Monday, November 30, 2009
3 Askari oo Afrikan ah oo Djibouti Shil Baabuur ku Dilay
DJIBOUTI – Askar loo keenay dalka Djibouti si ay dhoola tus iyo tababar milatari ugu qaataan halkaa ayaa 3 ka mid ahi ku qudh waayeen shil baabuur oo ka shacay magaalada Djibouti saacado ka dib markii ay halkaa soo gaadheen.
Ciidamadan oo dalalka Afrikadu isku soo urursheen ayaa la filayaa inay difaacaan oo ay caawiyaan shacabka iyo xukuumadaha Afrika ee dagaalku saameeyo sida Somaliya.
Askarta halkaa ku qudh wayday waxa ka mid ah arkari lagu magacaabo Maj. Kahangye; sida uu sheegay afhayeenka ciidanku Lt. Col. Felix Kulayigye gaadhi kuwa xamuulka qaada ah oo siday askarta ayaa is rogay halkaasna ku dilay 3 askari. Afhayeenku wuu diiday inuu sheego magaacda labada askari ee iyaguna shilka ku qudh waayey.
Askartu waxay ku dhaawac meen iyagoo u socda tababar oo ka anbabaxay saldhigii lagu soo dejiyey. Sidoo kale 7 askari ayaa si xun u dhaawacmay oo shilkaa dhaawacyo halis ahi kusoo gaadheen.
Xig: SayliciPress
The Security Council today renewed for another 12 months the authorization for States and regional organizations fighting piracy off the Somali coast to enter the strife-torn country's territorial waters and "undertake all necessary measures that are appropriate in Somalia" provide they have the transitional government's consent.
In a resolution adopted unanimously under Chapter VII of the UN Charter authorizing the use of force, the 15-member body also noted with concern that escalating ransom payments and the lack of enforcement of the arms embargo imposed by the Council in 1992 are fuelling the growth of piracy.
It called on all States to fully cooperate with the monitoring group on the embargo and reiterated its appeal to countries and regional organizations with the capacity to do so to deploy naval vessels, arms and military aircraft in the fight again a scourge that has over the years frequently disrupted the delivery of UN humanitarian aid as well as routine shipping. This year the pirates have been operating ever further out to sea, sometimes hundreds of miles away from the coast.
Noting the "crisis situation in Somalia," which has been without a functioning central government and plagued by factional conflict since 1991, "and the limited capacity of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG)" to interdict or prosecute pirates, the Council renewed earlier calls to those States fighting piracy off the Somali coast to help plug the vacuum.
They should do so by concluding arrangements whereby countries willing to take custody of pirates, particularly those in the region, would station law enforcement officials on the patrol ships to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of persons detained as a result of the international operations, provided the TFG consents.
The Council called on Member States at the request of the TFG "to strengthen capacity in Somalia, including regional authorities, to bring to justice those who are using Somali territory to plan, facilitate, or undertake criminal acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea."
Earlier this month, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned that piracy would not be defeated by military means alone. "We will find a solution only by addressing the broader political and security situation," he said in a message to the UN International Maritime Organization (<"">IMO), stressing the need to support the "fragile" TFG.
He noted that since the start of the international naval escort system two years ago, not a single ship heading to Somalia with UN World Food Programme (WFP) aid has been attacked. "WFP has been able to scale up its operations, providing much-needed food assistance to nearly 3 million people," he pointed out.
King Abdullah orders probe, compensation
King Abdullah orders probe, compensation Muhammad Humaidan | Arab News |
JEDDAH: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah ordered an immediate payment of SR1 million to the family of each person who died in last week's flood in Jeddah. The king also ordered the setting up of a high-level committee that will be headed by Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal and will consist of Jeddah Gov. Prince Mishaal bin Majed and representatives of various ministries. The committee will study the extent of the damage due to the calamity. It will also study the causes of the crisis and recommend ways to ensure that it does not happen again. "It is painful that many countries, some with even less potential than the Kingdom, experience similar rainfall almost every day, but there are no devastation of the magnitude we witnessed in Jeddah and that saddens us," said the king. He also said that those responsible for this tragedy would be taken to task. "We cannot ignore the fact that there were mistakes and failures on the part of some departments and it is our duty to identify those responsible and take action against them." Earlier, Prince Khaled Al-Faisal speaking at a press conference, attributed the catastrophe in Jeddah to the delay in implementing drainage projects in the city. He also cited the ongoing construction on valley passes in most of the affected districts as being the reason for the tragedy. He assured the people of Jeddah that all measures had been taken to deal with any emergency situation. "We are facing problems for which we should find immediate solutions. We have committees currently assessing the damage, pointing out the causes of the disaster and suggesting remedies," he said. He said money was already being paid to people who have been provided accommodation. "The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the second deputy premier are very concerned about the condition of Jeddah after the rains and floods," he added. Prince Mishaal, director of Civil Defense Maj. Gen. Saad Al-Tuwaijri, Mayor of Jeddah Adel Fakieh, director of Jeddah police Maj. Gen. Ali Al-Saadi Al-Ghamdi and director of roads and bridges in Makkah region Mufrih Al-Zahrani also attended the conference at Prince Khaled's Jeddah home. "The catastrophe was big. Of course crises happen everywhere else in the world. We should consider what happened in Jeddah with rationality and impartiality, not with emotions. We convey our condolences to the families who lost their members in this tragedy and assure them that the lost ones are also our sons and daughters," said Prince Khaled. He added rescue and recovery work was still continuing and would finish in days. Al-Tuwaijri said the Civil Defense has all the necessary tools and qualified staff to deal with any type of emergency. He said Civil Defense personnel had been involved in similar situations outside Saudi Arabia in the past. He added the Civil Defense dealt with the disaster as was required and would deal with new developments as necessary. When Arab News questioned him why no evacuation plans had been drawn up despite the Baladiyyah being warned last month that the lack of drains and expected heavy rains could result in disaster, Fakieh conceded lessons had to be learned. He however added that evacuation plans were the responsibility of the Civil Defense. There was also the issue of where to evacuate people, he said, adding it would have been disastrous if they had been moved to the path of floods. In any case, the primary concern had been the sewage lake in a hill east of the city, he claimed. Prince Mishaal said the catastrophe has sounded a warning bell as to what might happen in the future. "We should never allow what happened to repeat itself in the future," he said |
The United Nations today appealed for more than $7.1 billion over the coming year to assist 48 million people across 25 countries whose lives have been wrecked by conflict and natural disasters, with the largest amount – over $1 billion – sought for Sudan.
