Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Somaliland: Cancer of Tribalism Came To The Fore After Meaningless Elections Reignited

Somaliland: Cancer of Tribalism Came To The Fore After Meaningless Elections Reignited

Rally ahead of election Kate Stanworth

In the following text, you may not agree all but try to decipher what context is written and the status quo in the country, I wrote out of sincerity as well as "tone" peculiar to many but people may digest to make feel how far the country has degenerated since Silanyo and his tribe hungry for power get access to reigns of power after 8 years of search and crusading for it. Are we in state of sharp decline in less two years in office? Is Silanyo and his cohorts are burden on economy and divisive rather than an asset and unifier? Let us explore all these to answer.

By Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye

Before the elections in his cabinet, "you're with my tribe or with terrorists" declared the President, Hirsi the little fagot dispatched familiarly loyal and bootlicker group of Habusho ministers and Habusha-adapted ministers including Duur, the Stick instrumental in crushing the rightful demands of the people and watchdog of Hubusha interests, Yusuf Esse Hamari, the so called head of NEC, who became , by implication accessory to criminal activities of Silanyo's mock elections and chief economist Dr. Shire, the pretty stooge with little moral values who kept silent when foreign invading tribes try to displace Sahelians, the centuries old and original inhabitants of the region,  the Cise Muse and Muse Abdalle. The delegates were sent to safeguard solely tribal interests all over the country. Sahelians who are very tolerant and unafraid of other cultures have every reason to worry when swaps of breeding locusts dragged by the two companies of Indha Dero and Dahab Shil are inundated the Berbera city, the mirror of Somaliland.

However, Silanyo's term is plagued with failures from security to economy of hyperinflation to election fiasco that revived the dwindling tribalism. The top government officials are involved in installing mayors of the same tribe from Erigavo to Berbera by force, Ramax's , the Sahil governor, moral opposition against these " vermin" wannabe mayors cost his job, but he has gone down in history as " national" hero. The rubbish folks who want to be the mayors of all cities are financially backed by the president himself to redraw the tribal political landscape Haji Ibrahim Egal and Son of Egarre inherited and left intact!  This rigged "meaningless" election cost the nation millions of dollar supposed to invest in the infrastructures such as water supplies system in the capital. I hope not to see again this type of mock elections in my life. Amen.

Sillanyo as one term president will be remembered as term of failure, wasted resources and uplifting his tribe by all means where they won a council seat in Hargaysa and Buroa's Mayor and attempted to usurp Berbera's municipality for the first time in history! During his chairmanship of SNM, the Front lost its most military cadres from Lixle to Mohamed Ali to Adan Shine (God bless them all), and met its waterloo while its supporters faced extinction.

By shielding himself with Hirsi from pouring criticism or ignoring it altogether, legally, he is liable for whatsoever happened to this country.  This divisive election revealed how good he is at dividing people on clan lines.

Saylac is embroiled in clannish power struggle that may lead all-out war if the elders and traditional peacemakers, not the government which instigated the problem, don't mediate to solve their difference, the same can be said about Berbera, longest peaceful town in Somaliland.

Silanyo's minister, Hashi, went to Erigavo several times to forcefully install members of the president's tribe who lost the election to become the mayor but all in vain! The president displayed pure tribal politics in unprecedented way to leave a great legacy of his marginalized tribe according to his mentality.    It seems as the president wants to make "xiiranisation" or "Ilka-yarasation" of the country.

One plot seemed succeeded, Hargaysa has seen the first Habarhabushed elected councilor for the first time, who elected him? Where are 8000 people of Habuseha live, perhaps Xeroawr? Maybe the porters of Indha Dero Co, and junior clerks of Dahab Shiil voted him, they may tell you we were the mayor of Hargaysa  in the sixties during colonial era, do not buy it, that was transfer from other regions, not elected one from Hargaysa district, in 1998 such transfer happened when Egal was in charge where he brought Muse Ismail governor ina Waqooye from Togdheer  to Maroodi jeex region in exchange of Maroodijeex Governor of Isaxaaq tribe , any way that was just transfer. Briefly, transfers of two mayors are okay to minimize the corruption and enhance efficiency, but no other way.

