African glory for Egypt | ||||
By Paul Rhys in Luanda
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Mohamed Gedo took his tournament goal tally to five as he fired Egypt into the record books with an unprecendented third Africa Cup of Nations win in a row. Gedo came on as a second-half substitute with the Pharaohs deadlocked 0-0 with Ghana, who were looking the more likely to secure their first continental trophy for 28 years. But with five minutes left Gedo - who made his Egyptian debut in December - played a one-two with Mohamed Zidan before curling an exquisite finish past Richard Kingson in the Ghana goal. Egypt have now won their last 19 matches in a devastating run of domination at Africa's top competition. And having thumped fierce rivals Algeria 4-0 in the semi-final, Egypt's stars rubbed in their victory by climbing on top of the goalposts to celebrate in front of 50,000 fans at Luanda's November 11 stadium - mimicking the scenes when Algeria dumped them out of the World Cup qualifiers in Khartoum last November. Their record seventh Africa Cup of Nations trophy is vindication of their claim to be the best team in Africa, despite having failed to reach the World Cup finals since 1990. "We're not thinking about Algeria - we're a hundred times better than them," striker Zidan told Al Jazeera after climbing down from the goalposts with keeper Essam El Hadary. "We're not sending a message to them. We're sending a message to everybody that we're trying to play the best football in Africa - and we're doing that."
Striker Asamoah Gyan went close several times as the tactics which saw the Black Stars reach the final with a record of four goals scored and three conceded looked to be working. Egypt, who had scored 14 times and conceded just twice coming into this match, carved out few chances in the 85 minutes before Gedo's goal as Ghana hit them again and again on the counter-attack after a drab first half. Eight minutes of the second half had gone when Gyan got his first chance to add to his goals against Angola and Nigeria, blasting just over with a free kick from outside the left hand side of the box. Fired over And on 63 minutes he fired just over again as the Black Stars drew fouls around the area from the frustrated Pharoahs. As darkness fell with 20 minutes to go, the turning on of the floodlights seemed to inject a new electricity into the match as Gyan sparked another curling effort just wide of the top right of El Hadary's goal. The poor pitch which has blighted many of the games in Angola was again causing problems, with Egypt's Abdrabou Hosni hurling a fistful of dirt in frustration after stubbing his foot as he tried to play a ball over the top. But as the match looked to be sliding towards extra time, Gedo surged forward from the right to combine with Zidan, finishing the tournament as top-scorer and sending the Africa Cup of Nations back to Cairo once more. "Everybody in Cairo will be celebrating in the streets and we can't wait to get back to celebrate with our people," said Zidan. Goalkeeper El Hadary said that Egypt coach Hassan Shehata had forged a bond among his palyers. 'Family' "It is not like a coach and his players - we in the Egypt team are like a family," he said. Veteran Ghana captain Kingson meanwhile said there was nothing he could do to console his young team ahead of their appearance in the World Cup this summer. "There's nothing much I can say, but I've told them to forget about it because this game is in the past," he said. "They just have to think about their future." | ||||
Sunday, January 31, 2010
African glory for Egypt
Sawiradii Soo Dhoweynta Muj Siilaanyo Qaybtii Koowaad
Sawiradii Soo Dhoweynta Muj Siilaanyo Qaybtii Koowaad
Soo dhawaynta Siilaanyo oo ay ka qayb galayn dadweyne aad u tiro badan iyo masuuliyiin sar sare oo ka tirsan xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE oo uu ka mid ah Kusimaha Gudoomiyaha ahna Gudoomiye kuxigeenka Md Muuse Biixi Cabdi kuwaas oo gawaadhi aad u tiro badan kusoo dhaweeyey Gudoomiyaha laga soo bilaabo Madaarka iyo ilaa uu gurigiisa ka gaadhayey.
Gawaadhi faro badan oo ay ku rakiban yihiin Cod baahiyayaasha Mikrofoonka iyo Calamada Xisbiga KULMIYE ayaa ilaa saaka wareegayay magaalada iyadoo si weyn looga dareemayey inuu imanayo Siilaanyo.
Dhinaca Kale waxan dhicin Mudaharaad Mucaaradku sheegayeen inay Xukuumadu la maagan tahay imaanshaha Gudoomiye Siilaanyo kaas oo xisbiga KULMIYE sheegayey inay xukuumadu soo abaabushay kooxo loogu talo galay inay ku mucaaradaan Gudoomiyaha.
Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE Md Axmed Siilaanyo ayaa diyaarad gaar ahi kasoo qaaday magaalada Addis Ababa iyadoo keentay Madaarka Caalamiga ah ee Cigaal International Airport ee Hargeysa
Soo Dhawaynta Maanta loo sameeyey Siilaanyo ayaa ahayd tii ugu weynayd ee Abid lagusoo dhaweeyo Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE iyadoo dadweynuhu la yaabayn waxa gawaadhi is taxday Wadada.
Ciidamada Booliska ayaa iyaguna Amniga Sugayey iyadoo aan wax dhibaato ahi ka dhicin intii lasoo dhaweenayey Siilaanyo
Gudoomiye Siilaanyo oo la hadlayey Shacabka soo dhaweeyey ayaa hadal mahad celin ah u jeediyey dadweyne aad u faro badan oo soo dhaweenayey.
wadada hor marta Madaxtooyada Somaliland oo la filayey in gawaadhida soo dhaweenaya Siilaanyo ay Maraan ayaa la xidhay iyadoo Kolonyada gawaadhida ee Soo dhawayntu way ka wareegayn wadada Dusha ee dabo marta Cusbitaalka Guud ee Hargeysa
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Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE oo si aan hore loo arag loogu soo dhaweeyay Hargeysa (DAAWO SAWIRRADA)
Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE oo si aan hore loo arag loogu soo dhaweeyay Hargeysa (DAAWO SAWIRRADA)
Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), ayaa maanta si ballaadhan loogu soo dhaweeyay Madaarka Hargeysa, ka dib markii uu socdaal kaga soo laabtay dalalka Maraykanka iyo Itoobiya oo uu soo maray.
Kumannaan dadweyne ah ayaa maanta kala xidhay Jidadka Magaalada, isla markaana waxa guud ahaanba maanta joogsaday dhaqdhaqaaqyada Gaadiidka, marka laga reebo kuwa ka qayb-qaadanayay soo-dhawaynta Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE, kuwaas oo qiyaastii dhawr boqol oo Gaadhi tiradoodu gaadhaysay.
Taageerayaasha Xisbiga iyo Masuuliyiinta Xisbigaas ayaa loo diiday inay ka ag-dhawaadaan Garoonka Diyaaradaha, marka laga reebo hoggaanka sare ee Xisbiyada UCID iyo KULMIYE oo halkaas loo sii daayay. Ciidanka Booliska ayaa dadweynaha ku hortaagnaa Jidka hore ee laga galo Albaabka u horreeya ee Madaarka, halka Ciidamo kalena la dhigay Jidadka badhtamaha magaalada dhinacyadooda.
Jidka hormara Madaxtooyada ayaa guud ahaanba maanta la xidhay, waxaana halkaa la dhoobay Ciidan Boolis ah iyo Gaadiidkoodii oo lagu jaray.
Soo-dhawayn xamaasadi ku dheehnayd oo aan hore loo arag oo lagala hortegay Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE ka dib, waxa Axmed-Siilaanyo loo gelbiyay Xarunta dhexe ee Xisbiga, halkaas oo uu kula hadlay dadweynaha iyo Warbaahintaba.
Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE wuxuu bulshada uga mahad-naqay soo-dhawaynta ay u sameeyeen oo uu sheegay inay si gaar ah u taabatay. "Waxa aad iyo aad ii taabatay soo-dhawaynta qiimaha leh ee ay shacabkaygu ilaa intii aan Madaarka ka soo socday aad ii soo dhawayseen, waxaanan ku maqnaa danaha Somaliland iyo qaddiyaddeena Aqoonsiga waxtar u leh, hase ahaatee, wixii faahfaahin ah dib baanu idiinka soo bandhigi doonaa." Ayuu ku yidhi Axmed-Siilaanyo hadalkiisii.
Mar Guddoomiyaha wax laga waydiiyay dhawaaq xukuumaddu hore ugu sheegtay in aan dalka soo geli karin intii uu safarka ku maqnaa, wuu ka gaabsaday oo wuxuu sheegay in aanu ka hadlaynin.
Hargeisa News Desk
Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE oo si aan hore loo arag loogu soo dhaweeyay Hargeysa (DAAWO SAWIRRADA)
Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE oo si aan hore loo arag loogu soo dhaweeyay Hargeysa (DAAWO SAWIRRADA)
Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), ayaa maanta si ballaadhan loogu soo dhaweeyay Madaarka Hargeysa, ka dib markii uu socdaal kaga soo laabtay dalalka Maraykanka iyo Itoobiya oo uu soo maray.
