeegsay, lagu kab qabyaad iyo qaybintii doqonnimo.Shirguddoonkii leysku dir, la gilgil kursigii Sulaymaan, isna baqanwaa, danta guud ka door bid madaxiisa, dadwenaha gaadhsii fariin adag iyo xumaanta dalka jirta iyo xaalad abuurku waxay ka soo baxdaa Madaxtooyada ee ilaashada qaranimadiina, ku baaq.
- Arbacadii 23 Sept Riyaale dib uguray, yidhi 6da Qodob ee Caalamku soo jeediyey ayaanu qaadanay. La garay Kulmiye oo uu filaayey inay waqti ka qaadato dooddu keentana isqabsi, deedna uu ku canbaareeyo mid xagjir ah oon danta guud ogolayn. Kulmiye iyo Ucid Khamiistii hor-yimaade Golayaasha iyagoo filayey hadday Riyaale ka dhab tahay in UDUBna timaado ooy wadajir uga dalbaan labada Goleba inay joojiyaan mooshinada dalka gilgilay.UDUB ma iman, bal se hab-dhaqankii hore Riyaale sii wad, isagoo isha dabaaya yidhi" Guurtidu xaq ayey u leedahay inay mooshinkooda korodhsiimo sii wadaan, si ay dalka uga badbaadiyaan xukunka ku eeg 27 Sept 2009" La yaab. Miyaan korodhsiimadii hore ahayn ilaa 29 October 2009.
- Sulayman adkeysay oo khamaar. Waxii dhacayaa ha dhacaan cidda ka masuul ahna ha la arko, ee waa inoo Jimcaha iyo coddeynta korodhsiimada…u qaate reer UDUB inay guulaysteen farxad iyo qayilaad u dhaqaaqe, lagu qabow waa sanad iyo burburkii mucaaradka.
- Fiidkii Jimacaha Mucaarad is arag soo dhige haddii berrito la kordhiyo arrin aanaan oggolayn oo ka baxsan kii aan oggolaanay ee Deeqbixiyaashu iyo Bulshada Caalamku soo jeedisay, waxaanu dhisaynaa dawlad ka kooban labada xisbi ee UCID iyo KULMIYE, kuna baaqe banaanbaxyo taageero GUJI LINKAN OO DAAWO BAAQYADA MADAXTOOYADA IYO MUCAARIDKA. http://www.radiohormuud.dk/news.php?id=2923&page=2
- Sulayman baaq dir, berrito hadday Golahu korodhsiimada madaxtooyadu doonayso hirgeliyaan, waxii dalka ka dhaca Madaxweynhaa ka mas'uul ah
- Waa arrinkii oo is-laba gadiyey. UDUB isku yaacday, madaxtooyadii la'di weyday, mar kale soo gale hawada warbaahinta, hanjabaad iyo cago juglayn la yimaada. Waxba riixi weyday, salaadii subax horteed candhuuftii UDUB dib u liqday…Ha loo foodo lixda qodob ee Caalamku soo dhigay eey hore Kulmiye iyo UCID garteen arrinki ku biyo shubay.
- Shacbigi Golahii guurtida isku xeere, danta guud u gurmade, tuse inay taladu iyaga ka go'do. Duqaydii shalayto sanadka ku baaqaayey lafahooda u cabsade, isku raace wanaag iyo wax san, ducadii Dhugad Alle rumee. Hal diidan ma leh, Sulaymanna farta ma taagin ku dhammaatay. Maamuus iyo magacii Guurtiduna dhaxantii iyo xajiintii ka maydhe. Waxii la cunay calafkeed, bal se ma dhicin waxii loo cunay!. Xoole la soo celiyaa ma jirto, waayo cid sheeganaysa ayaan jirin...dhac qarsoonaa oo la sii dhacay kii laga sii dhacay ma dabo galo.
Maqaalka kan xiga waxa aan ku eegi doonaa doorkii dhexdhexaadinta guduhu siday u gabtay. Doorka Golayaashu sharcidejintu siday ahayd? Mucaaridku ma maray dhabbo toosan? Yaa guulaystay? Maxaa laga faa'iday? Yaa ilaalin kara inaan xaalad-abuur kale dhicin?
Ugu dambayn hambalyo ayaan leeyahay ugu horreyn shacbiga ogaaday awoodooda, waxa sidoo kale aan bogaadin u dirayaa Xisbiyada Mucaaridka iyo Seddexda Gole ee dawladda; Guurtida, Wakiilada iyo Golaha Fulinta ee uu madaxa u yahay Madaxweynahu. Waxaanan leeyahay hawsha niyad san iyo hagrasho la'aan ku dhaqaajiya, khatar dambe yaan dalka la gelin. Ogaada in shacbi weyne idin eegaayo, iyagoo duruus ka qaatay dhacdooyinkii labada sano soo taxnaa.
Mahad oo dhan Allah leh.
