Monday, December 31, 2012

Somaliland: “The Government Congratulates Its People on Successful Local Elections”

Somaliland: "The Government Congratulates Its People on Successful Local Elections"
Sunday, 30 December 2012 17:14

Press Release

Somalilandsun - The Government of the Republic of Somaliland welcomes the outcome of Somaliland's November 28th local elections, our latest in a series of several presidential, parliamentary and local elections stretching back to 2002.

Following a successful period of peaceful campaigning and voting in which the country's hard-won 21 years of stability was maintained, the election results have finally been tabulated and verified. We would like to congratulate all the local counselors, mayors and governors on their successes, while also commending those who have lost for respecting the results and maintaining the dignity of the country's democratic process. We echo the praise of the international election observers of our people's sincere commitment to democracy.

The government and the people of Somaliland would like to thank international donors, implementing organisations and election observers for again showing their commitment to assisting our country's consolidation of democracy. Such financial and technical support was crucial to the peaceful and smooth completion of the elections, and we hope such support will only continue in advance of Somaliland's upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections.

Our democratic path continues to stand out as a shining example of the democratic potential inherent to the peoples of the Horn of Africa and the continent as a whole, and we have seen encouraging progress in many areas, such as the increased participation of youth and women as voters and candidates and the use of the judicial system to resolve electoral disputes. But as democratic practices become further institutionalized, new challenges will unavoidably arise, and our people must be brave and spirited enough to learn from those challenges.

We therefore take heed and are prepared to address the recommendations of the international election observers to put in place a robust and effective voter/citizen registration system to guarantee the integrity of each and every vote. Our government institutions and civil society organisations are already exploring ways to make this a reality. We call on the international community to support these efforts.

With each passing election, Somaliland's commitment to stability, peace, democracy and the fight against extremism becomes more evident. Underpinning this commitment is the Somaliland people's belief that to compromise these values would be to not only undermine the country's potential for development and growth, but also create a setback in the efforts of neighboring countries and the international community in reestablishing peace throughout the Horn of Africa.

Press Office Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

War Baa U Gaajo Badan! (Qormo Wax Ka Iftiiminaysa Warfidiyeennimada Maanta ee Soomaalida iyo Tii Hore ) Qalinkii: Maxamed Baashe X. Xasan

War Baa U Gaajo Badan! (Qormo Wax Ka Iftiiminaysa Warfidiyeennimada Maanta ee Soomaalida iyo Tii Hore ) Qalinkii: Maxamed Baashe X. Xasan

Xilligii dagaalkii Labaad uu adduunka ka holcayey, ayaa maamulayaashii gumaysiga Ingiriiska ee.........

Waa la isku raacsan yahay badi ba in warku maanta u dhigmo oo la maqaam yahay quutal daruuriga maalinlaha ah ee afka iyo gacanta aadanaha u dhexeeya, Soomaalida na waxa ba lagu tilmaamaa in ay ka mid tahay quruumaha ugu warka iyo wacaasha jecel. Soomaalidu waa "war ku nool" baa la yidhaahdaa. Marka laba nin oo dheelmanayaa dalandool ahaan meel cidla'waaqla' ah ugu kulmaan waxa ay isku nabdaadiyaan"Waar maxaa la sheegay" oo nuxurka ka dambeeyaa yahay "maxaa war la hayaa" 

Xilligii dagaalkii Labaad uu adduunka ka holcayey, ayaa maamulayaashii gumaysiga Ingiriiska ee Somaliland haystey loo sheegay in dadkii Soomaalidu is gaadhsiiyeen warar tibaaxaya in ciidamadii Ingiriiska ee dagaalkaas ku jirey lagu wiiqay Hindiya, Burma iyo Bariga Fog oo laga adkaaday. Xilligaas ma jirin sida maanta warbaahin casri ah iyo teknoolijiyaddan xiimaysaa midkoodna, waxaana Ingiriisku la yaabay sida dadka Soomaalidu wararkaas u heleen iyo sida dhakhsaha badan ee ay ugu dhex faafeen. Waxa la yidhi waxa uu Ingiriiskii isugu yeedhay raggii gabyaaga ahaa ee beelaha dhexdooda ka sheegganaa. Waxa uu u qaybiyey lacag iyo dhar ay ugu mudnaayeen laba go' oo cadcad oo bafto ah oo xilligaas lagu xarragoon jirey. Waxa uu yidhi ka gabya dagaalka oo tilmaama in Ingiriisku kaga gacan sarreeyo cid kasta goobaha lagu dagaallamayo ee Bariga Fog iyo meelaha kaleba. Ingiriisku waxa uu ogaa in gabaygu Soomaalida ugu jirey waagaas halka caalamka kale ay ugu jireen idaacadaha iyo jaraa'idku. 

Nin ka mid ahaa raggii ugu fadallo cadcaddaa maansoyahannadii loo yeedhay, Maxamed Nuur Laangadhe, ayaa ka tiriyey munaasabaddaas tixdan geeraarka ah ee taariikhda gashay, caankana noqotay: 

Gudaha ceelkan Hargeysa 
Weligay gees uma dhaafin 
Inta aan wax gasiintey 
Iyo intaan gaajo ku seexday 
Haddii laysu minguursho 
Malaa waa isku gaw we 
Bal maxaan laba gaal 
Oo abtirsiiyo gudboon 
Mid maxaan u gumayn 
Midna guusha u siinoo 
Aniga iiga gidhiish ah 

Mar haddaan ka gabyey 
Go'aygiina ka qaatay 
England baa gubanaysa 
Maxaa iiga gidhiish ah! 

Maamulkii Ingiriis markii uu arrinta geeraarkan maqlay ee loo geeyey ayuu mar kale sii yaabay, waana markaas xilligii uu Ingriisku bilaabay hindisihii ugu horreeyey ee ay ku dhaqan geliyeen markii dambe (qiyaastii 1946) Codkii Goodirka: Idaacaddii Radio Hargeysa oo ahayd idaacaddii ugu horraysey ee Afka Soomaaliga ku baxda (Hooyadii Idaacadaha Afka Soomaaliga). 

Laanta Afsoomaaliga ee BBC London ayaa iyana hindise kaas la mid ah ku timid toban sannadood ka dib Radio Hargeysa, xilligii uu socdey dagaalkii Kinaalka Suways (1956) ee Yuhuudda oo reer galbeedku, gaar ahaan Ingiriiska iyo Faransiisku la saf ahaayeen iyo Carabta oo Masar hormuud u ahayd ayaamihii Jamaal Cabdinaasir. 

Mar kale ayaa maamulayaashii gumaysiga Ingriiska loo geeyey adduun-arag-wadareeddii Soomaalida ee ku waajahnayd dagaalkaas. 

Geedkii jirrid leh ba 
Nabsaa jebiyee 
Jamaal ma ka xidhay 
Jidkii Yurub! 

Mar kalena waxa ay lahaayeen oo Soomaalida ku dhex faafay hal-ku-dheggan: 

Jamaal Cabdinaasir 
Ninkii la jihaada 
Allow jebi! 

Halgankii Gobannimo-doonka ee Soomaalida iyo Codkii Qaahira ee Afsoomaaliga, ayaa isku xidhmay. Dhinaca kalena waxa taas la kortay aragtidii Hantiwadaag-u-janjeedhka ahayd ee caalamka beryahaas ka calanwallaynaysey, taas oo Ingiriiska ku riixdey aasaaskii Laanta Afsoomaaliga ee BBC. 