"Our aim is to help people survive the coming year, and start working their way out of vulnerability towards the dignity, safety and self-sufficiency to which every human being has a right," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in the foreword to the 2010 Consolidated Humanitarian Appeal.
Launched today in Geneva by Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes, the appeal covers 12 of the world's most severe, prolonged crises: Afghanistan, the Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kenya, the occupied Palestinian territory, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, West Africa, Yemen and Zimbabwe.
The 2010 appeal is the biggest launched since the creation of the Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) in 1991.
Mr. Holmes said that humanitarian aid should be insulated from the current budget pressures faced by many governments. If not, the people desperately affected by the severest natural disasters and conflicts will pay the price for a recession not of their making.
He noted that the $7.1 billion being sought is "far less than one per cent of the amount spent on financial bailouts and economic stimulus" by governments in response to the economic crisis.
In addition to the amount requested for Sudan, the UN is seeking some $871 million to assist around 7 million Afghans suffering the effects of food insecurity, as well as the consequences of conflict.
Similarly, around $828 million is being sought to address the humanitarian needs in strife-torn DRC, where the needs "were still very great," according to Mr. Holmes.
Rounding out the top five is a request for $689 million for Somalia, where around 3.7 million people – or about half the population – are dependent on humanitarian aid due to conflict, drought, high food prices and the collapse of the local currency, and a request for $664 million for the "significant" humanitarian needs in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Mr. Holmes noted that to date the UN has received $6.3 billion, or 64 per cent, of the $7 billion that was sought one year ago as part of the 2009 humanitarian appeal covering 30 million people in 31 countries.
The appeal launched today is the culmination of the efforts of some 380 aid organizations, including UN agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other international bodies, which come together to meet the world's major humanitarian challenges in a strategic, coordinated, effective, and prioritized way.
Pirates say ship crew to die if China tries rescue
Pirates say ship crew to die if China tries rescue
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali pirates warned on Monday they would kill the crew of a Chinese bulk carrier if China's navy attempted to wrest control of the vessel from them.
In a statement read to Reuters over the phone, one of the pirates holding the 25 crew members of the coal ship De Xin Hai, seized in mid-October, said they had heard the Chinese navy was planning a rescue mission.
"We know they have arrayed their warships in Somalia waters to attack us," pirate Nur said, reading the statement from on board the ship.
"There have been negotiations between us and the Chinese to release the ship and we are not ignorant about their deception.
"We are telling them not to gamble with the lives of the Chinese teenagers in our hands. Honestly, we will kill if we are attacked."
Earlier this month, one pirate said his gang and owners of the vessel were discussing a $3.5 million ransom.
The Chinese bulk vessel was hijacked with 76,000 tonnes of coal and is owned by the Qingdao Ocean Shipping Co.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ballanqaadyadii Madaxweyne Rayaale Ee Gobolka Awdal Oo Ku Dambeeyey “Beeni Raad Ma Leh Beelalow Run Mooday” Reer Awdal oo Kalsoonidii Kala Noqday Dahir Rayale iyo Xisbiga UDUB! Aragtidii Reer Awdal ahaan aanu ugu codaynay Madaxweyne Rayaale doorashad
Reer Awdal oo Kalsoonidii Kala Noqday Dahir Rayale iyo Xisbiga UDUB!
Aragtidii Reer Awdal ahaan aanu ugu codaynay Madaxweyne Rayaale doorashadii hore ee Madaxweyne-nimada dalka ee 2003-dii, waxay ahayd mid ku salaysan Reer Awdalnimo, sababtoo ah innagoo u malaynayney ama ku qanacsanayn Madaxweyne Rayaale oo ka soo jeeda Gobolka Awdal inuu ka rumayn doono ballanqaadyadiisii uu ku sababeeyey "Dheri qofka ugu dhow ayaa laf kala baxa" iyo "fiqi ma eexdo bahdiina ma mooga", ee uu kaga ololaynayey Gobolka Awdal.
Maantase aragtida dadweynaha Gobolka Awdal wey ka gedisan tahay siddii ay ahayd todoba sano horteed, sababtoo ah kalsoonidoodii ayey kala noqdeen Madaxweyne Rayaale iyo Xisbigiisa UDUB, isla markaana waxay u digo-rogteen dhinaca xisbiga Kulmiye ee isbedel doonka ah, kadib markii Madaxweyne Rayaale uu ku fashilmay ballanqaadyadii uu uga dhawaajiyey Gobolka Awdal xilligii doorashadii hore ee 2003-dii, isla markaana ballanqaadyadaasi ay noqdeen "Beeni Raad Ma Leh Beelalow Run Mooday".
Taasina waa mid maanta meesha ka saaraysa fikradii loo malaynayey Madaxweyne Rayaale inuu kalsooni ka haysto Gobolka Awdal ee uu ka soo jeedo.
Hase ahaatee, Reer Awdal Dhawdhawdu Uma Dhacsanee weli waxa jira qaybo tiro yar oo ay ka mid yihiin rag waa-weyn oo aad loo yaqaano oo siyaabo khaldan oo dhallaanka iyo caruurtuba ay garan karaan wax looga dhaadhiciyey oo ilaa hadda aan ka quusan taageerida Madaxweyne Rayaale iyo Xisbigiisa UDUB. Kuwaasina waxay iskugu jiraan qaybo aaminsan doorasho inayna dalka ka dhacayn, isla markaana Madaxweyne Rayaale aanu ka dhaadhacayn weligii kursiga Madaxtinimada Somaliland siddii Somaliland ay tahay boqortooyo oo kale, iyo qaybo kale oo rumaysan iyaguna haddii doorasho dalka ay ka dhacdo Madaxweyne Rayaale inuu kor iyo hoosba ku guulaysan doono.
Si kastaba ha ahaatee, inkastoo nin meeli u cadahay meeli ay ka madowdahay, hadana qolyaha rumaysan doorasho inayna dalka ka dhacayn waxaan leeyahay doorashadu dalka wey ka dhici doontaa mana jiro maanta shakigii hore looga qabay, sababtoo ah xaskii ay ku jirtay ee Madaxweyne Rayaale uu keliddii iska lahaa go'aanka qabashadeeda, waa laga soo saaray oo hareeraha ayaa maanta laga wada joogaa, Beesha Caalamkuna Heshiiskii lixda qodob ka koobnaa ee ay ku dhexdhexaadisay saddexda Xisbi Qaran darif ayey ka saxeexeen, meel dambe oo hadeed Madaxweyne Rayaale kelidii uu kula gabadaana ma hadhin. Sidaas daraadeed, doorashadu wey dhacaysaa Ilaahey Idankii.