Since modern administration, Berbera seaport mayor was Ciise Muse by tribe, and vice mayor was Muse Abdalle, by tribe, during Siyad Barre military regime, there were transfers from Kismayo to Borame, do not get fooled by the transfers, the transfers are totally different story. In 1960 mayor of Hargaysa, as I was told, was Habusha by tribe, but that was just transfer. Elections are based on eligibility; can Hubusha eligible to stand for the council of Hargaysa? Hey come on, you kidding dude. Mr Silanyo, your installation of xiiran member on our top will be bounced back to Yarowe, his hometown otherwise remove him peacefully. Taarikh gacan kurim ma socon doonto, fabricated history didn't work out in the past and won't work out today either. Am I eligible to be elected as DC in Aynabo? Probably not.

Let me honest with you and speak to you with informal language you easily understand on my behalf and that Habarmagado, Habushe is minority and less 3% of issaaq population and historically have been living at the mercy of Magado mighty tribes and enjoy the goodwill of other tribes for past centuries, that was the survival means for them, not the other way round, and you ought to continue that culture of living low profile status, otherwise, you'll be swept to sea, I swear to God. Or you stay cool and behave like the rest of Shiekh Isaaqs or what your mother's ethnicity and her status will be revealed. You forewarned. Refer to the latest encyclopedia to enlighten yourself. I didn't write it. You'll shock to core.

Uncharacteristic of presidential behavior, he dispatched team of naked tribalist and clan champions led by the great clannish advocate, the Gypsy-looking man with pale face, the aviation minister to Erigavo, Gadhwayne-dominated town since Siyad Abdale Hassan, " nimanyo gadhwayn gaalo ha iga raacin geel haddaad doontaan gurigayga kaalaya"  to remove Gadhwayne elected councilors and be replaced with ones from thier pocket! But Erigavo residents severally protested and turned them empty handed.   The worse story happened in Berbera where Mr Ramax foiled the vice mayor to be from Habusha stock. "He vowed not to accept such maneuvers" he lost his job for the sake of Muse Abdalle whether they know or not.

The president's tribe is morally devoid and greedy determined to hijack the will of the majority like century old oppressed minority who came to power with mere luck. But will never happen, you guys Hashi, Hirsi and others working behind curtail, come to your senses, land of other tribes can't be usurped in 21 century, you guys are dreaming and hitting a brick wall. Sit back and see the world.

The cancer of tribalism reached to unprecedented level in the history of Somaliland: Shiekhs have paid down payment of 2000 US for mercenary councilors of a foreign tribes and pledge 3000 US once voting of the Hargaysa mayor finishes for lobbying to install their councilors to be the mayor of Hargayas! Does it make sense to vote some one for sale? Sheikhs felt no remorse in doing so! Glory to God. Over the years Silanyo in office, the entire country changed for worse. Sultans tell something while his subjects' Saad service is on to receive their briberies while turned deaf ears to the Sultans' call! Unprecedented, immoral greed or money matters.

However; many cynics about Silanyo 's miscalculation question if he is sane or out of space due to a factor, be whatsoever,  if so where is Sheikh Samale or Khalil, the minister of religion, didn't he quit his games? In appearance, he looked safe and sound or there is coup taken place in the presidential palace led Mrs Amin Waris, the co-president if not the chief president and her shopping assistant, Mr Hirsi, who dwarfed the political giants of Habarjeclo veteran statesmen like Safir or Saleeban Gaal. Where Habusho elders to advise their cousin Silanyo not to press the button of the civil war and political turmoil? Or they just were laughing for what happened to other tribes who oppressed them  and how he caused massive head-on collision among rival tribes.

The honest, sane ordinary nationals of all tribes including Habusha are appalled by Silanyo's crazy behavior.

As I said before, his term will be remembered wasted elections (or food qasaray) like the sixties. His election maladministration was very disgusting and demeaning. May Allah save our country from his evil conspiracies. Only him will affect. Finally, his destructive legacy will hang on to threaten the nation's fate in decades to come. Therefore; let us forget what tribe won or lost, that doesn't matter and unite our youth's efforts to rescue our beleaguered nation and leave his cheap trick of divide and rule behind to survive and look forward to the future.

Dirye is Somaliland Activist and Senior Editor at the Democracy Chronicles Africa's News Edition, dirye@democracychronicles.com

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