Warfidiyeenkii Soomaalida ee xilliyadaasi hore tuf iyo tisqaad buu lahaa. Xaaji Cabdi Ayuub, Mustafe Xaajii Nuur, Cismaan Sugulle, Yaasiin X. Ismaaciil Jirde, Cabdikariim X. Ducaale, Saleebaan Daahir Afgarshe, Cabdillaahi Xaaji ilaa xilligii dhexe Maxamuud Sheekh Dalmar, Maxamuud Cabdi Cali Ducaale, Maxamed-rashiid Sheekh Xasan, Yoonis Cali Nuur, Aadan Nuux Dhuule, Maxamed Aadan Teerra, Saynab Maxamed Jaamac, Maxamed Cali Weji, Maxamed Carab Falaxfalax, Siciid Faarax, Axmed Xasan Cawke iyo qaar kaloo badan ayaa cod iyo luuq warfidiyeennimo si la yaab leh dadka dhexdiisa ugaga hanaqaaday oo magacyadoodu sida birlabta maanka in badan ugu dhegeen. "Wax kale iyo Cismaan Sugulle" ayaa la odhan jirey, weli na la yidhaahdaa, marka wax wanaagsan ama xiise leh la la kulmo. 

"Dayax-gacmeed, cir-bixiyeen, warfidiyeen, diyaaradaha qumaatiga u kaca, maraakiibta badda hoosteeda quusta (gujis), gantaalaha riddada dheer, diyaaradaha guuxooda ka dheereeya, gantaalaha is wada, waddamada Barwaaqo-sooranka, Gaashaanbuurta Reer Bari (Warsow) iyo Is-bahaysiga Reer Galbeed (Nato), hirka gaaban iyo hirarka dhaadheer" iyo boqollaal kale oo erey-bixin cusub ahayd ayaa sida il-biyeed irmaan ugu soo burqan jirey maalin kasta maskaxda iyo afka warfidiyeenkaas oo aynu ka baran jirney. 

Toolmoonida codkooda, erey-xulasho-wanaaggooda iyo aqoonta ay u lahaayeen mihnaddooda warfidiyeennimo ayaa raad-reebka iyo saamayntu ka soo jeeddaa, waayuhu na sida xilligan ma cilladaysnayn oo berisamaadkii fanka iyo fufkii horusocodka Soomaalida ayay qaarkood la dhasheen, qaarkood kale na daba-goosteen. 

Soomaalida iyo Warfaafinta Maanta 

Soomaalidu haatan na waa war jeceshii oo weli ba isu fasax qaadatay; heshay oo ka faa'iidaysatey "tognaan iyo tabnaan ba" dawaar-nololeedka xiimaya ee teknoolajiyadda casriga ah. Boqollaal 'website' ama 'social networks' kale sida facebook, twitter, You Tube iwm, tobannaan wargeys, idaacadood iyo TV-yo ayaa sida "daadkii Xaabaale" is hor iyo hareero haraaciyaya. Waxa "kaaf iyo kala dheeri" ah tirada badan ee warbaahinta Soomaalida maanta iyo tayo darraanteeda! Waxa maskaxdaada ku soo dhacaya cadalaysigii carruurta ee ahaa "xerada ri'yahayagu waa wada ul oo ul la qaato ma leh"! Warfaafinta Soomaalida inteeda badan ayaa maanta qaabadda googaalaysigaas lagu masaali karaa. In aad u kooban oo fara-ku-tiris ah ayaa tilmaantaas taban ka badbaadi karta. Inteeda badani waa hungadaas qaawan! Waa tii uu aqoonyahanka Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi X Axmed –Gadhweyne- ku sifeeyey "Warfaafin Carruureedda maanta ee Soomaalida" oo looga jeedo warfaafin; raad dhaqaajin ha jooto'e, aan fadhi barad ahayn oo haddana doonaysa; tallaabsi ha joogto'e, in ay dhabaabacayso. 

Wardoon baad ahayd. Dhawr iyo toban il-wareed oo kala duwan ayaad isu soo martay. Haqab beel wareed ha joogto'e, waxa aad la soo noqonaysaa 'sangaagurro'. Sahii iyo xiisihii wareed ee ku hayey ayaa kugu gaaggaxaya. Waxa se isa soo maqiiqaysa oo markiiba maanka ku soo horraynaysa runta ku salaysan asqowga iyo jahawareerka wararka Soomaalida dhex heehaabaa waayadan dambe abuuraan. Waa warar cilladdu ku badan tahay oo si taban uga tibaax bixinaya is-diiddooyinka dadka Soomaalida ku dhex gaamurey. Nuxur ahaan wararka intooda badani war ba ma aha, afka ay ku qoran yihiin na kii warfidiyeenka ma aha. Daal, saboolnimo iyo arrad baa ku midaysan oo ay la gebi-dhaclaynayaan. Waa warar ku sheeg gacan-ku-rimis ah oo aan dux iyo dhadhan lahayn. Fahmo-guurka ayay xigto yihiin! Inta badan ereyada warku ku qoran yahay ama afka lagu sheegayaa hadal ahaan waa isirro kala wada dhantaalan. Waa wada qadaf iyo qallooc, qawed iyo qadoodi, iyo mararka qaar qudhun iyo qashaabiir miidhan. 

Warfidiyeenka waxa laga doonayaa waa war u dhigma caano kasoofeen ah oo lis ah. Haddii uu se badhax biyo hadhaynayaan ku sooro waa lagu yalaalugoonayaa! Qaayihii iyo quruxdii afka ayaa dalow gundheer ku shalwanaya. Erey-bixin cusub oo ay warfidiyeenka maantu soo kordhiyaan ha joogto'e ereyadii hore u jirey ayay rifayaan oo candadawlayaan. In badan oo wariyayaasha maanta ka mid ahi waxa ay si khaldan u adeegsadaan ereyo badan. 

Doonni dad saarraayeen ayaa Badda Cas quustey! Roob weyn ayaa meel hebla' ku biyo-baxay! Diyaarad baa hawada ku gaddoontey! Hebel waxa uu ka dhawaajiyey ama sanqadhiyey! Sagaal iyo sagaashan qofood oo barakacayaal ah! Lammaanaha Ingiriiska ee la haysto! Weriyaheenna meel hebla'! Roob ayaa ka da'ay magaalooyinka Hargeysa, Burco iyo weli ba Boorame, weftigii madaxweynaha oo soo guryo noqday iyo qaar kaloo badan ayaa ka mid ereyada maydhaanka foosha xumi ku dhaco ee aynu maalin kasta kula kulanno war aynu akhriyayno ama dhegaysanayno. 