Kuwa kale ee iyaguna aaminsan Madaxweyne Rayaale inuu ku guulaysan doono doorashada soo socota, waxaan leehay fikradaasi maaha maanta mid macquul ah, sababtoo ah doorashadii hore ee 2003-dii Madaxweyne Rayaale isagoo maradiisu cadayd, isla markaana diiwaankiisu uu nadiif ahaa wuxuu kaga hormaray Xisbiga Kulmiye tiro aad u yar oo sideetan cod oo keliya ahayd, kadib markii weliba Guurtida Somaliland ay wax dhaqdhaqaajisay, farahana ay la soo gashay natiijadii codbixinta doorashadaas.
Balse, maanta oo Madaxweyne Rayaale todoba sano soo hayey xilka Madaxtinimada dalka, oo iska dhaaf hal tallaabo oo hore uu uga sii dhaqaajiyo halkii xilka loogu dhiibaye, hadana si aanu kursiga uga dhaadhicin awgeed loogu taagwaayey inuu dalka ka qabto doorasho xor iyo xalaal ah, taasina ay dalka ka abuurtay murankii siyaasiga ahaa ee khatarta gelin gaadhay Qaranimada iyo Nabedgelyada Somaliland ee naf iyo maalba loo soo huray, isla markaana Somaliland ay u xuubsiiban gaadhay meel bahalo galeen ah sida Somaliya oo kale, miyey macquul noqon kartaa Madaxweyne Rayaale inuu mar kale ku guuleysan karo doorashada Madaxtinimada dalka ee soo socota? Jawaabtu waa maya.
Prof. Adan Diiriye Dixood
Boorama, Gobolka, Awdal.
The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency
(<>IAEA) today called on Iran to immediately
suspend the construction of a recently-disclosed uranium enrichment
facility, and cooperate more fully to resolve all outstanding issues
related to its nuclear programme.
In a <>resolution
adopted today in Vienna by the Agency's Board of Governors, the IAEA
also urged Iran to clarify the purpose of the enrichment plant at Qom.
UN inspectors visited the plant late last month after Iran disclosed
its existence in September.
In addition, the IAEA "calls on Iran to confirm, as requested by the
Agency, that Iran has not taken a decision to construct, or authorize
construction of, any other nuclear facility which has as yet not been
declared to the Agency."
The resolution comes a day after the Agency's ou
tgoing Director General, Mohamed ElBaradei,
the 35-member policymaking body that the IAEA had reached a "dead end"
with Iran, noting that there had been no movement in over a year in
resolving outstanding issues related to its nuclear programme.
While Iran has stated that its nuclear programme is for peaceful
purposes, some countries contend it is driven by military ambitions.
The Agency today urged Iran to engage with it on the resolution of all
outstanding issues concerning the country's nuclear programme and to
cooperate fully in terms of providing access and information requested
by the IAEA.
The momentum for a deal at next month's United Nations climate change
summit is strong and growing, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said
today, urging world leaders to make the extra push to achieve a firm
foundation for a legally binding treaty as early as possible in 2010.
"My message to you today is simple: stay focused, stay committed, come
to Copenhagen, and seal a deal," Mr. Ban said in a
<>keynote address to
Commonwealth heads of government, at their meeting in Port of Spain,
Trinidad and Tobago.
"A deal that is ambitious, a deal that is equitable, a deal that
satisfies the demands of science," he added.
With only nine days to go, he and Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen
of Denmark, which is hosting the 7 to 18 December conference, are
working to get every country on board towards a new agreement to
reduce greenhouse gas em
issions. Some 80 world leaders have pledged to attend the summit, and
more are signing up daily.
"The momentum is strong -- and it continues to grow," Mr. Ban told the
gathering, which is the last international meeting before Copenhagen.
Despite several rounds of pre-summit negotiations, core issues --
including mitigation targets from industrialized countries and
financing to assist developing countries -- remain unresolved and have
dimmed the hopes of achieving a legally binding successor pact to the
1997 Kyoto Protocol, the emissions reduction treaty whose first
commitment period expires in 2012.
Mr. Ban noted that every country, large or small, has an important
role, and each week brings new commitments and pledges -- from
industrialized countries, emerging economies, and developing
Among others, he cited the voluntary plans to significantly reduce
emissions announced recently by Brazil, Indonesia and the Republic of
Korea, as well as the "ambitious" pledges mad
e by Japan, Norway and the European Union.
He called for strong commitments in five areas: ambitious mid-term
mitigation targets from industrialized countries, ambitious mitigation
actions by developing countries that limit the growth of their
emissions to below 'business as usual,' ambitious adaptation framework
for all countries, financing and technology to support developing
countries with all of the above, and a transparent and equitable
governance structure to manage and deploy these resources that gives
all countries a voice.
Stressing that financing is key, he said that in the short term, the
developed world will need to provide at least $10 billion dollars in
fast-track funding annually over the next three years. This will go
towards jump-starting low-emission growth in developing countries,
limiting deforestation and financing immediate adaptation measures.
More substantial funding, scaled up to the needs, will be needed over
the medium term, he added.
"An agreement in
Copenhagen that clearly addresses these elements will be a success."
Somaliland Journalists Held at Addis Ababa Airport
Somaliland Journalists Held at Addis Ababa Airport

HARGEISA, 28 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Six Somaliland journalists are held at Addis Ababa Airport in Ethiopia for the third day. The journalists were on their way to Nairobi to attend a workshop for journalists held by a Dutch organization.
The group was told that their visas were rejected by the Kenyan authorities. "We were told by the workshop organizers to go to Uganda and come to Kenya by road" Said Mr. Abdiqani, one of the journalists. At Kampala's Entebe airport the Ugandan administration held the journalists and rejected to give permission to enter the country. They deported the group back to Addis Ababa and handed over their passports to the Ethiopian Immigration office who are currently dealing with the issue.
One of the six Journalists is the Somalilandpress reporter, Mr. Abdiqani Bainah. Others are from hadhwanaag news, Ogaal newspaper, Hargeisa Cable Tv, Space Channel TV and Oodweyne news website.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Xafladdan oo ay ka qayb galeen, Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), Xoghayaha guud ee Xisbigaas Keyse Xasan Cige, Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi, Maxamed Cabdi Iskeerse, Guddoomiyaha Ololaha Doorashada ee gobollada galbeedka Somaliland Baashe Cabdi Gaboobe iyo Masuuliyiin kale oo tiro badan oo ka tirsan Xisbiga.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thousands of American Muslims Travel to Saudi for Hajj
Thousands of American Muslims Travel to Saudi for Hajj
One of a Muslim's duties, according to the five pillars of Islam, is to make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once during his or her lifetime. An estimated three million Muslims have traveled to Mecca to perform the Hajj.
