Urgent call [Baaq] to the Goorte of Somaliland
20 Sep, 2009
It is said that " conscience is Gods' presence in man" that means if there is no conscience in each and every member of the "Goorti" there is no presence of God's mercy there! When that happens 'Satan' occupies there and in earnest opens shop there! [Wal ciyaado bilaahi] therefore the Goorti must avoid letting the cursed 'Satan' to open shop in their house again! We ask you not to allow this to happen again!
There are people who respond to the irrational clanistic instinct, which serves only those who least care the interest of the people and the country of Somaliland, but care their 'belly and pocket', period! Those are in alliance with the 'Satan' and unfortunately the big 'Satan' here is the government headed by Riyaale and his gang! They are determined to 'Somaliaize' Somaliland and as a consequences of that they are setting for the 'Shabaab' to take over Somaliland with out understanding they are doing just that!
Further extension for Riyaale by means of vote buying as usual, the " Goorte" will be an associate with Riyaale in dismantling and destroying Somaliland! History will not be kind to you!
You already damaged and harmed Somaliland when you aliened your selves with Riyale regime in exchange with monetary benefits! History will judge you unkindly. The Somaliland people will never forgive you! Please activate your conscience and stop moving to that direction again, this time! Clean your soul this time, Allah may forgive you! The people may forgive you! It is your people! It is your country!
It is also said, " a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds adored by little statesmen" [Emerson- self Reliance] that means the house of the Goorti must not and must never again be consistent in foolishness! In unconstitutional, unconscionable, unpopular moves and acts of never ending renewals of an expired term for a president who showed incompetency and insensitivity at times! Indifference and dishonesty at other times! Lack of understanding of the seriousness of the situation in all times! Deceit and deception in most of the times!
Consistency in hurting Somaliland still wiz a part of Riyaale's plan! He has been true to one thing and one party and that is- his material interest and a few of his associates! That is catastrophe indeed! What are missing here are the people and the country of Somaliland! Where are the hopes, dreams and aspirations of Somalilanders in this equation?
Another front:
It is clear to every body, local and international levels that Riyaale's government in one side, and the opposition parts and the people on the other side, do not trust each other!
When that is the case it is incumbent upon the house of "Goorte" as well as the house of the Representatives to call (form) an independent body agreed upon and entrust them to lead the nation in this juncture out of this quagmire in to a fair and transparent elections in a specified time set forth- as a care taking entity right after September27, no hesitation here! Riyaale entity, will resist such move, you insist this be done. Don't capitulate. No more! not this time.
The evildoers will try to stop you but don't let them do three-way, which is the destruction and demolition of what we have founded in Borao! What we shed tears for, what we paid blood and treasure for.
The care-taking body could consist the chairs of the house of congress as the constitution might stipulate as a first option.
The other option could be choosing anon-partisan states man or women who contributed the liberation of Somaliland, who helped the founding of this second Republic. Some one who has the guts and the courage and the popularity to tackle this national salvation task Professor, Mujahed Ibrahim Maigag Samater a veteran, may be the right person for this nation saving job in this situation. Others with similar stature could do the job as well
Nations call their states men or women when need arises, at times of crises. It is time to move into that direction. That is if we are serious for the salvation of Somaliland! Most of us are, I dare say!
Somaliland has been kidnapped and the ransom is to leave Riyaale government keep the Mother in their possession as long as they desire whether or not it is constitutional! Whether the people, the opposition, the houses of congress like it or not, even when they are ruining it and indeed they are! " Else, embrace civil war!" the government threatens! They already restarted in "Ceelbardaale"
That madness must not stand! It must not be entertained, condoned or accepted under any circumstance
Save the 17 years effort to make Somaliland a peaceful working democracy before Mr. Riyaale and associates have changed every thing to the worst!
Save the 10 years struggle to find the lost Somaliland until we reclaimed our Somaliland independence back. Save your country from Riyaale and associates before it is too late
They already did the damage, but we could salvage and revive her!
To the foreign entities
If any one entity or government wants to help Somaliland as well as their own interest, that is welcome, but that does lie with the people and not with a gang who hold the people of Somaliland as hostages, by force of arms. Don't extend the misery of the people of Somaliland by (your) mere suggestion of extension of the term of (Riyaale) some one who is there to loot the country and in the end cause civil war, then run away! (Their families are already out side the country!) Don't side with some one whose people don't want him!
Don't support the wrong side! Go with the people's side, or else back off
However peace
Ibrahim Mead
Executive Director
Community Advancement through
Conflict Resolution International
Ottawa, Canada
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