Friday, May 28, 2010



Mr. Riyaale, I can hardly imagine the shock you must have
felt when you discovered that you were on losing side of the voice of the
people of Somaliland  not just once, but for ever.

. Don't work your self into tizzy over your political failure at the
election, and don't embarrass yourself by apologizing for you double
failure.The last failure must really hurt, as it will burn you for many years
to come, but you really should move on in life. Think for your self rather than
repeat the nonsense. so Truth is when it comes to pandering and buying
votes for your perty through social spending and so you despite the fact that
you spent taxpayer money on self gain projects and to maintain your seats at
the highest level in country and the just name. 

As you know you should beproud, and not apologetic. 
Your goverment  toes the line on power abuse
and corruption, even if you swallow the pill of open warfare where innocent
people actually die. You still have much to celebrate and much to gain.So
loser you can take comfort in your deserved loss by pointing to the fact that
your party ultimately won on many important issues facing the county.The people
of Riyaale supporter's need to stop lying to themselves about these
so called "UDUB" they are a bunch of self-serving ragtag band of
criminals shaking down the Somaliland people and blackmailing
the Somaliland government, distracting from the real and dire hoppe
degradation. Those clowns do not champion the cause of Somaliland
people rather they exploit it.

As we all know the disparate elements that aligned their
interests to from Riyaale regime will not manage to stay in power any
longer; no one can totally acurately predict the future except God, but
there are some indicators that show where the our country's going. In my humble
opinion, unless samething is done to change the Goverment situation within the
country like voteing system and election corruption, power
abuse,taking the voting card's, The country will go to a dangerous area.As we
all know when we elect this Government, it was supposed to give benefits for
every one and every body who is normal and disable.

But in reality it is more like the more people been suffer
and continnuing bain.,because Goverment corruption's and their abuse,Also
blocked the benefits.Riyaale, Goverment has no consideration for life what so
ever. And he's literally taking away our benefits with this so called
"Peace is importent" and then abuse the power." It means we'll
have less benefits and we will have less of a chance of getting the benefits
we need in order to move on in our lives and live the lives we want to live and
the goverment we want. Sometimes i just wish President riyaale would just go
away and for all the terrible things he has done to the Somaliland
people. we all literally  itching from the anticipation. Honestly Mr.
Riyaale, he's the worst man to ever have been elected in Somalilnd President
office if there is any thing worse Riyale it's people who are pro-Riyaale and
spend all their time thinking about him and just can't seem to get over saying
just  we need other direction just how wonderfull.Until they can find a
president that is truly dedicated to promoting greater freedom and peace, I
don't think any of the other issues can be resolved. My God some people just
literally need their head fixed. So any ways Mr. Riyaale I'll let you go
and get off the peoples future.As we all know Riyaale and his minister's they
seek and exercise supremacy here cotrolling us in the same way they do the Siad
Barre system.

As we all know not a single major Somalilnd news paper daily
picked up the corruption story which Riyaale make day in and day out nor did
any of the normal news programs of major TV and other news Somaliland news
networks uttor a word about this huge scandale and corruption olso bower abuse
the goverment controls the TV, News paper's and send what ever information they
wants "down the memory hold". Our people must understand that the
objectives of Riyaale Goverment and their shodows.They control us in the most effective
way of all the mind control exerted by their dominance of mass media.The media
control and the political supremacy they exercese though the unbridled power of
information. In this country truned upside down if we are not thing the right
way.Democracy is suited to a state where people who want to exercise power are
capable of sinking differences and cooperating for the general good and have
acquired knowledge and judgment enough to elect suitable representatives and to
judge as to the propriety of general lines of policy.The must respected law of
our goverment is constution, how is under atteck many times, which are so
essential to freedom, era being cast away.and Somalilnad peoples just smile and
say go ahead.We must understand the corruption system and then squerly on their
belly buttum.They are often, self-destructive.These understandings turn our
windshiel wipers on so that we can clearly see Riyaale and his Goverment

 The last thing I w'll like to tel you is I recently
went to Somaliland at 2007 on a
mission. My mission was to pay close attention to my family members, friends
and anyone I came in contact with.However after my visit, I concluded,
corruption is not Somaliland's problem.
Selfishness, on the other hand, is our problem. The get all you can and sit on
it attitude is in 99.9% of us.As you know loving one's self and wanting
the best for one's life is not in itself a bad thing. Afterall, you can't give
what you don't have thus, you have to love yourself to be able to show the same
love to your neighbor. When that love turns to self obsession, things get

Dahir Caynaanshe
Columbus, Oh

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