Mohamed Elshinnawi | Washington26 November 2009

The pilgrims circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God, inside the Grand mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia (file photo)One of a Muslim's duties, according to the five pillars of Islam, is to make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once during his or her lifetime. An estimated three million Muslims have traveled to Mecca to perform the Hajj. This year, 12,000 American Muslims are performing this particular pillar of Islam.
Millions of Muslims, including thousands from the US, are making the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, called the Hajj.
American Muslims start their journey by chanting their commitment to the pilgrimage.
"We say, 'here I am Allah, here I am Allah, at your service.' So whatever Allah wants us to do, is what we want to do and we want to use this as a way to commit ourselves to Allah the rest of the year and the rest of our lives as well," Safi Khan, a Pakistani American, explains.
His wife Samira is a medical technician. She says, for her, pilgrimage is a way to move closer to God. "It is very uplifting spiritually to see all the people from different backgrounds getting together focusing on one thing, that is to worship one God," she said.
During the Hajj, the pilgrims will circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God. Muslims believe that God ordered the Prophet Abraham to build a house of worship on this site.
Baqir Imrani is a high school teacher performing the Hajj for the fifth time. This year he is praying for a universal cause.
"My prayer is: world peace for every one especially the Muslims, because they seem to suffer the most now," he said. "So hopefully we will wake up and take the right steps to bring peace in our own lands and contribute to bring the world peace."
The journey requires elaborate preparation as well as documents, a good amount of money and vaccinations.
Saudi authorities say that because the Hajj is a religious event, they are not banning anyone because of the H1N1 flu. But they have urged countries to follow precautions, such as age restrictions and vaccinations.
Adel El Farmawani is a travel agent for Muslim pilgrims in the U.S. He says some pilgrims will stay in double rooms, others in rooms that accommodate four.
"The average cost for the five star Hajj program is about eight thousand dollars and the four star program is about 5,000," he said.
Sheikh Irfan Kabeer Eldin is the group's religious leader. He instructs the pilgrims on how to perform the Hajj. "I give talks to tell them how to do each step of the Hajj," he said.
As they board the plane, the pilgrims continue to chant. When they approach their destination, the airport at Jeddah, the women will be wearing white dresses and head covers, while the men will be wearing two pieces of unsewn white cloth to reflect human equality and unity before God.
After the pilgrimage, American Muslims will join Muslims around the world in Eid Al Adha, the four day feast celebrating the end of the Hajj.
Thousands of American Muslims Travel to Saudi for Hajj
Thousands of American Muslims Travel to Saudi for Hajj
One of a Muslim's duties, according to the five pillars of Islam, is to make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once during his or her lifetime. An estimated three million Muslims have traveled to Mecca to perform the Hajj.
Mohamed Elshinnawi | Washington26 November 2009

The pilgrims circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God, inside the Grand mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia (file photo)One of a Muslim's duties, according to the five pillars of Islam, is to make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once during his or her lifetime. An estimated three million Muslims have traveled to Mecca to perform the Hajj. This year, 12,000 American Muslims are performing this particular pillar of Islam.
Millions of Muslims, including thousands from the US, are making the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, called the Hajj.
American Muslims start their journey by chanting their commitment to the pilgrimage.
"We say, 'here I am Allah, here I am Allah, at your service.' So whatever Allah wants us to do, is what we want to do and we want to use this as a way to commit ourselves to Allah the rest of the year and the rest of our lives as well," Safi Khan, a Pakistani American, explains.
His wife Samira is a medical technician. She says, for her, pilgrimage is a way to move closer to God. "It is very uplifting spiritually to see all the people from different backgrounds getting together focusing on one thing, that is to worship one God," she said.
During the Hajj, the pilgrims will circle the Kaaba, considered by Muslims the house of God. Muslims believe that God ordered the Prophet Abraham to build a house of worship on this site.
Baqir Imrani is a high school teacher performing the Hajj for the fifth time. This year he is praying for a universal cause.
"My prayer is: world peace for every one especially the Muslims, because they seem to suffer the most now," he said. "So hopefully we will wake up and take the right steps to bring peace in our own lands and contribute to bring the world peace."
The journey requires elaborate preparation as well as documents, a good amount of money and vaccinations.
Saudi authorities say that because the Hajj is a religious event, they are not banning anyone because of the H1N1 flu. But they have urged countries to follow precautions, such as age restrictions and vaccinations.
Adel El Farmawani is a travel agent for Muslim pilgrims in the U.S. He says some pilgrims will stay in double rooms, others in rooms that accommodate four.
"The average cost for the five star Hajj program is about eight thousand dollars and the four star program is about 5,000," he said.
Sheikh Irfan Kabeer Eldin is the group's religious leader. He instructs the pilgrims on how to perform the Hajj. "I give talks to tell them how to do each step of the Hajj," he said.
As they board the plane, the pilgrims continue to chant. When they approach their destination, the airport at Jeddah, the women will be wearing white dresses and head covers, while the men will be wearing two pieces of unsewn white cloth to reflect human equality and unity before God.
After the pilgrimage, American Muslims will join Muslims around the world in Eid Al Adha, the four day feast celebrating the end of the Hajj.
Ku xusuuso Shiikh Maxamed-Rashaad Alle ha u naxariistee daruustan...
Posted By Samotalis to SAMOTALIS at 11/26/2009 07:11:00 PM
What should one say when slaughtering the udhiyah?
Prime Minister’s message for Hajj
Prime Minister's message for Hajj
The Prime Minister has sent his best wishes to all Muslims making the annual Pilgrimage of Hajj.
The PM said:
Approximately 25,000 British Muslims travel to Saudi Arabia for the annual Pilgrimage of Hajj. I am proud that the UK Government was one of the first in the Western World to send a Hajj delegation to Saudi Arabia to provide British Hajis with consular and medical services.