Ahmed Arwo
Dhexdhexadin kasta oo la galo, gacan Dulmi ku nool ahayd yaa joojinaya?!! UDUB maxay ku xidhey Guddoomiyihii Gobalka Caasimadda ee Kulmiye?!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Four-Step Plan to Destroy Somaliland in Action
A Four-Step Plan to Destroy Somaliland in Action
Many Somalilanders, living in the country and abroad, have been warning the nation for several years that president Riyaale is not committed to Somaliland cause for independence but he is a committed betrayer who is digging deep grave for Somaliland sovereignty and recognition to destroy it for Somalia. The sequence of the subversive, political developments in Somaliland undoubtedly prove that what has been warned of before has materialized. Dahir Riyaale is a national traitor whose dictatorship has nothing to do for power-love but for bringing down Somaliland. Dahir Riyaale, his supporters, and foreign conspirators, who are in the treason together, have been plotting against Somaliland independence since the beginning of his wrongful presidency in 2003 with the final objective of plunging Somaliland into civil wars to create a situation similar to that of Somalia where lawlessness and anarchy reign for 19 years. These anti-Somaliland groups believe that civil wars is the only weapon to kill the dreams of Somaliland people for independent Somaliland assuming that it would create a desperate situation that leaves Somaliland people no option or choice other than reuniting with Somalia unconditionally.
Dahir Riyaale, Ismael Gelleh, the dictator-at-dusk of Djibouti, and the changing leaders of the failed state of Somalia have been involved in a Destroy-Somaliland-plan for the last 7 years. This devised political conspiracy against Somaliland independence has four-step plan designed to succeed in bringing down Somaliland. To succeed in killing Somaliland independence, the order of this Four-Step Plan to Destroy Somaliland is set up as follows:-
1. Discarding and abandoning Somaliland constitution to create a subversive dictatorship in the country eliminating the powers of the judicial and legislative branches and blocking or disrupting their constitutional services with coercive police force.
2. Ruining and bankrupting Somaliland economy with massive corruptions and bribes to weaken national sustainability, survivability and viability so that the country can not stand on its own feet.
3. Undermining and secretly fighting Somaliland recognition during visits to foreign countries creating suspicion and hesitation in countries that would otherwise recognize Somaliland. The country would be recognized by now if not damaged.
4. Holding onto the power of the country blocking presidential elections with all costs and with limitless term extensions by bribed Guurti members until civil wars are created in the country that turn it into failed state where violence and anarchy reign so that Somaliland people live in despair that forces them to reunite with violent Somalia unconditionally. Riyaale`s deafening silence about Eil Bardaale armed clashes is a part of this conspiratorial plan.
It is clear now that the traitor, Dahir Riyaale, and his anti-Somaliland groups, with the help of worthless penny-chasers who do not care the people and the country, have succeeded in carrying out the first three steps of the Four-Step Plan to Destroy Somaliland and now they are actively involved in implementing the fourth step. Without the existence of this Four-Step Plan to Destroy Somaliland, Somaliland would never be in the current heart-breaking political situation. Because Dahir Riyaale is committed to bring down Somaliland, he has to reject all national and international calls to respect the constitution of the country and he has to purposefully breach all agreements intended to solve the political impasse. One should not or must not expect that Dahir Riyaale and cronies are willing to hold fair and free presidential elections in the country knowing what they have done to it.
The only solution to save Somaliland from total destruction is, as recommended by many, to immediately remove Daahir Riyale and his regime from power as soon as possible with an organized and prepared popular uprising (Kacdoon Qaran) led by the Opposition Parties and other opposition movements targeting the residences, offices, and barracks of clan-based presidential police of Dahir Riyale and his regime. Now it is time to choose liberating uprising over killing silence. It is the nationalistic, patriotic duty of the armed forces and police to support the national uprising for Somaliland salvation. After removing Dahir Riyaale from power, the Opposition Parties have to form an interim government of national consensus that restores Somaliland reputation around the world and that paves the way for democratic presidential and parliamentary elections in one year.
During this struggle for Somaliland cause, Somaliland politicians and writers should be careful of using statements like: ?It is the end of Somaliland?, ?It is the beginning of Somaliland destruction?, ?It is over for Somaliland.? Somaliland is a country and a nation and will survive well the current unfavorable situation. This nation survived the atrocities of Siyad Barre`s Regime and will defeat the current treasonous regime headed by Dahir Riyaale, even if necessary with the sacred blood of its sons and daughters as done before. No nation disappears from the surface of the Earth but sometimes faces difficult time. These statements will only give political victory to the enemies of Somaliland and it is wise to stop. Long Live Somaliland!.
Ibrahim Hassan Gagale
Email: ibrahim_hg@yahoo.com
September 27, 2009.
Leaders of Somaliland?s Main Parties Agree to Memorandum of Understanding
Leaders of Somaliland?s Main Parties Agree to Memorandum of Understanding
HARGEISA, Somaliland (Somaliland Globe)- The leaders of Somaliland?s two main opposition parties and the ruling party have agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) put forward by donor countries that provide support for the democratization and electoral processes in Somaliland.