Carruurta ayaa biibiilayaasha ka dhawaajisa ama ilmaha yar baa kolka dhegta la maroojiyo laga dhawaajiyaa ee waa maxay ninka weyn ee la leeyahay waxa uu ka dhawaajiyey?! Diyaarad gaddoontay ma baabuur baa?! Doonnida quustey se ma markab gujis ah baa mise waa qof dabbaalanayey?! Guryo noqosho waa erey taban. Maqasha, nirgaha ama waylaha ayaa la yidhaa yaanay soo guryo noqon ee sabada reerka iyo halkii ay caanaha ku barteen ka durkiya si ay u soo daaqaan. Dhinaca kale waxa soo guryo noqda qofka doqonka ah ee xoolaha la soofa ee la raaciyo ee guriga dib ugu soo laabta halkii uu xoolaha jiri lahaa. "Guryo noqosho" waa carruurnimadaas ama hungadaas doqonnimo, mana qabato halkaas loo adeegsanayo! Waa waxaas wada sillan ee wada sawaaban, quruxdii warka iyo fahamkiisii na dhusinka hoose iyo aakhiro u raaridaya, qaayihii afka na ku gelgelimaysanaya, dhooqaynaya ee lagu saliilyoonayo. 

Bal aan is la eegno inta erey habboon ee "ka dhawaajinta ama ka sanqadhinta" sillooni barabixinayso: Sida laga dhawaajiyey ama laga sanqadhiyey miyaanay ka macaanayn sida la carrabaabay, sida la sheegay, sida la tilmaamay, sida la tibaaxay, sida carrabka lagu dhuftay iyo sida…. Intaas oo erey oo ka adeegsi iyo dhadhan wanaagsan ayaynu leenahay, hadda na mar kasta waxa aynu la kulannaa oo afka la isugu riday si aan kala sooc lahayn; weriye, siyaasi, oday, aqoonyahan, wadaad iyo waranle ba; ereyadaas taban ee la maydhaamayo ee ah "sida laga dhawaajiyey ama sanqadhiyey"! 

War Xanaaqsan ama Jibbaysan! 

Inta badan ilaha wararka laga doonto ee Soomaalida sida mareegaha Internet-ka, wargeysyada, idaacadaha ama TV-yada, waxa lagu la kulmaa warar "ku candho iyo bayd go'an" aragtidii uu tebiyuhu qabey. Sidii uu isaga ama iyadu u jeclaan lahayd in wax u dhacaan, ayay warka in badani u qorayaan ama u sheegayaan. Waxa warka ka dhex hillaacaya cadho iyo xanaaq ama jibbo iyo caaddifad dhinac abbaaraysa. Waa war dhinac la safan, dhinaca kale na ka safan. Waxa warar badani ku xadgud baan shakhsiyaad, kooxo, beelo ama degaanno iska dhan. Marka warka laga tago ee maqaallada iyo faallooyinka loo gudbo iyada hadalkeeda iska ba daa. Waallida uun baa sii korodha. Waa aflagaaddo, yooyootan, caytan yaqyaqsi leh, iyo ligis iyo dhooqo lagu gelgelimaysto oo lagu galgasho, si aan loo miidaan deyin na ciddii la doono loo marmariyo. 

Muddarrooyinkaas iyo meel-ka-dhacyadooda, iyo xanafta iyo xumaantooda waxa keenaya dadka aan is-taahilin in dhaayaha daawadayaasha la hor keeno ama dhawaqooda dhegta dadka la maqashiiyo ee aaladaha warfaafinta maantu wadwadkooda meheradda ka dhigtaan. Is-taahilid la'aantu waa marka la eego waxa ay ka hadlayaan oo ujeeddo iyo nuxur ahaan ka hooseeya heerkii loo baahnaa habraac ahaan, sida liidata ee ay u soo bandhigayaan, xilkasnimo darridooda iyo sida ay uga baraad la' yihiin garaad ahaan in dad si wali ba u kala duwani ay meelo kala duwan uga daawanayaan, uga dhegaysanayaan ama uga akhrisanayaan. Waxa kale oo aynu kula kulannaa war-ku-sheeg aan u qalmin isna in la sii daayo oo warka madaxdiisa ku mulaaqan. Eedda iyo gabbood-falka warfidiyeenku leeyahay waxa ka badan ta ay yeelanayaan mulkiilayaasha hay'adaha warfaafineed iska leh sida TV-yada iwm. 

Ayaandarradu waa in qof ama koox kasta oo lacag haystaa qaradka iyo muraadkeeda ay ku fushan karto oo u adeegsan karto aaladaha warbaahineed ee maanta intooda badan, gaar ahaan badiba TV-yada hadda laabta la soo kacaya ee tiradoodu soo kordhayso ee gaarka loo leeyahay. Wax kasta oo ay sitaan iyo ujeeddo kasta oo ay leeyihiin ba, waxa loo ballaqaa albaabka, iyada oo loo furayo mikrifoonka iyo carooggiisa hawada geliya ba. "Waa intaad bixiso uun ku hadal" xaalkoodu! Caalamka kale taasi kama dhacdo oo warku ma aha "xayaysiin iyo ii dheh" warfaafinta lacag ay ku sii dayso laga siiyo, haddii ay dhacdo na waa fal-dembiyeed u dhigma musuqa foosha xun ee ciddii gasha dacwadda lagu soo oogo, waayo war baahintiis bay hay'ad aan sii dayseen laaluush laga siiyey markaas bay sidaas ku faafisay! 

Halkaas waxa ku god gelaya oo ku gedmanaya anshaxii warka iyo wacaaluhu lahaayeen ee loo baahnaa in soohdintiisa lagu ekaado oo aan laga gudbin. Waa asalraacii iyo runnimadii warka iyo dhexnimadiisii, akhlaaqdii sheegmada iyo tii warfaafineed ama tebineed. Waxa lumaya feejignaantii muhiimka ahayd ee mas'uuliyadda iyo tii xilkasnimada ee warfidiyeennimo . Taas waxa ka sii daran ku galgalashada xuquuqaha reebban ee hal-abuur gaar ahi leeyahay oo iyana aan loo aabba-yeelin, inta badan na aad loogu tunto. Maqaal dhan ama sheeko qoraa lahaa oo macruuf ahayd ayaad maalin dambe ku arkaysaa magaca qof kale oo hoosta kaga xardhan! Dhanka xigashada ama wax soo dheegashada war meel laga soo qaato ama dheeg qoraal laga soo ergisto iyana waa arrin maanta aan loo tudhin, in badani na ay ku dul turunturrooto. 

Warka, haba yaraato'e, meeli ugu ma bannaana ra'yiga warfidiyeenka iyo dareenkiisa noocii uu doona ba ha noqdee. Warku waxa uu ka kooban yahay xaqiiqooyin soohsoohan oo engegan oo aan u baahnayn midabayn, iidaan kale, buunbuunin iyo naaxnaaxin toona. Waxa lama huraan ah warka iyo runnimadiisa, iyo inuu yeesho il-wareed la raad-raaci karo oo uu ka soo baxay ama laga soo xigtay. Dhawrkan su'aalood uun buu warku ka jawaabaa: 

· Maxaa dhacay? 

· Xaggee wax ka dhaceen? 

· Goorma ayay wax ka dhaceen? 

· Yay se wax ku dhaceen ama wax sameeyey? 

Haddii laga fursan waayo, waxa afartaas su'aalood xilliga falanqaynta ama gorfaynta soo raacaya: 

· Sidee bay wax u dhaceen? 

· Sababahee keenay waxa dhacay iyo waxyaalihii ku xeernaa ama xidhiidhka la lahaa? 

Dhismaha warka qaab ahaan iyo xulashada ereyadiisa oo qadafka laga dhawro, ayaa sii kordhin karta wanaagga iyo tayadiisa. Wixii aan intaas ahayn waa laga maarmi karaa oo loo ma baahna. 