Kumannaan dadweyne ah ayaa maanta kala xidhay Jidadka Magaalada, isla markaana waxa guud ahaanba maanta joogsaday dhaqdhaqaaqyada Gaadiidka, marka laga reebo kuwa ka qayb-qaadanayay soo-dhawaynta Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE, kuwaas oo qiyaastii dhawr boqol oo Gaadhi tiradoodu gaadhaysay.
Taageerayaasha Xisbiga iyo Masuuliyiinta Xisbigaas ayaa loo diiday inay ka ag-dhawaadaan Garoonka Diyaaradaha, marka laga reebo hoggaanka sare ee Xisbiyada UCID iyo KULMIYE oo halkaas loo sii daayay. Ciidanka Booliska ayaa dadweynaha ku hortaagnaa Jidka hore ee laga galo Albaabka u horreeya ee Madaarka, halka Ciidamo kalena la dhigay Jidadka badhtamaha magaalada dhinacyadooda.
Jidka hormara Madaxtooyada ayaa guud ahaanba maanta la xidhay, waxaana halkaa la dhoobay Ciidan Boolis ah iyo Gaadiidkoodii oo lagu jaray.
Soo-dhawayn xamaasadi ku dheehnayd oo aan hore loo arag oo lagala hortegay Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE ka dib, waxa Axmed-Siilaanyo loo gelbiyay Xarunta dhexe ee Xisbiga, halkaas oo uu kula hadlay dadweynaha iyo Warbaahintaba.
Guddoomiyaha KULMIYE wuxuu bulshada uga mahad-naqay soo-dhawaynta ay u sameeyeen oo uu sheegay inay si gaar ah u taabatay. "Waxa aad iyo aad ii taabatay soo-dhawaynta qiimaha leh ee ay shacabkaygu ilaa intii aan Madaarka ka soo socday aad ii soo dhawayseen, waxaanan ku maqnaa danaha Somaliland iyo qaddiyaddeena Aqoonsiga waxtar u leh, hase ahaatee, wixii faahfaahin ah dib baanu idiinka soo bandhigi doonaa." Ayuu ku yidhi Axmed-Siilaanyo hadalkiisii.
Mar Guddoomiyaha wax laga waydiiyay dhawaaq xukuumaddu hore ugu sheegtay in aan dalka soo geli karin intii uu safarka ku maqnaa, wuu ka gaabsaday oo wuxuu sheegay in aanu ka hadlaynin.
Hargeisa News Desk
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Dhanxiir iyo kale socodka xukuumada
Dhanxiir iyo kale socodka xukuumada |
Waaryaadheen qoladan Rayaale iyo maamulkiisa tallow miyaanu wax xidhiidh iyo wada shaqayn ahi ka dhaxayn, mise nin waliba inta uu edeg yar isku ooday ayuu wuxuu doono sameeyaa, isaga oo aan ka baqanayn cid la xisaabtamaysa iyo qof dabagal ku haya, ilayn waa kuwan barna wasiiradiisii isburinayaan, kolna qoladii amniga ee daakhliga iyo gobolku kala hadlayaane. Weger; Adeer; maamul sii ciiraya xisaab iyo wada shaqayni dhexdiisa jiri mayso oo nin waliba meel buu ootaye, igadaa warkoodoo waxaad ka warantaa booliskan Laascaanood ee is wada wanjalaya iyo taliska guud ee afka iska xidhay, mise arrintu waa faraha laga qaad oo cidi kama hadli karto. |
Afyaheenka Xisbiga UDUB Mujaahid Cali Guray oo Laga Hor Istaagay...
Afyaheenka Xisbiga UDUB Mujaahid Cali Guray oo Laga Hor Istaagay Inuu Fooda Geliyo Xarunta Madaxtooyadda Somaliland |
30.Jan.2010 dad goob ka ahaa dhacdadan, ayaa u sheegay shebekadda inay arkayeen murramnka xoogaystay ee u dhexeeya askarta iyo afhayeenka, kaasoo saxmad iyo buuq ka abuuray afaafka hore ee madaxtooyadda iyo wadada wadnaha ah ee hormarta, ka dib markii dadweyne aan sidaas u sii badnayd iyo gaadiid wadada marayey ay halkaas ku hakadeen. dadka goobta joogay waxay sheegeen inay arkayeen askarta oo tusaysa warqad aanay garanayn wax ku qoran, ka hor intii aan murranku abuurmin.
Afyaheenka Xisbiga UDUB Mujaahid Cali Guray oo Laga Hor Istaagay...