The MOU, which was delivered by Wubeshet Demise, the accredited Ethiopian representative to Somaliland was immediately accepted by the ruling party followed by the Justice and Welfare Party. KULMIYE however was skeptical about the very idea of entering into an agreement with the ruling party, which in the past reneged on other agreements without being brought to account.
KULMIYE finally agreed to the conditions set out in the MOU on Wednesday, 24th September but within hours of KULMIYE agreeing to the MOU, the ruling party publicly backtracked on the MOU.
The opposition parties immediately informed the House of Elders to postpone their crucial vote on extending presidential term, claiming that all parties have agreed to the MOU and will appear before the House of Elders the next day. However, only the tow main opposition parties appeared before the House of Elders on Thursday and representatives of the ruling party were no where to be found.
The Somaliland Globe has learnt that the leader of the opposition KULMIYE party, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo immediately contacted John Marshall, Deputy Ambassador at the British Embassy in Ethiopia, to inform him that UDUB, the ruling party, has failed to appear before the House of Elders as agreed, and expressed concern that the government was looking for ways and means to backtrack on the MOU to which it has already agreed.
The leader of UCID, Faisal Ali Warabe, said during his appearance before the House of Elders that he had personally contacted the presidential palace to inform representatives of the ruling party that all three political parties will be required to appear before the House of Elders to inform members ?that they [the parties] are all signatories to the MOU?.
The representatives of the ruling party initially said they will come to the House of Elders but later contacted Mr. Warabe to say their party had not been invited by the leader of the House of Elders- a claim rejected out of hand by all sides.
By Friday, the representatives of the ruling party declared and agreed to commit themselves to a dialogue with other parties with a view to creating a genuine, viable, permanent and sustainable solution to the current political impasse and, in particular, to implement this Memorandum of Understanding.
Somaliland Globe
Seven Somalis fighting with al-Houth rebels captured
Yemeni armed forces have captured seven Somalis while they were fighting with al-Houthi rebels in Saada, according to a Yemeni source.
The source, close to the Yemeni army, told the Arabic-issued Akhbar al-Yawm newspaper that the Somalis were among 20 Yemeni rebels captured on August 11.
The source further predicated that Somalis have connections to Somali Jihadi groups supported by Iranian and Eritrean intelligence agencies.
Sahawa Net
The failure of the international community and the resilience of a people
Somalia is officially classified as a failed state where warlords, Islamic extremists, suicide bombings, piracy, secessionists, poverty and anarchy prevail and are the norms of every day life. Believe it or not the Somali question remains one of the most difficult, unabated and unresolved conflicts in modern times while other major post-cold war conflicts in Europe and Africa have been resolved. In case you have forgotten, the unbearable roar of guns and bombs explosions in former-Yugoslavia that we used to see and hear through our TV screens, seem to have been silenced by, among other things, a massive military intervention supported by a long term political commitment and diplomacy as is the case in the Balkan, or through a peace keeping mission initiated by an individual country like the UK experiment in Sierra Leon where British forces have helped end a long civil war. Even other hotspots, Iraq and Afghanistan, which one can called as the 9/11 conflicts, the international community (Western powers), although they might have to stay there for a long time before realising their objectives, have installed functioning governments in those countries and have enabled them to hold "democratic" elections although imperfect and flawed. With regard to the Somali conflict, the international community seems ambivalent and divided as ever between those who have given up on Somalia, blaming Somalis for the failure! And those who are willing to help but end up taking the wrong decision, thus worsening the situation, as was the case when Ethiopia was allowed to invade and occupy Somalia. However, to be fair on history, the international community did try to help end the conflict when in 1992 the United Nations Security Council authorised the deployment of peace keeping forces (the UNISOM). Though huge resources were allocated, the mission failed for the lack of a long political commitment and plan. The death of few American soldiers was enough to force the American administration to withdraw its forces. Compare that failure of policy with another post-cold conflict namely former Yugoslavia (Balkan conflict) and you will see how these conflicts were treated differently which led to different outcomes! One was given a long term political commitment with massive military intervention while the other was left to crumble on its feet. Put it bluntly, the international community has failed Somalia. However, despite the negligence and indifference by the international community, lack of normal and formal state structure, and despite human suffering and economic costs of the conflict, Somalis have proven to be resilient, entrepreneurial, creative, hardworking and ingenious, and have accomplished some remarkable and great things against the odds. In fact Somalis have done well in some development sectors and are well ahead of those "stable" neighbouring states, including Kenya and Ethiopia. Let us tell this untold story. Powerful autonomous regional administrations Despite the threat of dismemberment, and an uncertain future, Somalis have succeeded in creating some administrations e.g. Puntland, Somaliland, TFG etc. And some of them have good functioning public institutions, which provide diverse and varied levels of peace and security and some kind of basic social services. What Somalis have got now is strong