Xaaji Cabdi Ducaale (X. Cabdi Ayuub) oo Alle ha u naxariisto'e ahaa warfidiyeenkii ugu horreeyey ee ka hadla idaacaddii ugu horraysey ee Afsoomaali ku hadasha (Codkii Goodirka ee Hargeysa), ayaa la waydiiyey su'aashan isaga oo ruugcaddaa shaqada ka fadhiistay ah: Maxaad kula talin lahayd dhallinyarada warfidiyeennimada ku foogan? 

Isaga oo Xaaji Cabdi Ayuub la hadlayey gaar ahaan qolyaha idaacadda waxa uu ka tegey dardaaran qiime leh oo nool xilli kasta, waxaa nu yidhi: "marka aad dad u warramayso waa in aan lagu odhan 'waar muxuu yidhi?!; Waa na in aanay ku odhan buu yidhi 'waar maxaa helay?!" Xaajigu waxa uu abaar gaag-ma-reeba ah oo kale ku tilmaamay in wariyaha la fahmi waayo warkiisa; ha dedejiyo ama ereyo aan isku xidhnayn ama qallooc leh ba ha adeegsado'e. Dhinaca kale na waa la mid buu yidhi haddii weriyuhu la daaho warkiisa oo kol ba hadalkiisu dhegtii nuugaysey ka go'o. 

Nuqsaan iyo lib-seeg ka weyni ma jiro oo hubaal waa meel-ka-dhac haddii wixii aad is lahayd soo tebi ama aad gudbinaysey la fahmi waayo ama xiisihii loo qabey ba karaar-jab ku yimaaddo ama ka suulo ba oo ishu ka soo booddo ama dhegtu ba shuban waydo oo iska daboosho oo la maandiido. Waa taas ta maanta laga qaylo-dhaaminayaa, waana dhif iyo nadir inta masiibadaas ka badbaadaysaa. Gaajadii warku na waa marka ay qawedka iyo qadoodiga is mudanayaan, "war la'aani na col bay hoddaa" hore ba loo yidhi oo baahidii warku na weli way jirtaa. Bal ad ba! 

Qalinkii Maxamed Baashe X. Xasan

Hoos Ka Daawo Sawirada Gaadhigii Ay Ku Dhamaadeen Soomaalidii Tahriibaysay Ee Liibiya Iyo Dhaawacayada Oo Yaala Isbitaalka.

Hoos Ka Daawo Sawirada Gaadhigii Ay Ku Dhamaadeen Soomaalidii Tahriibaysay Ee Liibiya Iyo Dhaawacayada Oo Yaala Isbitaalka.

Safaarada Soomaaliya ee Dalka Liibiya ayaa soo bandhigtay Sawirada Qaar kamid ah Soomaalidii ka badbaaday Shilkii gaadhi ee ay dhawaan ku dhinteen dhalinyaro u badnayd reer Somaliland.

Sawirada lasoo bandhigay ayaa waxa kujira Gaadhigii ay Soomaalida Tahriib doonka ahaa saarnaayeen kaa oo ah gawaarida waa weyn ayna ka buuxeen sibidh fara badan oo kusoo dumay Dadkii saarnaa gadhiga taa oo sababtay in ay ku dhintaan dad ku dhaw 30-qof oo isugu jira Rag iyo Haweenba. 

Sii hayaha Safiirka safaaradda Soomaaliya ee Libya C/qani Waceys ayaa sheegay in ay heleen Magacyada Qara kamid ah dadkii dhintay kuwa kalana ay hada iyaga oo bad qaba ay joogaan Liibiya kuwa dhaawacmayna lagu daweenayo Isbitaalo kuyaalka Dalka Liibiya. 

Safiirka ayaana ugu baaqay Waalidiinta Soomaaliyeed in caruurtaada ayna u ogolaanin ay ay Tahriibaan ayna soo aadan Dalka Liibiya uu sheegay in ay kala kulmayana dhibataooyin aad u faraa badan sida tanhada dhacday oo kale. 

Cabdiqani Maxamed Wacays oo ah safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya wadanka Liibiya ayaa liiskaan oo ay kujiraan magacya dhameestiran iyo kuwa aan dhamestirneyn uu ku sheegay sida tan. 

Magacyada meydadka Ragga 

1) Cali Cabdulle Xirsi 
2) Xasan Cismaan Jeylaani 
3) Max'ed deeq Barqad Cali 
4) Cabdi Raxiin 
5) Askar 
6) Muuse 
7) Sugaal 
8) Saciid 
9) Axmed 
10) Axmed Qadar 

Magacyada meydadkaHaweenka 

11) Sacdiyo Max'ud Xasan 
12) Saamiyo 
13) Yaasmiin 
14) Dahabo 
15) Xaawo 
16) Aasiyo Cismaan Maxamed. 

Shilka dadkani ku dhinteen qaar badan oo kalena ay ku dhaawacmeen ayaa ahaa kii ugu xumaa taariikhda dhaw iyada oo uu rogmaday gaadhigii ay lasocdeen tahiibayaashu oo dusha looga guray sibidh si tahriibayaasha looga qariyo ciidamada amanka. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Iyo Wafti Uu Hogaaminayo Oo Borama U Tagay Xal U Helida Mudaharaadkii Maanta Ka Dhacay

Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Iyo Wafti Uu Hogaaminayo Oo Borama U Tagay Xal U Helida Mudaharaadkii Maanta Ka Dhacay

Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Somaliland Md Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Saylici iyo wefti Wasiirro iyo guurti isugu jira..........

Boorama (GNS) - Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Somaliland Md Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Saylici iyo wefti Wasiirro iyo guurti isugu jira ayaa galinkii dambe ee maanta u ambo-baxay Magaaladda Borama oo ay ka dhaceen Mudaharaado. 

Madaxwayne ku xigeenka iyo weftiga la socda ayaa halkaasi u tagay sidii ay u damin lahaayeen Mudaharaadadaasi oo ay dhigayaan dad ka cadhaysan dib u dhaca ku yimid maayar u samaynta Magaaladda Saylac, kuwaasi oo weliba xukuumadda ku eedeeyay inay faro-galisay doorasho Maayar cusub loogu doortay Magaaladda Saylac ee xarunta Gobolka Salal. 

Madaxwayne ku xigeenka iyo masuuliyiinta kale ee la scoda oo la filayo inay gaadhaan Magaaladda Saylac, ayaa caawa kulamo la qaadanaya Madax-dhaqameedka reer Awdal ee ku doodaya inay xaq u leeyihiin Maayarnimada Saylac oo dood adag ka taagan tahay, inkasta oo Mudanayaasha Guurtida kala socda qaarkood yihiin kuwii Madaxwayne Siilaanyo ka diiday qorshihii ahaa in beesha Awdal ka tanaasusho Maayarnimada Saylac ee ay ku doodayaan. 

Gabiley News Desk 

Somaliland: Ministry of Education Milestones for 2012

Somaliland: Ministry of Education Milestones for 2012
Sunday, 30 December 2012 01:37

Joint MOE, UNICEF & EU Pension Fund CommitteeJoint MOE, UNICEF & EU Pension Fund CommitteeFor the upcoming year, what do we expect from the Ministry of Education?

