Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kulmiye’s Operation Blitzkrieg Angered and Ruffled Rayaale Regimes Feathers

Kulmiye's Operation Blitzkrieg Angered and Ruffled Rayaale Regimes Feathers


"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Martin Luther King Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963

Word of the day, "Dictatorships are fragile entities that thrive on fear, intimidation, lies, corruption, collective punishment and media black out."


I am starting this piece by saying we won't be discouraged by Rayaale regime's incessant intimidation, illegal public property sales, abuse of power and crack down on the media. The bizarre and incoherent statements and messages coming from the Rayaale regime all last week, have puzzled many Somalilanders. Despite all their antics and strange behavior, we won't back down from demanding their peaceful resignation, before they are removed by a landslide election victory, or washed away by torments of peaceful but raging masses with pitch forks. We will fight back with our brains, pens, poetry and the ballot box. We will use peaceful civil rights disobedience against Rayaale's life bullets and the misuse of the national police. He will not hesitate to use bullets but instead we will use pens and pencils. In the final analysis our pens will prevail over his bullets. Justice will overcome injustice, light will overtake darkness, and the day will prevail over night no matter what they do Rayaale regime's days are over. They refused to heed the multiple advices demanding their quiet resignation, and they are clearly heading to oblivion, infamy and shame. They keep on coming up with dirty trick after dirty trick. All those tricks and trepidations will fail and they will be chased out of power anyway.

Rayaale came to power through the ballot box. He barley won the presidency through a relatively free and fair elections. The difference between him and the opposition Kulmiye party candidate was very slim. The election was a relatively free and fair elections where the difference in a heavily contested election was just 50 votes. That kind of experience rarely happens in Africa and the Middle East. At the time Rayaale was competing against a decorated war hero with a very illustrious resume Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Siraanyo. From all corners of the country Somalilanders have voted for him with utmost enthusiasm and excitement, but overtime Rayaale real genes and true colors If you will came out. For the last several years he was degenerated into a money-gusting and public lands grape machine, who can potentially exchange with few dollars, anything no matter how precious or dear to the people. All over the country, he went through a frenzy of selling public lands to private property. His property sales spree reached unprecedented peak when he sold the historical islands of Saadin and Ceebat to foreign individuals from Djibouti. The later sale struck a cord with all Somalilanders and especially the people of Awdal/Salel and Gabiley, who are up in arms inside and outside the country. They are organizing, raising funds and speaking out against the devastation and destruction this dictator has unleashed on the country. We are seriously telling those who think Rayaale can sell our land to them think again, this despot can't sell our land. This movement is determined and driven to drive out this greedy beast from office by any means necessary.
The movement may also may pursue a legal action against him, pertaining to a number of criminal acts he was allegedly involved with.
Rayaale's unfounded lies and fabrication towards Kulmiye's visit to the United States were triggered by jealousy and insecurity

Two days after the first huge reception of Chairman Ahmed. M. Siiraanyo held in Minneapolis, Rayaale called for a news conference where he failed to conceal his burning anger and jealousy towards Kulmiye party. His deputy minister of foreign affairs said " Ahmed M. Siranyo is forbidden to come back to the country." Their other officials also went out and waged a massive fabrication and slander campaign against Kulmiye party. These were baseless lies that amounted to nothing. There is nothing wrong Kulmiye party did, that triggered all that bizarre anger and antics. All these unwarranted rants and rage were touched off by the growing Kulmiye success, and Rayaale regime's increasing unpopularity.

Anger, rants, jealousy, incoherent statements, false and baseless propaganda against the Kulmiye delegation can not work. Rayaale's bad intentions, political bumpling and the continuous disruption of the presidential election is crystal clear. This regime did not seem to be ready to a peaceful transfer of power. Again they are not ready for a clean and legal election to take place. They are increasingly becoming unpopular and the hatred and disdain towards the regime is rapidly raising up. To stop the election from happening, they keep coming up with one road block after another. They look at the polls and did not like what they saw, but unfortunately they can't be spared from the wide spread public anger this time.

What Kulmiye party and all Somalilanders are facing is a democratically elected person, metamorphosed into his original genes, and the dictatorial colors he inherited from the fascist Siyad Barre's regime he used to work for as a National Security Officer. The later were notorious and deadly group who were behind the death and the disappearance of thousands of innocent people. Despite his Siyad Barre tactics and style, Kulmiye party is peacefully seeking the office of the presidency through the ballot box.

Step by step break down of Kulmiye's official visit to the United States

The recent official visit to the United States is part of a clean and legal campaign they are trying to unseat a dictator, who is still resorting to what he knows best, corruption, embezzlement of funds, sale of public property, dirty tricks, manipulation, creation of dispute prone regions, abuse of power and the office. Kulmiye party has waged a smart, and shrewd international political campaign to rally the troops, get acquainted with important political centers and excite the base.