and assertive regional administrations, under which they are exercising some kind of self-rule. Somalis are now more or less autonomous and independent from a centralised government or structure, which has arguably caused the failure of the state, and which Somalis have fought against it. It is really sad that it took 30-40 years and a lot of suffering before cities such as Baydhabo, Garawe and Hargeysa could try to taste regional autonomy and asserts their freedom from Mogadishu. Also one wonders whether some of these entities with a secession tendency are not really seeking total independence but merely are craving for, and expressing the desire for legitimate greater freedoms and autonomy, which have been denied by previous governments, particularly during the dictatorship in which the famous Villa Somalia was the power-house. Somalis have now an emerging weaker federal structure embodied in the TFG, which could be utilised as a blue print for a looser federal structure. So what Somalis need right now is a negotiated federal structure that will hopefully lead to the rebirth of a stronger Somali state. Good primary education enrolment At the independence, Somalis had a Grade 1 primary enrolment of only 6,000 in 233 primary schools. During the 1960s the education system stagnated and this caused a decrease in primary education enrolment. This situation got better in early 1970s because of the successful literacy campaign, compulsory primary enrolment, and the adoption of the script of the Somali language. However, the education system deteriorated in 1977-78 due to, among other things, the Ogaden war. And a year before the collapse the central government the primary and secondary school enrolment dropped to 60,000 from 300,000 in the early years of 1980s. Although Somalis have lost two generations who are without or with little education due to state failures in 1980s and the civil strife in 1990s, and this loss of human capital will negatively impact on future human development in the country, despite the fact that Somalis lag behind most countries in terms of primary education enrolment, they have however succeeded in creating and restoring old and new educational institutions and facilities, which now provide essential education services. For example, the primary education enrolment though diverge and fluctuates between administration, has improved, and in 2003-04 enrolment shoot up to 300,000, a figure that is much higher than what it was few years prior the civil war. In addition, there are some secondary, vocational institutes, and adult education colleges, where students learn different subjects. Before the civil war, higher education was more or less bankrupt (1980s), and its institutions, for instance the Somali National University, were bankrolled by donor countries. However, during the civil strive with their hard work and resilience Somalis have successfully created new institutions from scratch. For example, it is worth mentioning the success story of creating the Amoud University in which Borama residents, faced with 8,000 primary and secondary students, transformed the residential Amoud Higher School to a university. So if yesterday Somalis were proud of the Somali National University – the only and dominant institution - to serve the country today there are up to 10 universities in the country, including among others Hargeysa University, Mogadishu University, Puntland State University, and three of them are in Africa's top 100 universities. Although the ownership, management and financing of educational institutions vary from public-community-NGO to private sector, despite the fact that some of these institutions are rudimentary and operate through varied and different curriculum and standards, although accessibility is limited due to issues around affordability, it must be recognised that these institutions provide much needed education services to Somalis. And therefore Somalis should be commended for their hard work and tireless efforts. A vibrant private sector Telecommunication: Access to telecommunication before the civil strife was very expensive and not accessible to most Somalis. Telephone lines were limited to cities and to those lucky ones who could offer it. For example, in 1990 there were about 2 fixed telephone mainlines per 1,000 people. However, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of Somalis and to new technologies today there are about 9 private operators that provide competitive telecommunication services to almost every province and to even towns and village, which did not have access to telephone prior the war. Today, there are around 25 mainlines per 1,000 persons, and availability of telephone lines (tele-density) in Somalia is higher than in neighbouring countries, three time higher than in Ethiopia. Access to international telephone calls is probably the most affordable and cheapest in whole of Africa. For example, in 2005 one minute phone-call from Mogadishu or Hargeysa cost $0.50-0.80, as the rate of one minute international phone call from a small town or a village in Somalia was cheaper than of that in Addis Ababa! In 2003, there were 63 mobile phones per 1,000 people and there are internet facilities. Although in need of regulatory and structural framework, the sector provides much needed services, which improve the lives of thousands in terms of, among other things, job creation and income generation etc. Small scale industries: Just few years before the civil war, the 53 or so state-owned large-medium and small manufacturing enterprises, like many public institutions, were breaking down and bankrupt. Then the civil war destroyed the rest, almost all infrastructure were looted. However thanks to investment by the Diaspora, the remittance sector, and some intervention by the international community Somalis have managed to re-start some old small scale plants, as they have created new ones. These include fish canning and meat processing plants in the north, some 25 factories in Mogadishu, which produce pasta, mineral water, sweets, plastic bags and sheets, hides and skins, detergent and soap, aluminium, foam mattresses and pillows, fishing boats, packaging, and stone processing