This period is of course a time of deep personal reflection but it is also a time of great celebration. I wish Hajj Mubarak to all of the pilgrims and Eid Mubarak to you all.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ahmed Arwo
Mahad oo dhan ALLE ayaa leh. ILAAHA inaga dhigay Muslim, ILAAHA inagu tilmaamay inaynu nahay ummadda ugu kheyr badan ummadaha, Waxa nasiib leh inta Alle waafajiyey xajka sanadkan, ee hilow iyo qalbi furan ku ajiibay amarkii Eebbe, kuwa yidhi Labayka Allaahu Labayk. Allow adaan ku maqlay, waxaan u imid inaan fuliyo amarkaaga. Waxaa nasiib leh inta martida Ebbe ku noqotay guriga Alle iyo carrada barakaysan. Waxa iyana nasiib leh inteena caafimaad iyo nabad ku ciidaysa. Waa ayaan barakaysan oo Islaamku ku midoobay, caddaan, madow, maalqabeen, faqiir, taliye iyo loo taliye, wiil iyo waayeel, rag iyo dumar. Waa kulan farxadeed, waa madal xarago, waa muuqaal Alle ka cabsi iyo muujinta midnimada Islaamka. Waa dabaaldeg iyo damaashada daafaha dunida camiray.
Waxa ina kala qaybiya wax kasta oo damac adduunyo ah. Tartan ganacsi, tartan siyaasadeed, ilaa tartan ciyaareed. Waxaynu dhowaan aragnay khilaafka isku rogay cadaawadda ee ka dhashay ciyaar kubadeed oo dhexmartay labada dale e Masar iyo Jasaair. Waxa ina mideeya diin iyo camal kasta oo leh kheyr ma guurta ah. Wanaag iyo walaalnimada diintu waa daawada keliya ee khilaaf kasta soo afjari karta, kolka sida Eebbe ina faray lagu camal falo, iyadoon la qalooyin, waxna lagu darin, waxna laga saarin.
Xajka oo ah rukunka shannaad ee diinteena macaani ku dhisantay, waxuu yahay mid waajib inagu ah hal mar inta cimriga ruuxu jiro, kolka ruux islaam ihi qaan gaadho karaankeedana leeyahay.
Illaahay Subxaanahu Wa Tacaalaa, waxuu yidhi "Fajriga ayaan ku dhaartay, iyo Habeeno toban ah (Tobanka hore ee Dilxijjah (Carrafo))". Camal uu addoonku qabtana tobankaa ayaamood Ilaahay aad ayuu u jecel yahay, Nabigeennu nnEka ahaataye wuxuu yidhi:-"Maalmo ma jiraan uu camalka wanaagsani dhexdooda Ilaahay agtiisa looga jacayl badan yahay ayaamahan (waxaa loo jeedaa tobanka ayaamood ee carafo u horreeya). Asaxaabtii baa tidhi:-Rasuulkii Ilaahayow (nnEka) xattaa Jihaad Ilaahay jidkiisa loo galana?, wuxuu yidhi (Rasuulku nnEka):-"Xattaa Jihaad loo galo jidka Eebbena, illaa nin la baxay naftiisii iyo maalkiisiiba oo aanay xaggiisana waxba ka soo noqonin(ku soo shahiiday)".
Waxaa kale oo uu Rasuulkeennu nnEka yidhi:-"Qofkii Xajiya ee aan hadal xun iyo macsi la iman wuxuu soo noqdaa sida maalintii ay hooyadii dhashay oo kale(aan dambi lahayn).Tobanka cisho ee bisha Carafo u horreeyana waa toban cisho oo khayr ka buuxo Eebbena ku dhaartay
Soomaaliyeeye Ciid mubaarak iyo xaj maqbuul. Ciddu Waa Maalin Farxad Iyo Reynreyn Islaamku Ku Midoobay, Ee Dhammaan Ciid Mubarik.Waxaan hanbalyo ciideed u fidinayaa dhammaan Islaamka adduunka, si gaar ah Soomaalida meel kasta joogta: Somaliland, Somalia, Jabuuti, Kilinka shanaad, NFD, iyo inta daafaha dunida ku kala baahsan. Ciid wanaagsan Soomaaliyeey, ciid mubaarik meel kasta ood joogtaanba. Illaahay nabad hayna siiyo, hayna tuso tubta loo maro horumarka iyo dhismaha, haynaga duwo dariiqa halaaga iyo burburinta.
Weli dhibta adduunyo waa sideedii oo qorigu kama damo dunida Islaamka . Weli Soomaali waa u saxariir, weliba intii fayoobeyd ayaa dar fadmo wadayaal ihi weerar gardaro ku qaadeen, du dileen wiil iyo waayeel, hooyo iyo ubadkeed. Waxay ku biiriyeen oohintii gees ilaa gees Soomaaliya qoysay, waxa duulaanka gardarro lagu qaaday Jamhuuriyadda Soomaliland, dal nabad iyo dawladnimo ku sifoobay, oo weliba darmo marti u fadiyey maatada ka soo carartay silica iyo qaraxa habeen iyo maalinba gurayhooda ka soo saaray.
Weli Fastiin waa u dulmi, oo waxa soo raacay iyadoo Qasa oodda loo soo jiiday, waxa loo rogay xabsi ay ku xareysan yihiin milyan iyo badh nafleey ah oo Ashahaadada Islaamaka ku eedeysan. Weli Ciraaq waa u dil, dhac iyo dumis, weli Afgaanistaan waa qax iyo qarxis, weli xabsigii Cuuba waa furan yahay. Rajaa jirta oo isbedelka Maraykan waxbaa looga fadhiyaa, wax se gacan qof kale ku jiraa yaan loo lab taagin,,ee Islaamku maankiisa, midigtiisa iyo maalkiisa ha ku tashado. Nabad iyo wadajir ha loo guntada. Dagaal furan talo ma aha . Bal inagu gudaheena aan kalo nabad gelno, isu naxno, isu gargaarno, oon isu damqano. Argagax iyo ismiidaamin meelna wanaag iyo kheyr kuma leh.
Haddaba aan wax yar ka sheegno maalinta cidda iyo sifaha islaamku u arko. Maalintan oo magacyo dhowr ah loogu yeedha oo dhammaan ina tusaaya qiimaha iyo qadarinta ay mudan tahay.Labada ciidood ee islaamku waxay dhacaan xili muslimiintu ay soo gutaan laba farad oo u baahan in nafta la xakameeyo, lana soo maro dhibaato jidh-ahaaneed iyo mid ruuxi ahba. Waxa la soo gutay soonka Ramadaan oo maalintii oo dhan laga caaganaa cabid, cunid iyo galmaba, habeenkiina lagu soo jeedo salaad iyo quraan akhri. Dadaalkaas iyo gudashadaas waajibka ah, ayuu Illaahay inoo bineeyey inaynu farxadda ciidda ku sogootino.