By: Liban Ali H. Raabbi

Hargeisa (Somalilandsun) – The Ministry of Education has achieved a myriad of successes as pertains to the development of Education in the country during 2012.

This is as per study contact by Daad Foundation a local NGO in pursuit of establishing, what has the Ministry of Education & Higher Study achieved in 2012

according to the study report from Daad Foundation Organization the tangible development and improvement that the Ministry of Education & Higher Study has achieved for the year f 2012 is due to the proper management systems which have been put in place by Minister Hon Zamzam Abdi Adan, General Director of Education Mr. Mohamed Hasan Ibrahim, General Director of Higher Study Mr. Khaddar Ahmed Deria and relevant Ministry officials.

In the year of 2012 Ministry of Education had executed the following articles:

• To make special box for the Ministry of Education.

• Succeeded in securing External Scholarships for the Students in Malaysia, Turks, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan and Ethiopia.

• increased Internal Education donations (Internal Scholarships) to the local Students.

• planned to boost up girls education, right now they provided University scholarship education to 27 girls had graduated from SOS School and they won to train for teacher and now they taught.

• Focused on to get free university education for Orphanages, veterans Children's (Sooyaal).

• won 2479 students in 17 schools whose were learning AlternativeGirls enrolment has increased under Minister ZamzamGirls enrolment has increased under Minister Zamzam Basic Education, right now they were transferred in the formal education and 199 teachers are now in the formal schools.

• implemented special Publishing Printing press for Ministry of Education

• Managed to publish Curriculum books which caused to provide one book for two students.

• Ministry of Education had also published book student's statics Lower/Upper and now distributed. • Ministry of Education has managed to establish studio for disbursing educational programs

• Employed and trained 2700 teachers

• Institutionalized disciplinary laws and committee to deal with errant teachers

• Facilitated the Strengthening Capacity of Teacher Training-SCOTT program which it jointly implements with a number of partners

• Facilitated the construction or rehabilitation of over 50 primary and secondary schools nationwide

• Availed transportation to the Hargeisa Orphanage and Ayaha School as well as the Sahil and Sool regional Education Coordinator Offices and National Examination Council

• Drafted and started Implementation of a five years Ministerial Strategic plan

• Establish a Universities supervisory committee

• Facilitated the rehabilitation of the Burao Technical School and trained staff

• Initiated the examination of students from technical school

• Surveying suitable locations for construction of regional and district level technical institutes

• Received and utilizing a $ 15 million Educational Development Grant from the European Union

• Established the country's first retirement fund for its staff with 6 elderly teachers first to benefit with an award of $ 10,000 each.

• Facilitated final examination for highest number of students from Primary and secondary schools

• Subsidized Nugal, Burao, Amoud and Sanaag Universities.

For further information please contact Email:

Somaliland: My Blessings for the New Year and a Call to the Younger Generations

Somaliland: My Blessings for the New Year and a Call to the Younger Generations
Sunday, 30 December 2012 03:02

Myself and Prof. Richard Ford of Clark UniversityMyself and Prof. Richard Ford of Clark UniversityBy: Mohamed Ali

LONDON (Somalilandsun)- Another new year is on the horizon as usual with little change as to how my people live and the progress made in the overall development and the infra structure in the country . I may have done little but have tried my best for the last 36 years to contribute towards this cause.

The development in the private sector in Somaliland seems to be moving fast-forward compared to the government achievements , although the country has little resources to exploit worsened by the lack of foreign investment due to lack of international recognition .

The recent local elections have indeed, tainted the name of Somaliland and have opened old tribal wounds. Both poor election planning and the non-voter registration have tempted many Somalilanders to double vote for the parties that they support. Most of the seven political parties running for the local elections depended on their supporters who mainly came from the clans of their party leaders . I believe that proven resilience of Somaliland people will overcome the animosity stirred by the local elections and I am also, sure that no other election will take place in the country without voter/citizen registration. Indeed the government has already announced to carry out voter/citizen registrations before the next Somaliland elections. This is a good step forward to exercise voting transparency and to avoid future election violence.

However, the people of Somaliland should know that tribalism is destructive and is not in the favour of the long term development of our country as well as its security and the livelihood of its people.

It seems that religious extremism can be contained but the clan mentality (tribalism) is more difficult to deal with in Somaliland. So I think that the only hope to counter tribalism is to start educating the youth and making them aware of the evils of tribalism and nepotism on the population. Schools could be the perfect place to start teaching the kids about the negative effects of tribalism on the whole society.

The older clannish population will eventually be depleted by age factor and other related natural redemption methods which will hopefully lead to a healthier clan-less and genuinely united Somaliland.

Time is now ripe for the younger generations of Somaliland to get very much involved in the hard work that is needed to make this country a success. We need new blood to lead the country towards a prosperous future, so here is my yearly call to the younger Somaliland generations to shape them become the future leaders:

• Start from discarding tribalism and think of the country as if it was your family.

• Be punctual to school, university or to work and fulfil your duties honestly.

• Pursue a career and don't fluctuate. Keep trying to achieve it again and again until you get it.

• Be kind to your friends, family members and treat people equally.

• Exercise patience and restrain in all situations.

• Avoid violence as it destroys.

• Avoid arrogance as it leads to demise.

• Minimize or avoid chewing Khat as it consumes time and the soul.

• Embrace public ownership and know that all public utilities are yours and therefore , need protection and development.

• Support your government to achieve its goals set by your seniors. After all you have elected them.

• Obey the law and always remember that nobody is above the law.

Happy New Year in advance and I wish many prosperous years in future for the Somaliland people and for our neighbours in Somalia .

Happy new year – 2013 ...

The writer Mohamed Ali is a British Somalilander and editor of

The ten best-paying jobs in the UK, and why

The ten best-paying jobs in the UK, and why

The Office for National Statistics publishes  a list every year that inspires envy and frustration around the country. It's the list of the best-paid jobs in the UK - which appears as part of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings. It reveals - perhaps unsurprisingly - that the fattest cats of them all are chief executives.

But which other occupations make the list, and why are they so well-paid?

1. Chief executives and senior officialsTheir average pay is £85,223 a year (plus of course all the benefits, bonuses and share perks that come with this sort of role). This is up a shocking 11% from this time last year, making it by far the best-paid job in the UK (excluding people like footballers and celebrities who tend to be self-employed and therefore fall outside of this survey).

The question is why they are worth it. The general argument is that as the head of the organisation they are ultimately responsible for everything goes on - legally, morally and financially. Many are not in the job for long, so this salary will have to last them in the years in the wilderness after they are asked to leave.

The other common reason given for paying these guys the big bucks is because they are having to complete with other firms paying similarly inflated salaries.

Not everyone is convinced. Neal Lawson Chair of Left-leaning think tank Compass said: "It's time the government took action on excessive pay, it's absolutely right that we now rein in the bonus bandits that created the economic crisis and ensure a fair, just and sustainable economy."

2. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers

Average pay is £78,736, which is up 14% in the last 12 months. This is a classic case of two things: first it is a highly specialised job for which an enormous amount of training and experience is required - which means there us always a shortage of qualified individuals.

The second issue is that many are operating in highly unionised regimes, with the power to negotiate very strong working terms, conditions and pay. It means that pilots - who carry the weight of responsibility for passenger safety - can command high salaries.