etc. The airline industry: Again thanks to their entrepreneurial spirit and lack of strict regulatory frameworks, there are up to 14 private companies (e.g. Daallo) which run commercial flights from Somalia to abroad. These companies offer competitive flight tickets. These carriers have been a life-line to Somalis' booming trade, as they have been a helping hand in the delivery of crucial humanitarian assistance by the international community. So if yesterday Somalis were proud of the now bankrupt and defunct Somali Airline – the only national carrier that dominated the sky – today Somalis have successfully created private airlines companies that connect Somalis to the outside world. Road Infrastructure: in late 1970s there were 19,380 kilometres of road infrastructure which include all categories from paved, gravel, to tarmac. Despite the fact that these roads have been badly deteriorating in some parts of the country and in need of maintenance, the percentage of roads that have been paved and maintained by Somalis during the civil war period is the same as of that of Kenya and Ethiopia, and much higher than in Tanzania. Remittance fuels booming trade: Some 750,000 Somalis in the Diaspora sent US$825 million to $1billion in 2004 to Somalia. This is estimated to be around 60 percent of Gross National Product (GNP). This generosity offers much needed subsistence to relatives, and acts as a life-line not only for immediate families, but also to wider society as the money trickles down via domestic commerce to even remote rural communities. The money transfer helps much needed construction projects, small business, credit and loans schemes, as it assists in creating some job opportunities and incomes. Also, the money transfer- handled by a network of roughly 8 remittance companies, facilitates international trade. Even though these companies face future challenges in terms of adopting structural and regulatory frameworks to get them integrated into the global financial system, and despite the current setbacks caused by the closure of some companies due to alleged terrorism financing, the sector has proven to be resilient, and it continues to help a booming trade in which exports (livestock etc) and imports reached a record high US$265 million and US$400 million respectively. The remittance sector also makes regional and international payment transactions from and to Somalia more efficient and smoother than pre-war system. $100 sent from Europe/USA takes 1-2 days to reach relatives in Somalia if compared to the pre-war era where because of, among other things, bureaucracy it was a cumbersome task to transfer money via banks. It would not be an exaggeration if I say that the Somali remittance network is more efficient and reliable than those "formal" banking systems in Kenya and Ethiopia where bureaucracy and cumbersome regulatory frameworks make business and banking transaction much harder. Somalis have even tried to create banks, for example the attempt by a Somali group to open the Universal Bank of Somalia, the Dahabshiil efforts to become a bank is worth noting. Furthermore, the vibrant and resilient private sector – sometimes in partnership with public/NGO sectors, continues to provide essential services e.g. water, electricity, education and health, which are sometime better and more efficient than the pre-war service provision. And towns and villages, which even did not have access to some of these services under the central government are benefiting from it. And thanks to their resilience and hard-work Somalis' Gross National Income per capita is higher than Kenyans and Ethiopians!! Conclusion No room for complacency However, having highlighted some impressive achievements, I must say there is no room for complacency. This is because Somalis are amongst the poorest in the world and they owe the international community a massive debt of US$3.2 billion. Somalis lag behind in all human poverty indexes; and about 71% of population do not have access to sustainable water sources. In addition, they are far behind in meeting the UN's millennium targets that, among other things, stipulate universal primary education to all children by 2015. Even those stable regional administrations are now facing same old problems that existed during the central government, ranging from mismanagement of public funds; corruption; ineffective revenue collection mechanism; an imbalanced public budget in which higher percentage of the public purse is allocated to security and presidency sectors, while less is spent on social services and developmental projects. For example Puntland and Somaliland spend only 1% to 5% of their annual budget on education, which is the same as the pre-war expenditure. And obviously this would mean less education for children. Recommendations: what the international community should do: Pragmatic and practical support to all existing and emerging governance structure be it local, regional or federal. Refrain from inflaming the situation by whipping up the politics of war on terror in the region. Please try to learn a lesson from what had happened in Somali when Islamic Court Union was forced out and Ethiopia occupied Somalia. As extremism and terrorism forces in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan seem to have defeated ideologically and military, it is very likely that those forces in Somalia will be defeated by Somalis' dislike of extremism and fanaticism combined with Obama administration's policy of dialogue with the Islamic world. These forces will make noises now and then (suicide bombings etc) but it is a matter of time before they disappear. So patience is required. Do not see and use one issue e.g. piracy as a tool to resolve the Somali conflict. This is a short term strategy and policy that proved to be a failure. In order to safeguard the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country, the international community should try to coerce through diplomacy and political will all stake-holders (regional states and federal government) to work together in view of constituting a federal structure. A case in point is the recent efforts by the Congressman Donald Payne, Chairman of subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of trying to bring stakeholders under one roof for dialogue and reconciliation. This was a historic landmark in America's policy. This is the kind of soft power which the US and other countries need to use in order to bang and bash heads together because this method is much cheaper but more powerful and effective than any other methods. So please keep on inviting these institutions to your Congresses and parliaments in the hope that one day wise men with listening ears might listen to your wisdom and learn from your country's experience as united states under a federal system. For Somalis, please continue with your resilience, perseverance, ingenuity and hardworking in order to achieve even greater results in the future. Help yourself so that the world can help you. Muuse Yuusuf |