Afyaheenka Xisbiga UDUB Mujaahid Cali Guray oo Laga Hor Istaagay Inuu Fooda Geliyo Xarunta Madaxtooyadda Somaliland |
30.Jan.2010 dad goob ka ahaa dhacdadan, ayaa u sheegay shebekadda inay arkayeen murramnka xoogaystay ee u dhexeeya askarta iyo afhayeenka, kaasoo saxmad iyo buuq ka abuuray afaafka hore ee madaxtooyadda iyo wadada wadnaha ah ee hormarta, ka dib markii dadweyne aan sidaas u sii badnayd iyo gaadiid wadada marayey ay halkaas ku hakadeen. dadka goobta joogay waxay sheegeen inay arkayeen askarta oo tusaysa warqad aanay garanayn wax ku qoran, ka hor intii aan murranku abuurmin.
Xig; |
Nigerian Court Sides With Ailing President
Nigerian Court Sides With Ailing President
VOA News29 January 2010

Photo: AFP
Nigerian President Uamru Yar'Adua (file photo)
Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.The Nigerian federal high court has rejected a lawsuit by the Nigerian Bar Association that would have forced ailing President Umaru Yar'Adua to transfer power to Vice President Goodluck Jonathan.
The court ruled Friday that Mr. Yar'Adua is not required to write a letter to parliament informing the lawmakers about his extended absence from the country, something the Bar Association said he must do.
Under the constitution, the vice president temporarily takes over the president's duties, if such notification is given.
The issue before the court on Friday was whether the written notification was optional or mandatory. The court ruled President Yar'Adua was not legally required to write such a letter.
This is the second lawsuit by the Nigerian Bar Association, seeking to force Mr. Yar'Adua to delegate power to his deputy, until he returns to the country.
President Yar'Adua left Nigeria in late November to be treated for a heart condition in a Saudi hospital. He also suffers from a chronic kidney ailment.
Vice President Jonathan said Thursday the president will return to Nigeria soon, but he did not indicate when.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and European foreign ministers have pledged to support Nigeria as it faces what they call a "period of uncertainty" prompted by President Yar'Adua's prolonged illness.
Secretary Clinton signed a joint statement Thursday along with British Foreign Minister David Miliband, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, and European Union High Representative Catherine Ashton, commending Nigeria's commitment to deal with the crisis through democratic institutions.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenkii Guurtida oo Iscasilay iyo Fadhigii Maana oo Deg deg Loo Xidhay
Gudoomiye ku xigeenkii Guurtida oo Iscasilay iyo Fadhigii Maana oo Deg deg Loo Xidhay

Hargeysa (Somalilandpress)- Gudoomiye ku xigeenkii Golaha Guurtida Somaliland, Md. Sh. Axmed Sh. Nuux Furreh ayaa iska casilay xilki Gudoomiyenimo, isaga oo warqada iscasilaadiisana maanta farta kaga saaray shirgudoonka Golahaasi kulankii ugu balaadhnaa ee ay yeeshaan intii ka dambaysay khilaaf soo kala dhex-galay oo hadheeyay.
Sh. Axmed Sh. Nuux Furreh ilaa hada lama oga, mana jirto cid ka hadashay waxa ku kelifay inuu iska casilo xilkaasi, hase yeeshee fadhigii maanta ugu balaadhnaa oo ay kasoo xaadireen 61 Mudane ayaa shirgudoonku ku naxay warqada iscasilaada ee uu usoo gudbiyay gudoomiye ku xigeenka.
Md. Saleebaan Maxamuud Aadan waa Gudoomiyaha Golaha GUurtida'e waxa uu Mudaneyaasha la socodsiiyay inay soo kordhay arrin culus, sidaa daraadeed waxa uu mudaneyaasha kuwar-geliyay in Goluhu xidhan yahay si loogu maaro helo arrinta soo korodhay.
Sh. Furreh oo aanu isku daynay in aanu wax ka waydiino nuxurka ay xambaarsan tahay iyo waxa uu ku sababeeyay warqada iscasilaada ee uu u gudbiyay Golaha ayaa afka ka xidhay oo yidhi "Waydiiya Saleebaan.".
Sidoo kale, Gudoomiyaha Golaha Guurtida Saleebaan Maxamuud Aadan ayaa isaguna dhinaciisa sheegay in aanu wax faahfaahin ah wakhtigan ka bixin karin, kana hadli karin iscasilaada Gudoomiye ku xigeenkiisa oo fiintu kala dhex-maraysay mudooyinkii u dambeeyay.
illo xog-ogaal ah ayaa Somalilandpress u sheegay inkasta oo aan la ogayn nuxurka iyo waxa ku qornaa warqada uu Gudoomiye ku xigeenku u gudbiyay shirgudoonka inay ahayd inuu ku codsaday in laga aqbalo iscasilaad xilkii Gudoomiyenimo iyo waliba xubinimadii Golahaas.