3. Medical practitioners

The average pay here is £71,279 - a far cry from the days when doctors were routinely poorly paid and driven into the ground.

Clearly there's a huge amount of training required - with a six year degree and then any specialist training on top. This is always going to bring down the number of people who qualify, and therefore push up wages.

However, this is another heavily unionised environment, which has allowed the unions to negotiate very generous packages for doctors. It means that even though there is a pay freeze in place, doctors are often still entitled to an incremental increase in pay just for doing the same job for another year.

Dean Royles, director of NHS Employers, which negotiates this with unions has told The Kings Fund review body: "Everyone, including doctors, knows these are challenging times for us all. The simple truth is that NHS organisations cannot afford an unnecessary increase in doctors' pay rates over the next year without it impacting on patient care." So we could see a reversal in time.

4. Marketing and sales directors

Here the average salary is £68,245, and is roughly keeping pace with inflation. These roles have become central to many organisations, fighting declining sales as a result of a shrinking in consumer spending power.

These high salaries are a reflection of the fact that an individual who has shown that they have the ability to thrive in this environment is like gold dust, and is paid accordingly.

5. IT and telecoms directors

The average pay is £63,622, which is up 8% from this time last year. The driver here is the rarity of knowledge and expertise among these specialists. Every major organisation needs someone with these skills nowadays, and yet there are very few high-level individual with the ability to set strategy and manage such a vital part of the business - especially when they have to have the technological expertise as well.

6. Company lawyers

The average pay here is £61,544, up 4% from last year. This is partly as a result of the qualifications and training required as individuals make it through the lower-paid levels of the profession.

7. Transport associate professionals

These are people like air traffic controllers and ship captains, and they are paid an average of £61,414 - up 8% in a year.

This is a result of a combination of things. These are demanding roles, there's a lot of training involved, and it takes someone who naturally has a lot of skills that not all that many people have. Of course, it helps that these are highly unionised jobs too, with plenty of people pushing pay up on their behalf.

8. Senior police officers

Here average pay is £59,037 - up 3.8%. Those who reach the highest levels of the force are tasked with politically difficult roles. In many cases they have also spent decades working their way up - through rounds of increasingly difficult examinations and selection boards.

9. Financial managers and directors

The finance department wears the trousers in a lot of organisations, with average salaries of £55,504 reflecting the increasing power of the role in tough times.

10. Senior officers in protective services

These are officers in the army, fire service, ambulance and prison service, where the average salary is £55,503, up 3% in a year. These are tough and dangerous roles, with commensurate salaries.


Somaliland: Legislators Grill Finance Minister on 2013 Budget

Somaliland: Legislators Grill Finance Minister on 2013 Budget
Sunday, 30 December 2012 01:47

Finance minister briefs parliament on 2013 budgetFinance minister briefs parliament on 2013 budgetBy: Yusuf M Hasan

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – Members of parliament have questioned the inclusion of unofficial parastatals in the annual budget.

The minister of finance Mr. Abdiaziz Mohamed Samale has informed the house of representative that his ministry is only responsible for allocating operational funds to public institutions while the head of state and parliament are charged with legalizing them

The minister was responding to questions by members of parliament during their first debate on the 2013 which was submitted to the august house on Wednesday following its unanimous approval by the council of ministers.

The legislators who had complimented the finance ministry for strengthened tax collection and anti-graft measures thus an increase of 17% in the country's annual budget for 2013 wondered why some public bodies like Information & Communication Technology Commission, WFP coordination agency and Quality Control Commission have been included in the annual budget while they are yet to be approved by parliament.

"My ministry is charged with allocation of funds and not establishment of parastatals" said the finance minister

The house of representatives which is the lower chamber of parliament is expected to expedite approval of the $185,714,033 annual budget for the year 2013 before forwarding it to Guurti, the upper chamber of parliament whose approval shall enable disbursement of funds by the finance ministry to target institutions beginning January 2013.

The 2013 budget which is the heftiest since the country reclaimed sovereignty 21 years ago has allocations for novel items included like the cost of security services ranks, health sector, roads and pepping up of the foreign policy.

The budget under debate in the lower house of parliament has allocations as follows:

1. Central Government $125,000,000

2. Parastatals $35,854,545.

3. Local Government $11,854,488

4. Somaliland trust fund (Denmark & Britain) $13,000,000.

On presenting the 2013 budget to the House of Representatives the finance minister justified the figures and allocations as:

• The $125,000,000 allocated central government is targeted towards development of various sectors i.e. Livestock, Fisheries, Agriculture, Roads, Airports, Coast guards and fire fighting equipment, Army Rankings, registration of citizens and issuance of identity cards as well as the production of an E-passport.

• Central Government $125,000,000

• The budget has an emphasis on strengthening national security at all levels of administration as well as creation of employment opportunities with a targeted recruitment of 1,500 civil servants.

• Doubling of funds allocated to the three national parties as a means of enhancing the country's democratization process.

• The 2013 budget has an increase of 17% over the previous budget of 2012 and 150% more than that of the previous governments

2013 and 2012 BudgetVariance2013 and 2012 BudgetVariance

Golaha Wakiiladda Oo Ansixiyey Miisaaniyad Sanadeedka 2013-ka

Golaha Wakiiladda Oo Ansixiyey Miisaaniyad Sanadeedka 2013-ka

Mudanayaasha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Oo Ansixiyey Odoroska Miisaaniyada Qaranka Ee 2013ka......

Hargeysa (GNS) - Mudanayaasha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Oo Ansixiyey Odoroska Miisaaniyada Qaranka Ee 2013ka 
Mudanayaasha Golaha wakiilada Somaliland ayaa dood ka dib ansixiyey Odoroska Miisaaniyada Qaranka ee sanadka soo socda 2013-ka. 

Mudaneyaasha golaha wakiilada oo maalmahan ku mashquulsana odoroska miisaaniyada qaranka iyo su'aalo ka weydiinta masuuliyiinta wasaaradda maaliyadda ayaa maanta cod aqlabiyad ah ku ansixiyey miisaaniyada qaranka ee Sanadka soo socda. 

Fadhiga maanta ee Golaha oo uu shir Gudoominayey Gudoomiyaha 
Golahaasi Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi (Cirro) ayaa waxa ka soo xaadiray 43 xildhibaan, waxaana gacan taag loo sameeyey ogolaanshaha ansaxa miisaaniyada dalka ee 2013 ogolaaday 36 mudane, 5 xildhibaan ayaa diiday, 2 xildhibaana way ka aamuseen, waxaana sidaasi ku ansaxay miisaaniyada 2013-ka. 

Gabiley News Desk 

Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Iyo Xubno Ka Mid Ah Salaadiinta Dalka Oo Ka Wada-hadlay Sidii Looga Wada Shaqayn Lahaa Nabad-gelyada

Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Iyo Xubno Ka Mid Ah Salaadiinta Dalka Oo Ka Wada-hadlay Sidii Looga Wada Shaqayn Lahaa Nabad-gelyada

Madaxwaynaha iyo salaadiinta Somaliland oo ay wehelinayeen Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Cabdiraxmaan..........

Hargeysa (GNS) - Hargeysa Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta qasriga Madaxtooyada ku qaabilay qaar ka mid ah Salaadiinta Somaliland, kuwaasi oo uu marti qaad u fidiyey. 