Somalia Since "Black Hawk Down"
Whatever agenda the US and UN had about sending 28 000 blue helmet soldiers to Somalia as part of a
But things went wrong when the objectives of this noble mission have been switched from humanitarian to an outright military confrontation with Somali warlords. Worse still, the mission targeted only one warlord, General Aideed, whom the UN/US forces considered as the most notorious faction leader in the areas of their responsibility. And one more mistake was the lack of coordination of the UN/US forces which had led to the demise of the billion dollar mission of two years. Needless to go back to the fate of the two year UN intervention in Somalia and its disgraceful exit following the 1993 clash between Somali militia and American Rangers. I think I should not go into the details of that military engagement as everybody is satiated with all information concerning the October 3 firefight. My point is to focus on how the present situation has evolved since "Black Hawk Down". Highlights "After Black Hawk Down" Somalia has been put ín the list of Neglected States, staging a campaign of isolation against the war-torn nation by total evacuation of all forces and closing almost all humanitarian agencies thereby leaving the people in the mercy of warlords. The general public has been paying the price of this cruel punishment in the form of: And in addition to that there were: Deepening economic crisis, Further fragmentation of the country into pieces of tribal lands as in the case of Puntland (which had assisted Somali-land to stray further away from the fold or as others say "undermined Somaliland's existence as a republic unworthy of international recognition), Spread of the self-rule virus: Killing and kidnapping of prominent journalists, peace and human rights activists, When Has Alqaeda found a foothold in Somalia? The Alqaeda ball started rolling to Somalia when the bombing of US embassies in Nairobi and Darussalam took place, Somalia has sunk deeper into the pits of isolation. It was accused of giving shelter to three of those who masterminded the bombings. The US which almost seemed to have closed the Somali chapter over the years preceding the embassy tragedy has shown a renewed interest in Somalia. Its intervention first started in a small-scale intelligence gathering surveillance on land, sea and air but later on graduated to a proxy war using warlords as their agents on the ground to hunt down foreign members of al-Qaeda, who supposedly have slipped into Somalia after the explosions. But many believed that America's search for al-Qaeda members in Somalia was no different than the WMD in Iraq which was used as a pretext to invade a sovereign nation. But the US had proven facts that the terrorists were hiding inside Somalia though the world remained very skeptical of their claims. There was no evidence of Somali Islamists giving protection to terrorists until recently when Black Hawk returned to Somalia with a well planned attack and killed a Kenyan born Arab by the name of Salah Nabhan along with six others. That was the most precise attack ever carried out by American warplance since they started hunting down Alqaeda elements in Somalia. Previously they killed innocent people and sometimes hit animals in their shed. The killing of Saleh Nabhan has shocked the Somali islamists who found the news as a harsh blow to their existence as insurgents. They have lost a key figure who may have been a major link between them and Al-Qaida in terms of communication and finance. But the killing sparked off a new wave of terror carried out by suicide bombers against the African Union forces in Mogadishu. In a one suicide attack the insurgents killed more than twenty African Soldiers at their base including the vice Commandant of the force. It is believed that those who carried out the bombings have come from America, especially Minnesota In conclusion I would say that it was too early in 1993 to let Black Hawk go to war with the Somali militia as there were many other options ( much safer and more productive) to deal with the situation than to start shooting. And now I would say it seems too late for Black Hawk to come back because the suicide bombers are being manufactured in factories located inside America and the turnover is expected to double owing to the powerful brainwash machine as well as the extensive media coverage these human bombers are receiving. This is very serious and can lure more young jihadists into the web of terror explosions. If situation is not reversed, We have little hope to see Somali back into our hands anytime soon. Abdi-Noot Mohamed Writer and Film maker Sweden nuuru2003@hotmail.com www.authorsden.com/abdinoorhajimohamed |
Wax aynaan qabsan , Cidi inoo qaban mayso , in aynu hadal, waxqabad Muuqda ku beddello Weeye!!
Waxa uu Dalkanu leeyahay Xukaam iyo qareenno badan oo shuruucda kala Duwan, mid qaran , Mid Dawli ah iyo Mid takhassuseed gaar ahba, haddana Maxkamadeheenna iyo Saldhigyada Booliska waxa ka socda , Shuruucdii Faqash laga dhaxley ee cabbudiska iyo Digdigta miidhan ahayd!! Halgankii iyo Xornimada aynu la soo noqonneyba way ka xog la'dahay Wasaaradda Garssoorku !! Aqoon-Darro kama jirto wasaaradda eh, Maxa loo sameyn waayey, Xeerka Madaniga, Ciqaabta iyo Xeerka Habka Maxkamadaha ee Somaliland oo aan ahayn in kaa hore ee aynu sheegney jaldiga uun laga beddelo!!