Iscasilaada Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Golaha Guurtida ayaa ku soo beegan tahay fadhigii u horeeyay ee ay si wada jir ah uga soo qayb-galaan xildhibaanada Guurtidu intii ka dambaysay khilaafkii soo kala dhex-galay ee qaybiyay, kaasoo ka dhashay isku shaandhayntii uu gudi hoosaadyada Golaha ku sameeyay Md. Furren wakhtigii uu Gudoomiyaha Goluhuna safar dibadeed dalka uga maqnaa.
Friday, January 29, 2010

Read this coming analysis......
.......................In fact, some reports suggest the announcement was postponed because the number of Somalis in the country had been doctored; that their number had risen by 140 per cent in the last ten years. Such a growth rate is definitely wont to raise suspicions although there is nothing wrong with people wanting to give birth to as many people as they wish. That is their right. After all, the number in real figures is not much, just 2.3 million from 900,000 in 1999 Kenya National Census. And this could be a consequence of people stating their 'tribe' in the census. However, we await the facts and do not want to speculate.
SOMALILAND: My dream country, not yet!
SOMALILAND: My dream country, not yet!

"Oh my country! When right, keep it right; when wrong, set it right!" – Carl Schurz
THE REPUBLIC of Somaliland has been a 'new' country in the midst of hostile region for the last nineteen years. For almost these two decades, several praiseworthy work have been brought to fruition. Our petty differences are no longer unbreakable barriers. Thanks to Almighty Allah for He has kept us peace and unity when so many others are still in sorry state.
Our strength as a nation is found in unity, not division. Yes! With unity we are better-off. Many have admired that we at least managed to bring ends meet while there is no remarkable foreign assistance. That they call it miracle! We are optimistic about the foreseeable future though we do not know how long it will hold true for us.
But today the Somaliland I see is not the one I used to be proud of. It seems something has gone wrong in the middle. Right now, our motion is like that of tortoise! We are dragging our feet everywhere. Our tyres are punctured for a reason unknown! So let this essay be a wake-up call for Somalilanders. I dare to comment such scenario positively before it gets too late even though the word positive may sound differently among us.
This country has longed for a visionary leadership who would not lead us astray. I dream of a leader that is elected not because of the clan he happens to be; nor the mere promises he makes during election campaigns, but because the wisdom of his political character and maturity. We are desperately in search of a leader that no more gets hectic about the worldly things but instead thinks seriously about the means of taking services closer to where life is impossible. A leader that stays awake to act in response to demands of the voiceless society.
My concern today is whether we will stop importing the extraneous political ideologies which we swallow as they are. If those ideologies worked well for another country; it may not be fine with us at this defining moment. Uniqueness is very imperative, so let it be for that country. Unquestionably we are obliged to discover what we really stand for and then set new dimensions.
I dream of such a country, where transparency is the catchphrase for governance. We desire a country whereby the police improve their work ethics and become people-friendly, a country where teachers are respected and well-paid. A country where useless degrees and examinations will be done away with and only students with an aptitude and talent will go in for higher education.
More so, I look forward to a country where people get serious about the value of education and understand that schools are the platform where tomorrow's religious scholars, doctors, engineers, civil servants, to mention but a few, are trained. If our students are not well taken care of today, needless to say they will end up in a dark future.
In the same spirit of patriotism, I look forward to a country where, its youth will genuinely interact in a meaningful way beyond their localities instead of quarreling about the 'dirty politics' and making stories about tribalism in streets.
I look forward to a country where people are no longer crazy about consumingQaad but rather take books and go to schools, work for the well-being of their families and on the top of all, serve for their communities.
In this respect I call upon every Somalilander to put the interests of the common way above their personal interests. Fortunately, for all that I suggested, none requires a big conference to debate. They are all just do-it-matter! These dreams are built upon attainable pillars and for whose realization, many like me, are committed to the last drop of their blood. Let's work for a time where we will be an example of peace, prosperity, progress and brotherly co-existence to our neighbors and world at large.
By Abdikadir D Askar, exclusive to Somalilandpress, 28 January 2010
To see his previous post:- Youth: The Ambassador of future
Abdikadir D. Askar is a youth activist based in Uganda. He writes about the political and social issues. He can be reached at