Madaxwaynaha iyo salaadiinta Somaliland oo ay wehelinayeen Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici) iyo Guddoomiyaha xisbiga talada dalka haya ee Kulmiye Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa waxa uu Madaxwaynuhu ugu soo bandhigay sidii Madax-dhaqameedka dalku uga door laxaadle uga qaadan lahaayeen ilaalinta nabadgalyada dalka iyo weliba sidii ay cid kasta oo dhibaato wada ugu waanin lahaayeen ilaalinta nabadgalyada. 
Kulanka Madaxwaynaha iyo Madax-dhaqameedka oo ahaa mid saacado aan badnayn socday ayaa waxa uu ku dhamaaday isfaham iyo in laga wada shaqeeyp nabadgalyada, iyadda oo Garaad C/rashiid Garaad Ismaaciil, Suldaan Naasir Suldaan Cabdi, Suldaan Xasan Suldaan Cabdilaahi, Suldaan Cismaan Suldaaan Cali Madar iyo Suldaan Axmed Daahir Muuse oo warbaahinta kula hadlay gudaha Madaxtooyaddu ay sheegeen inay ku faraxsan yihiin casuumada uu Madaxwaynuhu u fidiyey, iyagga oo sheegay inay Madaxwaynaha isla qaateen sidii nabadgalyada iyo Madax-banaanida Somaliland meel looga soo wada jeedsan lahaa. 
Gabiley News Desk 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

As Victim of Gang Rape Dies, 6 Men Are Charged With Murder

As Victim of Gang Rape Dies, 6 Men Are Charged With Murder

Saurabh Das/Associated Press

NEW DELHI — As protests grew in India on Saturday over the death of a young woman who was raped in New Delhi this month by several men in a moving bus, the police said six men accused of attacking her had been charged with murder.

The body of the 23-year-old rape victim was transferred to the airport in Singapore to be flown back to India on Saturday.

A police spokesman, Rajan Bhagat, said that if convicted of murder, the men could face the death penalty in the Dec. 16 attack, which shocked India because of its savagery, led to violent protests and prompted demands for improved protection for women as well as calls for the death penalty in rape cases.

The country's Supreme Court ruled in 1980 that the death penalty should be used only in the "rarest of rare" cases, and fewer than 50 people have been executed since India's independence in 1947.

The woman, who has not been identified, has become a symbol for the treatment of women in India, where rape is common and conviction rates for the crime are low. She boarded a bus with a male friend after watching a movie at a mall, and was raped and attacked with an iron rod by the men, who the police later said had been drinking and were on a "joy ride."

She died Saturday morning in Singapore, where she had been flown for treatment for the severe internal injuries caused by the assault. She had an infection in her lungs and abdomen, liver damage and a brain injury, the Singapore hospital said, and died from organ failure. Her body was flown back to India on Saturday.

As news of her death spread Saturday, India's young, social-network-using population began to organize protests and candlelight vigils in places like the western city of Cochin in Kerala, the outsourcing hub of Bangalore and New Delhi, the capital. Just a tiny sliver of India's population can afford a computer or has access to the Internet, but the young, educated subset of this group has become increasingly galvanized over the New Delhi rape case.

Late Saturday afternoon, thousands of people, most of them men, filled Jantar Mantar, an observatory and popular protest ground in New Delhi, where they waved placards and shouted slogans. When Sheila Dikshit, the chief minister of Delhi, arrived there in the early afternoon surrounded by a police escort, she was booed, heckled and jostled by the crowd. Ms. Dikshit, a diminutive 74-year-old, stayed only a few minutes, lighting a candle and holding her hands together in prayer. She did not speak to the crowd. As darkness fell here in New Delhi, the crowd at Jantar Mantar lighted hundreds of candles.

Upamanyu Raju, 21, a student at Delhi University who attended the Jantar Mantar protest, said he had been protesting since a day after the rape victim was admitted to the hospital because of the "utter atrocity of what happened."

Mr. Raju said he had given his younger sister pepper spray and a Swiss Army knife, but he worried that those things would not protect her. "It's wrong to stop girls from going out" of the house, he said, but there is little choice because the city is so unsafe for women. According to a2010 survey, more than a third of the women questioned in New Delhi said they had been physically sexually harassed in the previous year, but less than 1 percent reported the assault to the police.

The roads leading to India Gate, the site of earlier protests that had turned violent, were barricaded by the police early Saturday, and nearby subway stations were closed. More than 40 police units were deployed in the area, including 28 units of the Central Reserve Police Force, which are national anti-insurgency troops.

In South Delhi, hundreds of students from Jawaharlal Nehru University organized a silent march on Saturday from their campus to Munirka, the bus stop where the New Delhi rape victim was picked up. The crowd of protesters trudged along a busy road, a few holding hastily made placards with phrases like "You are an inspiration to us all."

On Saturday morning, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh expressed his "deepest condolences" to the family of the victim, who was a physiotherapy student.

"We have already seen the emotions and energies this incident has generated," he said in a statement. "It would be a true homage to her memory if we are able to channelize these emotions and energies into a constructive course of action." The government, he said, is examining "the penal provisions that exist for such crimes and measures to enhance the safety and security of women."

And Sonia Gandhi, India's most powerful female politician and the president of the governing Congress Party, made a rare televised statement that was broadcast on Saturday.

"As a woman, and mother, I understand how protesters feel," she said. "Today we pledge that the victim will get justice," she said.

Even larger protests are planned for Sunday, protesters in Delhi said, including a so-called March for Freedom from Delhi University subway station.

Anjani Trivedi contributed reporting.

Somaliland: Sayla at a Mayorship Stand-off

Somaliland: Sayla at a Mayorship Stand-off
Saturday, 29 December 2012 18:18

As a clan in Toghdeer region demand the office of Governor

What will happen if the Awdal regional police commander is from the Dulbahante clan?

By: Yusuf M Hasan

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The newly elected Sayla local council is yet to find a mayor to replace outgoing incumbent.

Residents of Sayla town who have disputed the results of the local council elections are in an uproar which has seen a number of ministers from the area camp in the town in a bid to assuage mounting angers that have seen demonstrations after demonstrations in the area.

Following the conclusion of local council elections held on 28th November 2012 almost all the newly local governments have been sworn-in, elected their mayors and deputies and are set to assume office on the 1st of January 2013.

To the contrary is the Sayla local council which has failed to ensconce the newly elected councilors in office due to wrangles that have ensued after Isse, the major clan in the area failed to garner a majority of council membership an honour taken by the districts' minor clan of Gadabursi.

As the cards are stacked now an election within the council will see a Gadabursi tribesman, assume the office of Sayla local council mayor for the first time in the history of Somaliland, thus the ongoing stand-off that has seen demonstrations take place in the town as well as a powerful elders delegation from the area meeting president Silanyo thus solicit his support for their quest.

While council membership and office of mayor within local governments in Somaliland comes through the democratic process of elections by universal suffrage, Ballot box, the prevalent law, Unwritten, dictates that the major clan in each local government occupies the office of mayor while the post of deputy goes to the minor clan.

The irony of the Sayla Mayorship wrangle is that the Isse's who are the dominant clan thus occupants of the all main offices in the district that borders Djibouti, have for the first time few elected councilors than the Gadabursi'.