Sidoo kale Ciidda Carafo, waxay ka dambeysaa guditaanka xajka, oo xujaydu ay isaga yimaadaan daafaha dunida, iyagoo ehelkood iyo dalkoodaba ka soo baqoolaaya, xarago ka tegaaya, si siman u lugaynaa goobo barakaysan, oon marna la dareemin cidhiidhi iyo culayska dhabta ah ee jira.. Maalinta ciidda islaamku waxuu ku sifeeyaa Maalin Guuleed (Day of Victory). Waa maalin ay guulaysteen inta waajibkeeda gudatay, oo ay gaadheen guushii ay filayeen .Waxa kale oo la yidhaahdaa, waa Maalintii Waxa Goosiga (Day of Harvest), waayo waa maalin Illaahay ka abaal marinaayo cibaadada ay soo guteen, sida ninka beerta falaa uu midhaheeda u goosto xiliga ay baxdo.Waxa kale oo loogu yeedhaa, Maalinta Cafiska, Day of Forgiveness), waayo Illaahay waxuu cafiyaa inta soonka sida uu inoo faray u toosisay.Waxay Muslimiintu si wadar ah ay u baryaan Illaahay dambi-dhaaf iyo inuu ku manaysto imaan xoog ah iyo khaatumo san. Waxa ka mid ah magacyada badan Maalinta Nabadda, Maalinta Xusuusta iyo Mahadnaqa iyo qaar kale.
Sanadkan silicii,saxariirkii, dilkii iyo dhaci weli reer Soomaal waa u caadi, abaar, col iyo cadaalad-darro waa u dhaqan, waxa se ay dhowaan yare neefsadeen, kolkii Sucuudigu xanibaadii ka qaaday xoolaha. Waa in la mahadiyaa, oo weliba Sucuudiga loo mahadnaqaa, lana tusaa wejiga isbedelay ee dadkeena si loo hanto inayna dib u dhicin joojin kale. Cabashada waan naqaan, mahadnaqa se weynu ka qaawanay… waar eriga Alxamdulilaa badiya, qofka wax ku tara u mahad celi, muuji nimcada Eebbe ku siiyo. Taas ayaa taran leh, dheef leh oo kheyr oo dhammi ku jiraa.
Waa maalin weyne, waa Maalinta Islaamka, waana Maalin Illaahay. Illaahay qalbigeena ha xoojiyo, xaqana heyna tuso, nabad iyo barwaaqana sanadkaa sanadkiisa hayna waafajiyo. Inta bugta Allow bogsii, meehsa colaadi ka jirto Allow nabad ku soo dabaal, Illaahow na gargaar oo naga yeel kuwa dhisa diintooda, dalkooda iyo dadkoodaba. Aamin.
Ahmed Arwo
Cardiff, U.K
Cismaan/Hindi Riyaale uu kaa horeeyaa ee caawimo weydiiso Cali gurey isgaa ka horeeya ina Riyaale si aad u badbaado
Cismaan/Hindi Riyaale Waa Nin Kaa Horeeya ee caawimo lagugu badbaadiyo Cali gurey ka dalbo isagaa ina Riyaale ka horeeya e.
Intii aan Ismaaciil yare iyo Jamac Sweden is nidhi ama isu sheegney adiga ku odhan maayo, Waayo adigu lama aad mid tihid labadaas midna siyaabo badan marka la eego, Ismaaciil yare isagoon ka soo mid noqon Kulmiye ayuu dhufeys iyo difaac adag u galay UDUB si u u xejisto booskiisa, balse Riyaale ayaa ka yaabey qaabkii u u dhaqmaayey ogaadeyna in noociisa oo kale aanu isaga Riyaale ahaan iyo dadkaba midna faaido u lahayn, ilaa la gaadhsiiyey heer lagu dhaleeceeyo in u dhacay mushaharkii askarta, markii saxaafadu faafiseyna aanu iska difaacin taasoo muujisey damirka shaqsiyadiisu xambaarsantahay nooca ay tahay, beri ayuu yidhi waanu difaacaneynaa kursiga, waxaan ku idhi waa hubaal in aad si fool xun uga hortegeyso Riyaale, way dhacdey, waxa aniga iyo ummaddaba u muuqdey akhlaaqda iyo ficilkiisuba in aanu ahayn mid siyaasad yo masuuliyad midnaba sifihiisa u dhashay. Jaamacna isagoo aan marnaba ka soo mid noqon kulmiye ayuu door bidey in u xilkii loo igmadey hadh cad iyadoon la isba gaadhin u dhinac u xagliyey, fashilaadii ka gaadheyna waataas Hargeisa oo dhammi u aqoonsatey nimaan xilkas ahayn, laguna xamanaayo nin hadhka cad kuraasta iyo wixii lagu aamino dib loo baadi doonaayo halka ay mareen, labadaasuba daaqada UDUB bay hawsha ay hayeen ka soo galeen, waxa ay ku dambeeyeena waad ogtahay.
Osman adiga midna lama mid tihid, Kulmiye ayaa xil kuu dhiibtey, shaqsiga aad tahayna in yar baa kutiqiin, in badan oo aan joogey goobhii dadka lagu shirsiin jirey iyo goobihii Kulmiye taageereyaashiiba khaas loogula kulmii jireyba , adiguna aad si guud iyo si gaar ahaba dadka ugala hadli jirtey goobahaas.
Maxaad sheegi jirtey? Maxaase lagugu bartey?
Waxa aad sheegi jirtey cay ruux binu aadmiya ruux ka sheego tii ugu foosha xumeyd adigana kugu koobneyd oo aad Riyaale ka sheegi jirtey, gaar ahaana waxa dad dhowr ahi ogaayeen taladaadii ahayd waa in la kharajiyaa iyo anigaa haya farsamadii lagu fulin lahaa. Caydaas iyo farsamadaas midnaba heerka ay kaa gaadhsiisneyd maan araga manaan maqal ruux reer S/land u dhashay oo dhaqankaas iyo fekerkaas lagu arkey ama laga sheegaayoba.
Haddaba, waxa maanta guul u ah Riyaale ninkii caydiisa la ogaa in u dadka isagii u soo caayaayo, waxa taasi cadeyneysaa in Cismaan lala dhacaayo karbaash meel aanu garaneyn uga yimmi, caydii u ku fogaan jireyna ay ku noqotey calaamad maanta dambigii lagaga jaraayo in u isagii dib loogu ciqaabo dadka cay oo been ka sheeg., waxaan maqli jirey calaamo lagaa muuji.