Maashaa Allaah, Caasimadda koonaha aad ka wareegtoba waxaad arkeysaa Akademiga fulaan, jaraa'idka waxaad ku arkeysaa jaamicado laga qalin jebinayo, haddana Askari Maleeshiyo ah oo aan Astaan qaran, Darajo iyo Aqoon –Shuruuceed midnaba lahayn ayaa Xildhibaanno Bulshadu six or ah oo Dastuuri ah u soo Dooratey , huwanna dhawristii Diblomaasiyadeed ee qaranka Somaliland, graca oo xidha !! Aqoontan intan leegina ay Dalka joogtaa!! Inanka Dugsiga sare ka baxaa aqoon sidii taariikhda loogu dhigey ayuu bartey ee Maaddadda Oxygeneka ma Diyaarin karo haddii qalabka lagu sameeyo la hordigo, Theory ahaanse wuu u fasirayaa!! Waxbaradaay, maxaa innaga horjooga in aynu Tacliin la dabbaqo barno Ubaxa Dalka ee Madaxda burrito noqoneysa!!?
Ciidammada Asluubtu, Siyaasaddii hore ee loo sameystey Dalkan si loo cadaadiyo Bulshadiisa in ay weli Dabada hayaan maaha. Jeelku Maaha meel lagu cadaabo Muwaadinka gafa ee Waa Madal lagu qoro, lagu Xardho iyada oo Edbin nidaam barid ah iyo Waxbarasho loo fidinayo si uu Muwaadin Caafimaad qaba isaga oo ah Mujtamaca xubin farsamo la soo barey, shuruucda loo soo laqimay, amar qaadashada soo bartey uu ugu soo noqdo, ilaa maanta, himil;adaasu wey dhiman tahay!! Wasaaradaha Dalxiiska iyo Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka, Hoggaan Wax-garad ahi Wasaarado gooni u taagan kamuu dhigeen waqtigan ee Midba Wasaaradda ugu dhaw Wada –shaqeyntooda ayuu ku dari lahaa!! Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanow, wax kaleba ha joogaane, Ummad aan Tiyaatar lahayni Ummad dhaqan leh Maaha. Haddii aad qaadhaan Dadweyne Furi lahaydeen, Maanta Caasimaddu Tiyaater way lahaan lahayd, Dalxiiskuna Haddii uu ka hawlgeli lahaa dhawr Goobood oo Dalka ah, Ganacsatada Waaweynna si dhaw ula shaqeyn lahaa , Maal gashi Shisheeye iyo Waddani ahba oo Dalxiis , waa fursado waaweyn oo ilaa imika Dalka ka jira kana furan ee Cudurka kaa gala Fardaha , haddii laga gubo Dameer , Dawada lama gaadhi karo!! Aqoon , Aqoon Aqoon ayaa fursadaha Himilo Furta ee Af-laga hadlaa ma furo!!
Dalkan khayraadka jiifa iyo Bad barrigiisu , Saddex Dawladood oo Somaliland leeg ka badan ee labada Musiibo ee horjooga, gegidan cidlada ahna ku hayaa, Waa Siyaasadda inta Cunaha kaga maran Ummadda ee isku bahaysatey Maamulka oo Aqoonta ku xajiimoota, , Xilalka Dawladda lo ohayo oo aan lagu xisaabtamin Mas'uuliyadaha Waxqabad, Maamul aan qorshe Qarameed Muddeysan oo Horumarineed iyo Aragti Hoggaamiye qaran oo lagu hago Dalka aan lahayn!! Baarlamaankii Ummaddu soo dooratey oo imika waxay la iman mooyaane hore khuuro ugu jirey, Sanad walbana Miisaaniyad Macmal ah oo aan Xisaab Xidh iyo lifaaq qorshe qarameed opo Muddeysan midna wadan ansixinaayey, Dalka iyo Bulshada 96%ka shaqada kla'na aanu hal shilin ugu jirin eek u ekeyd uun Maamulka!! Waxa Nasiib Darro ah in Goleyaasha Sharci-Dejintu ka warhayso Boorame iyo Awdal in ay Birr Xabashi ka socoto, Sool Sanaag iyo Togdheerna Giimbaartu, Bal hadda ka sheekeeya sida Cashuur mideysan Gobollada Dalka oo Dhan looga soo xareynayo iyo sababta sannadkii 19aad Maamul xumo Dalka u ragaadisey ee aynu Dalkeenna lacagta Somaliland uga socodsiin la'nahay?!!