In the council membership of 18 the Isse managed to elect 7 of their own while the Gadabursi attained 11 seats thus become the dominant clan in the council despite the fact that they are the minor clan thence usual occupiers of the second tier offices in this case the office of deputy mayor.

The Isse clan which was quick in alleging vote rigging in favour of the Gadabursi clan have s far refused to accept any councilor from the minor clan occupying the office of mayor even after mayoral elections were held in which the Isse abstained.

The subsequent election of a Gadabursi as mayor was immediately annulled by Salel Regional Governor after protest demonstrations by belligerent youths.

Though democratic norms dictate otherwise, thus the Gadabursi clan being the rightful occupier of the new Sayla local council mayor's office, the unwritten code of co-existence in Somaliland demands that the Isse be assuaged and offered the seat of mayor on a golden plate.

Meanwhile the drama in Sayla local council is being replicated elsewhere but at a regional scale.

A clan in Toghdeer region is demanding the office of Regional governor after the Burao local council elected as their mayor a councilor from the governor's clan.

The unwritten code in the country that has seen to the very world acclaimed peaceful co-existence in Somaliland dictates that the Habarchelo and Habaryonis, the two dominant clans of Toghdeer region share senior posts thus if the mayor is from one clan the governor must come from the other an vice versa for the deputies.

Elders from the Habaryonis clan have appealed to the head of state to appoint a regional governor from their clan since the newly elected mayor is from the current Governor's Habarchelo clan thus an imbalance of power.

Having embraced democratic norms the different clans in the country should start to accept results of elections even if those claiming majority in a particular area end up playing second fiddle.

At the same time I fail to understand what is wrong with members of a particular clan occupying major offices in area, I believe that if they are competent they should suffice!

But again the buck which stops at the presidency also emanates from the presidency since that is where governors are appointed on clan basis.

What will happen if the governor of

Sanaag region is Gadabursi and not Habaryonis?

Toghdeer region is Isse and not Habarchelo or Habaryonis?

Sool region is Habr awal and that of Sahil region is Dulbahante?

By the way what is wrong with having a Warsengeli as governor of Marodi-jeeh (Hargeisa) region?

It is not only the issue of governors that warrant a rethink but that of all cadres of civil servants as the current scenario has them employed in their regions not to mention districts of origin.

What will happen if the Awdal regional police commander is from the Dulbahante clan?

Indian gang rape victim dies; New Delhi braces for protests

Indian gang rape victim dies; New Delhi braces for protests

By Devidutta Tripathy and Eveline Danubrata


(Reuters) - A woman whose gang rape sparked protests and a national debate about violence against women in India died of her injuries on Saturday, prompting a security lockdown in New Delhi and an acknowledgement from India's prime minister that social change is needed.

Bracing for a new wave of protests, Indian authorities deployed thousands of policemen, closed 10 metro stations and banned vehicles from some main roads in the heart of New Delhi, where demonstrators have converged since the attack to demand improved women's rights. Hundreds of people staged peaceful protests at two locations on Saturday morning.

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The 23-year-old medical student, severely beaten, raped and thrown out of a moving bus in New Delhi two weeks ago, had been flown to Singapore in a critical condition by the Indian government on Thursday for specialist treatment.

The intense media coverage of the attack and the use of social media to galvanise the protests, mostly by young middle-class students, has forced political leaders to confront some uncomfortable truths about the treatment of women in the world's largest democracy.

Most sex crimes in India go unreported, many offenders go unpunished, and the wheels of justice turn slowly, according to social activists who say that successive governments have done too little to ensure the safety of women.

"The need of the hour is a dispassionate debate and inquiry into the critical changes that are required in societal attitudes," Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in a statement.

"I hope that the entire political class and civil society will set aside narrow sectional interests and agenda to help us all reach the end that we all desire - making India a demonstrably better and safer place for women to live in."

T.C.A. Raghavan, the Indian high commissioner to Singapore, told reporters hours after the woman's death in a Singapore hospital that a chartered aircraft would fly her body back to India on Saturday, along with members of her family.

The body was taken to a Hindu casket firm in Singapore for embalming. Indian diplomats selected a gold and yellow coffin to transport her home, staff at the firm told reporters.

"We are very sad to report that the patient passed away peacefully at 4:45 a.m. on Dec 29, 2012 (2045 GMT Friday). Her family and officials from the High Commission (embassy) of India were by her side," Mount Elizabeth Hospital Chief Executive Officer Kelvin Loh said earlier in a statement.

Delhi's chief minister, Sheila Dikshit, said the woman's death was a "shameful moment for me not just as a chief minister but also as a citizen of this country".

The woman, who has not been identified, and a male friend were returning home from the cinema by bus on the evening of December 16 when, media reports say, six men on the bus beat them with metal rods and repeatedly raped the woman. Media said a rod was used in the rape, causing internal injuries. Both were thrown from the bus. The male friend survived.

The attack has put gender issues centre stage in Indian politics arguably for the first time. Issues such as rape, dowry-related deaths and female infanticide have rarely entered mainstream political discourse.

Analysts say the death of the woman dubbed "Amanat", an Urdu word meaning "treasure," by some media could change that, although it is too early to say whether the protesters calling for government action to better safeguard women can sustain their momentum through to national elections due in 2014.


The public outcry over the attack caught the government off-guard. It took a week for Singh to make a public statement on the attack, infuriating many protesters who saw it as a sign of a government insensitive to the plight of women.

The prime minister, a stiff 80-year-old technocrat who speaks in a low monotone, has struggled to channel the popular outrage in his public statements and convince critics that his eight-year-old government will now take concrete steps to improve the safety of women.

"The Congress mangers were ham-handed in their handling of the situation that arose after the brutal assault on the girl. The crowd management was poor," a lawmaker from Singh's ruling Congress party said on condition of anonymity.

Protesters fought pitched battles with police around the capital last weekend. Police used batons, water cannon and teargas to quell the protests.

Commentators and sociologists say the rape has tapped into a deep well of frustration many Indians feel over what they see as weak governance and poor leadership on social issues.

A global poll by the Thomson Reuters Foundation in June found that India was the worst place to be a woman because of high rates of infanticide, child marriage and slavery.

New Delhi has the highest number of sex crimes among India's major cities, with a rape reported on average every 18 hours, according to police figures. Government data show the number of reported rape cases in the country rose by nearly 17 percent between 2007 and 2011.

Indian media had accused the government of sending the woman to Singapore to minimise any backlash in the event of her death but Raghavan said it had been a medical decision intended to ensure she got the best treatment.

The suspects in the rape - five men, including two brothers, aged between 20 and 40, and a 15-year-old - were arrested within hours of the attack and are in custody. The suspects, all from a slum in south Delhi, will be formally charged with murder, New Delhi Deputy Commissioner of Police Chhaya Sharma told Reuters.

Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told Times Now television the government was committed to ensuring "the severest possible punishment to all the accused at the earliest".

"It will not go in vain. We will give maximum punishment to the culprits. Not only to this, but in future also. This one incident has given a greater lesson" Shinde said.

He said earlier the government was considering hanging for rape in rare cases. Murder already carries the death penalty.

(Additional reporting by Ross Colvin and Diksha Madhok in New Delhi; Kevin Lim, Saeed Azhar, Edgar Su and Sanjeev Miglani in Singapore; Editing by Mark Bendeich and Robert Birsel and Ross Colvin)