Osmanow adigana jab iyo halaag bay kuu taheyoo caydii iyo dambigii aad ninkaas ka sheegi jrtey ayaa nafsigii kuu geeyey in u kaaga aar goosto in aad dadka u soo caydo, ummadana u ku tuso waxa aad ahayd, dadkana waxa ay u noqotey cashar ah in aad been abuurka taqaan, cayda taqaan oo bahal ceedhin ma daaye, nina caadadii ma baajo, shaqo lagaaga dhigey kolba kaad ag joogto mooyaane ka kale cay, waxa muuqata in shaqsi ifkii toos loogu ciqaabeyo aad astaamihiisii leedahay, taas oo adigu aad markhaatiga kowaad ka tahay, waayo ninkii aad odhan jirtey hala khaarajiyo, daacad uma aha S/land iyo wixii kale oo aan anigaba ii banaaneyn in aan halkan ku soo qoro, hadii maantaba aad indho la'aan iyo dhego la'aan dadka ugu soo caayeyso, miyaanad markhaati ka ahayn ciqaabta kula soo deristey, dadkuna waa ka markhaati oo xitaa ina Riyaale ayaa isna ka markhaatiya, markaas nacas ha moodin in a Riyaale waa u kaa horeeyaa, waana u ku ogyahay, dadkana waxa u ugu jecelyahay nin xambaarsan damiirkaaga oo kale, Odey kuu adeer ah baa hore u yidhi, hadii ina maskaxi ku jirto inankaas shaqo umuu doonteen ina Riyaale, waayo, ma ninkii Hargeisa iyo aniguba aanu ogeyn buu yidhi halka u ninkaas caydiisa la mari jirey ayaa maanta in Riyaale ag jooga, tolow sidee buu u xamileyaa? adeerkaa waxa ka maqan in xag alle lagaa kashifaayo oo dadkiina ku arko, damiirkaas ku huwan unbaa la muujineyaa oo ifka lagaaga jareyaa cayda iyo beenta aad u caadeysatey, macnaha siyaasadu leedahay aan weli kuu dhaadhicin, Kulmiyena waa halyeyadii iyo geesiyaashii adiguba aad ku faani jirety markii hore oo waxba iskama bedelin, Riyaalena adigaa og oo ag jooga in u weli yahay ninkii aad noo sheegi jirtey iyo in u yahay nin kale oo aad riyo ku joogto, wixii aad ka sheegi jirteyna weli dadku sidii buu u haystaa.
Bal inaadeerow waxa aad iiga jawaabtaa su'aalahan?
Cayda iyo been abuurka kaa soo butaaceyaa marnaba ma gaadhi doonaan heerkii aad Riyaale caydiisa gaadhsiin jirtey?
In la khaarajiyo Riyaale ruuxa keliya ee dadka u dhashay S/land laga maqley marar badan baad ahayd, maanta ruux kale oo aad ku maqantahay ma jiraa?
Cismaanow caydii xag jirka ahayd iyo been abuurkii aad Riyaale shaqsiyadiisa ka sheegi jirtey in nafsi u adeegey oo u nafsi ku ag geeyey ma rumeyneysaa, madaama aad wax ka sheega shaqsiyadiisa aad ka badsatey wax ka sheega siyaasadiisa?
In ummadda illaahey ku tusaayo oo ifka caalamo lagaaga muujiyey ma kula tahay, madaama ninkii aad ag joogto mooyaane ka kale aad indho la'aan iyo dhego la'aan ugu caytameyso?
Sidee baad u maleyneysaa in dadka reer Hargeisi kuu arkaan waqtigan? Sideese in Riyaale kuu arkaa baad u maleyneysa, ma sidii Ismaaciil nin la soo jabey, mise nin soo shaqsi caayey oo xitaa ku fekerey khaarajis hadana u jaceyl u hayo baad tahay?
Amina Hagi Mohamoud
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
U.S. Department of State Daily Digest Bulletin
From: U.S. Department of State <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 17:20:13 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Africa: Remarks to the Press
Africa: Remarks to the Press
Remarks to the Press
Ian Kelly
Department Spokesman, Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
MR. KELLY: Okay. What can I do you for?
QUESTION: No questions. (Laughter.)
MR. KELLY: Okay. (Laughter.) It's great to see you all, though, I must say. It's been a few days. Who wants to start?
QUESTION: Does anyone want to start with Iran?
MR. KELLY: Mr. Dombey, you want to start?
QUESTION: I have a question.
MR. KELLY: All right. Mr. Wood.
QUESTION: Well, could we get an update on the P-5+1?
MR. KELLY: You guys are all so shy. Oh, update on the P-5+1.
QUESTION: And how the latest talks went and what's going on with Iran nukes?
MR. KELLY: Yeah. Oh, I think – didn't Robert give you a readout on Friday?
QUESTION: I just – I flew back from Kabul on Friday --
MR. KELLY: Oh, you did. Okay.
QUESTION: -- so --
MR. KELLY: Well, let me just kind of reiterate --
QUESTION: That complicates --
MR. KELLY: -- reiterate where we are then.
QUESTION: So if there's anything new as of today or the weekend.
MR. KELLY: Yeah. Well, there's actually not a whole lot that's new. They – of course, they met in Brussels and issued a statement where they expressed their disappointment that Iran has not been able to follow up, not been able to provide a positive answer to the proposal on the table from the IAEA to send out their low-enriched uranium for reprocessing outside the country. And we continue to urge Iran to seize this opportunity. It's an important opportunity for them to show that they're ready to address the concerns of the international community and, at the same time, meet the humanitarian needs of their people. But it's a fleeting opportunity and they need to take advantage of it.
The political directors also agreed that they would have another meeting shortly, exact time to be determined, to complete their assessment of the situation and decide on next steps in the context of their dual-track approach.
Meanwhile, there's another important date coming up with the meeting of the Board of Governors on Thursday, and they will discuss there the Director General's assessment that Iran should have declared its facility in Qom and, therefore, has not complied with its safeguard obligations, and that the construction of a new enrichment facility would be in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions. So this meeting on Thursday of the Board of Governors will be an opportunity to discuss these issues and for the board to make recommendations in light of these developments.
QUESTION: Ian, just for clarification down here. This is Friday's guidance, right? I mean, what you just --
MR. KELLY: This is nothing new, no.
QUESTION: Nothing new, okay. I just wanted to make --
MR. KELLY: This is Friday's guidance, yeah.
QUESTION: I think the word fleeting --
MR. KELLY: Sorry?
QUESTION: Yeah. I think the word fleeting --
QUESTION: Yeah, fleeting is new. Fleeting opportunity – very important. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: Ian, on the peace process, we're not hearing anything from the Administration regarding the peace process. What are you planning to do? Any plan for Senator Mitchell to go back to the Middle East?