Warshaddan Sibidhku beri hore ayey shaqeyn lahayd haddii Maamulku Saamiyo dhex dhigo Ummadda Soomaliland, Kumannaan Muwaadinna wey u shaqo tegi lahaayeen, waanse loo jeedin oo Komishan iyo saamiyo ayaa lagu doonayaa cid loogula gurguurto, sidii adhiga iyo Shidaalka !! Saxaafadda Curdinka ah ee Madaxa Bannaan waxaanu ka codsaneynaa in ay la jaan-qaaddo, Aragtida waxqabadka iyo hufnaanta ku saleysan oo ay Saxaafadda Baac dheer u yeelaan ay isla wararka ay qorayaan raaciyan tioxraacyo iyo dhacdooyinkii hore ama khalfiyadaha warkaasi lahaa "Analytic Journalism" ee Sidii Maamul;kii Afwene " Jaalle Warsame wuxuu soo indho-indheeyey aanay inna odhan!!. Warsamahan oo ahaa nin ay odeyga isku hayb ahaayeen oo Agaasime Guud iyo Wasiirba soo Marey indho-la'aana. Weriye Axmed Xassan Cawke oo Habeenkaa warka ku qorraa ayaa warqaddii wakaaladda wararka ee Sona ay ku soo qortey , Markey indhihiisu ku dhaceen ereyga indho-indheeyey, qalinlkii jeebka kala sooo baxay oo dhar ilbidhiqsi ku beddeley, Jaalle Warsame wuxuu soo dhego-dhegeeyey !!!! Subaxnimadii ayaan isla soo taagey kaafateriya ay Idaacaddu lahayd horteeda ,, Faadumo Cumar Xaashi oo Xafiiska Xidhiidhka Dadweynaha ee Xisbiga Hantiwadaagga ka tirsaneyd oo Weriye Axmed ku haysata , Amarka iyo sababta uu warkii SONNA ku beddeley? Cawke inta uu qosley ayuu ku yidhi Faadumo" Jaalle ma waxaad dooneysaa in layska xdho Idaacadda muqdisho dhegeysigeeda ? Waayo bay tidhi, Wuxuu ugu jawaabey. Faadumooy Ummaddu way garaneysaa Warsame indhoole in aanu waxba indho-indheyn Karin ee uu indho-la'yahay ee Tawraddu ma been Sharciyeysan ayey na baraeysaa? Aboowe maya ayey tidhi intey Axmed Gacanta qabsatey oo ay igala yar fogaatey, iyada oo aan ahayn sidii ay noogu timid ee qosleysana wey naga tagtey!!
Saxaafadda Xil weyn ayaa ka saaranm kor u kicinta Dalka. Waa inay iftiimiso xaqiiqada xilgudasho ama gudasho la,aan ee Mas'uuliinta iyo shuruiuc ku dhaqannimada Mas'uuliinta Dalka iyop Muwaadiniintaba.
Dr. Cali Cabdi Muxumed
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Turkish military captures 7 pirates
Saturday, September 26, 2009
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkey's military says navy commandos aboard a frigate have captured seven pirates in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia's coast.
The military says the commandos aboard the TCG Gediz raided the skiff early Saturday following a request to block it before it could attack two ships bearing the flag of Panama.
A statement on the military's Web site says a navy helicopter aboard the frigate also took part in the operation.
The Turkish frigate is in the area as part of a NATO force patrolling the seas.
Turkish navy commandoscaptured pirates in similar operations in the Gulf of Aden in July.
Source: AP, Sept 26, 2009
To Save Somaliland We Have A Duty To Start The Change Process Immediately
Many of us, who are praying for change to happen in our motherland, are advised to start the change process wherever they are. Let's change for good. I will agree with early Cabdulahi Suldan timo Cade, when he poet in one of his advice (tribilesm is destruction ) that if you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. In the same way, Somalilands should first take a look at themselves and start the change. We have role models to copy or follow their ideas. If a small percentage of us start this change process wherever they are and be consistent, then there could be hope to revive Somaliland . We have to remember that we have a choice to either save Somaliland or sink Somaliland . To save Somaliland we have a duty to start the change process immediately. Every little positive effort will matter a lot. Failure to save Somaliland disastrous.
But I must caution people that, there will be no quick fix to Somaliland as problem. Changing the entire Somaliland system will be a difficult project; therefore we should be prepared for a tough project. Many of us will resist changes. Change itself is difficult. Many of Somalilands who are below 30 years have known no other system except the present day Somaliland system. Therefore changing more than half of the population will be tough and challenging. This is the more reason why any person that desires change should start changing his/her environment in any small way that is possible.
The grassroots will be a good starting point for changes. Change comes not from the top down but from the ground up. Management of people at the grassroots is very essential for any successful change. Revolutionaries all over the world have high sense of patriotism and have introduced positive changes to the lives of their people. Same should apply to Somalilands seeking to start quiet revolution or change. Henceforth it will be ideal for Somalilands to be thinking of individual/private sector led change of the Somaliland system. There are a lot of changes that the civil society can spearhead. Also changing Somaliland is burden for all of us, therefore the earlier we start changing our nation the better for all of us. May God bless Somaliland
Democracy is not compatible with police or military dictatorship. In a democracy, the desire of the people is supreme, there is complete freedom of expression and there is no barrier of cast, creed, community, minority, majority, religion and language in a true democracy. Democracy is not possible without the full participation of every section of the people of the country where a village will be the basic unit. Hence a democratic person should work only for the reservation of the democracy instead of for the interest of his political party.
I don't think this crisis has created by one person or two but more than that. Yes,Riyaala, leadership and Udub is on top to take the responsibility of some of the problems but Electrol Commission have their share of creating this mess.
Amiin Dahir