The chronology of Kulmiye's official visit to Ethiopia and the United States is as follows:

Chairman Ahmed M. Siraayo first leg of his visit was Addis Abba, Ethiopia. The next president of Somaliland has met high officials in the Ethiopian government, and diplomats from premier countries that are interested in Somaliland. They stayed in Addis Abba for about two weeks. Their official meetings with high Ethiopian officials and others ended up with an atmosphere of understanding and friendship.

Kulmiye party chairman and his delegation arrived at Washington Dulles airport on the 7th of January, 2009. They were welcomed at the airport by senior United States officials, and Kulmiye party officials from the local Washington D.C. branch. The distinguished delegation stayed in Washington for a little more than a week, at which time they have conducted series of meetings with senior officials, from the United States government including state department, ministry of defense, and congress. The negotiations have been ended with an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the two countries.

The Delegation led by the next president of Somaliland, and Kulmiye party his Excellency chairman Ahmed Mohamed Siiranyo reached the twin cities of Minneapolis/St.Paul on Sunday, 17th of, 2010. They were welcomed at the airport by the Somaliland community of Minnesota led by Kulmiye party officials of the state of Minnesota. When the limousine of the delegation reached Minneapolis Hilton Hotel in down town Minneapolis, a large crowd from the Somaliland community have welcomes them. At that night the delegation led by his Excellency chairman of the Kulmiye party spoke in a reception. Large number of the Somaliland community members of Minnesota have participated in that reception. On Monday January 18th , the delegation and all Kulmiye members of the Twin cities of St.Paul and Minneapolis were invited to a working dinner hosted by one of the Kulmiye leaders in the state of Minnesota, held in the Minneapolis suburb of Burnsville. The delegation left Minneapolis on the 19th of January, 2010.

The next destination of the Kulmiye party delegation was Washington D.C. where the next president was invited back again by the United States government. After a short stop in Washington, the delegation will head to Columbus Ohio and on the 23th of January they conducted a huge reception in a five star hotel in down town Columbus Ohio. Kulmiye supporters who came as far away as Toronto, Michigan, Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana have participated in the reception. The huge turn outs wherever the next president of Somaliland, H.E. Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Siiranyo is a vivid demonstration of the tremendous thirsty for change in Somaliland. The outpouring of support is testament to the fierce urgency of now. Their is a huge tendency and energy in the air aspiring to remove the current inept, dictatorial, childish, jealous and bickering Rayaale regime from power. One more day the Rayaale administration stays in power means one more day of corruption, mismanagement, conflict creation between Somaliland communities, illegal sale of public land. One more day in power means creation of more unnecessary conflict prone districts and regions, more corruption and more bizarre decisions and statements. This man is from the old school of Africa's failed state mentality. This man is a throw back of Africa's big men and president's for life who are mostly extinct today. The mentality of the current corrupt regime is not compatible with Somaliland's forward-looking populace. This regime do not belong to the 21st century.


Dictatorship is a state basically run by one man. They are usually paranoid, schizophrenic, impulsive, volatile, micro-managers with heavy doze of insecurity. They fragile entities that thrive on fear, intimidation, abuse of power, collective punishment, suspicion and fear. Statistics collected in the aftermath of fallen dictatorships indicated staggering data. Most of those data showed that overwhelming majority of those dictatorships end up in catastrophe, failure and extremely bad results. Nazi Germany Fascist Italy, the Soviet Union, Congo, Siyad Bare former Somalia, Ethiopia's Mengistu, Uganda's Idi Amin are few examples among many. Courage, democracy, the truth and freedom of expression are the enemies of dictatorship.

Break down of Rayaale's numerous road blocks and attempts to disrupt the election

1. Creation of numerous new so-called, unplanned, not thought of regions. He just created, imaginary and virtual regions which are potential land mines. The first thing Kulmiye has to do is to tell the people carving imaginary regions is not the right thing to do. Rayaale has created all such unnecessary and wrongly carved multiple tribal Bantus-tans in order to harvest votes. He has preferred supposed short time personal gains with disastrous results to long time public tranquility. His lack of foresight may potentially cause long time land disputes. He seemed to care less about the negative consequences an unnecessary disputes such artificial ghost regions may cause.The right thing to do is to work hard to build a pluralistic, prosperous and peaceful Somaliland.
2. The relentless sale of public property and other Real Estate in exchange for few dollars.
3. For the first time in history he was embarked in an unprecedented sale of ancient islands of Saadin and Ceebat.
4. Cynical manipulation of the Ceelbardale dispute.
5. Creating conflict between peaceful clans
6. Rayaale is a cynical divider not a unifier.
7. Constant creation of problems in the Guurti so he can manipulate and pressure them to give him more illegal extensions. The Guurti name has been already damaged when they gave the dictatorial Rayalle regime two illegal extensions.
8. Creation of multiple and endless conflicts and constitutional crisis

Suleiman Egeh

 Freelance writer and a senior science instructor

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