MR. KELLY: Well, Senator Mitchell's in Washington and, of course, has had an opportunity to debrief the Secretary on his recent round of talks with Israeli negotiators. And he, of course, remains in contact with both sides, with his contacts on the Israeli side and his contacts on the Palestinian side. I don't think he has any plans right now to go back. Of course, we have our national holiday on Thursday, so I would not anticipate anything before then, certainly.
QUESTION: Ian, may I ask on a different subject, on START?
QUESTION: Anything new for potential day of signing, because December 5th is approaching?
MR. KELLY: Sure is. Yeah.
QUESTION: There are talks that the two presidents will be meeting somewhere in Europe. Is it true?
MR. KELLY: Well, I have nothing to announce in that regard – regarding a meeting of the two presidents in Europe. You know that the negotiating teams continue to work very hard in Geneva. They have agreement on a number of issues, but they're also trying to work out some of the areas where they need to come together. You know that when the two presidents met in Singapore, they reiterated their commitment to signing a draft treaty by the expiration date, or signing a new treaty in December anyway.
But as you know, because the treaty has to be ratified by the respective legislators, we, of course, know that we are not going to have a ratified treaty that can enter into force, so we are having discussions with Russia to see how we can continue some of the transparency and verification measures, so that these measures can continue until the treaty is ratified.
And so we're working on kind of two tracks. One is to get that text done by early December. And then since we recognize we're not going not have a fully ratified treaty in both capitals, we're looking at ways that a number of provisions can remain in effect in this period between December 5th and whenever the new treaty is ratified.
QUESTION: Right. Do you think it's realistic that the negotiations will be completed by early December?
MR. KELLY: Well, we're certainly hopeful about it – that we'll be able to have a draft agreement that both sides are comfortable with.
QUESTION: So you mean that since you won't get a ratified treaty by December 5th, you will have monitors in place – the monitors who are in Russia and the U.S. – the Russians who are in the U.S., they will stay in place? There's no worry about that?
MR. KELLY: Well, we're working on various mechanisms to ensure that we can continue these monitoring activities that promote transparency, which is a really important part of these agreements.
QUESTION: And would – I mean, is there a risk – don't you have a draft already available that you just sign the – once December 5th –
MR. KELLY: But it wouldn't – it won't enter into force, though, until it's ratified. So you need to have some kind of mechanism to keep these means of monitoring in place and ongoing.
QUESTION: Ian, any idea who might be signing those? On the Secretary's level or on presidential level?
MR. KELLY: Peter, I really have nothing to announce on that.
QUESTION: I'm sorry. Ian, did you say there's anything new as far as, like, a bridging mechanism for – until the treaty is ratified?
MR. KELLY: It's something that's being worked out that we're still working with our Russian colleagues in Geneva.
QUESTION: So nothing to announce?
MR. KELLY: Nothing to announce, no.
QUESTION: And the fact that Lugar, you know, introduced legislation that was voted out of committee the other day?
MR. KELLY: Well, I think that's part of it.
MR. KELLY: Yeah. But it has to be done on both sides.
QUESTION: So is that – is there time to get it done by December 5th?
MR. KELLY: Well, we certainly hope so. We think these monitoring mechanisms are important. And so we're working on it.
QUESTION: Any update for Bosworth's trip to North Korea?
MR. KELLY: I do not have anything to add to what we said on Friday and the day before that and the day before that.
QUESTION: I heard that his schedule will be extended to stay in the North Korea. Do – you said –
MR. KELLY: Oh, I haven't heard that. I don't think we have a set schedule in North Korea yet.
QUESTION: But you said they want to have – that he will stay. There are some reports saying that it's a little more extended.
MR. KELLY: Well, like I say, we're still working with officials in Pyongyang to develop an appropriate schedule.
QUESTION: And you don't know what – in what order he's visiting other countries after?
MR. KELLY: Well, we're just – we're not prepared to announce the details of his trip, but he does anticipate going to all five capitals: Seoul, Pyongyang, Tokyo, Beijing and Moscow. But I don't think we've had all – the order put in place yet.
QUESTION: They're still considering who will go with him?
MR. KELLY: I think we know. It's going to be a small delegation – interagency delegation, but we're just – we're not prepared to announce it yet. We will be able to soon, though.
QUESTION: Yesterday –
MR. KELLY: Okay? No? Yeah.
QUESTION: – North Korea urging to replace armistice agreement with peace treaty. Do you have that (inaudible)?
MR. KELLY: I'm not sure I understand the question.
QUESTION: North Korea official newspapers urge you to replace armistice agreement with peace treaty.
QUESTION: Yeah, urging the replacement of –
QUESTION: Yeah, yeah.
QUESTION: He's saying that the North Korean media has said is urging the replacement of the armistice with a peace treaty, which is something –
MR. KELLY: Well, we are focused on resuming the Six-Party Talks. That's really what all our energies and all of our attention is devoted to now. That's the purpose of Ambassador Bosworth's trip. We don't anticipate discussing these kinds of issues within the context of his visit. I think you know, though, as part of the Six-Party Talks, there is a provision for having bilateral working groups, but we're not at that point, obviously. We first want to get the Six-Party Talks resumed.
QUESTION: And do you know if the Secretary is going to be in upstate New York for Thanksgiving and –
MR. KELLY: (Laughter.)
QUESTION: And I mean, is that – are people taking off for a couple (inaudible)?
MR. KELLY: She does plan to spend Thanksgiving with her family, but we don't have anything – I have no announcements about where she's spending it.
QUESTION: And what's Steinberg up to – Steinberg?
MR. KELLY: I honestly do not know.
QUESTION: He's probably working.
MR. KELLY: He's probably working, yeah.
MR. KELLY: I'll be working.
QUESTION: He's writing your statements.
MR. KELLY: He's writing my statements. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: Probably so.
MR. KELLY: Yeah.
QUESTION: Somalia announced that it's going to join the Convention on the Rights of the Child. And if they do so, the United States is going to be the only country that hasn't ratified the treaty. So I'm wondering what's the position of this Administration on that treaty?
MR. KELLY: I'll have to find out.
QUESTION: Could you take –
MR. KELLY: That's a taken question.
QUESTION: Yeah. Can you do a similar on the landmine treaty? There's going to be the conference in Cartagena next week.
MR. KELLY: Yeah, that's right.
QUESTION: And what's the U.S. –
MR. KELLY: We actually have some guidance on that. I can't recall it off the top of my head.
QUESTION: You don't have it with you?
MR. KELLY: No, I'm afraid not. But we do have guidance on that that we can send out to you, yeah.
QUESTION: If you can take that and whether you're going to join – okay.
MR. KELLY: Yeah.
MR. KELLY: Okay?
MR. KELLY: All right. Thank you.