Al-Shabab says WFP was having a negative impact on local farmers and accused the U.N. agency of giving out expired food
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Somali Rebel Group Bans UN World Food Program
Al-Shabab says WFP was having a negative impact on local farmers and accused the U.N. agency of giving out expired food
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Prophet Muhammad - 1: Away from extreme views
Prophet Muhammad - 1: Away from extreme views
Perhaps no historical character has been subjected to vile criticism, false accusations and fabricated assertions by his opponents than Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Yet no one has been the recipient of more profound and genuine love and respect than him.
Both love and hostility linger on, and are nurtured despite the fact that 14 centuries have passed since Muhammad had departed this world. Neither feeling would have lingered had Muhammad been an ordinary person, or had his contribution to human life been of temporary nature.
Today we see both feelings surfacing in different ways and shapes, in areas of our world that are wide apart, and among people of different races, cultures, beliefs and life perspectives. Books like Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses, the Danish cartoons, as well as videos and websites dedicated to attack Islam and its Prophet are manifestations of the hostile trend. The large demonstrations that swept the Muslim world against such productions symbolize the deep seated love Muslims feel toward Muhammad, God's last messenger.
Yet both types of manifestation are extreme, held by small sections of Muslims and non-Muslims. Before the beginning of the 21st century, the great majority of non-Muslims did not take much interest in Islam or its Prophet, despite sustained efforts, over the last third of the 20th century, to distort the image of Islam and to associate it with terrorism. On the other hand, most Muslims today follow the traditional way in their approach to their faith and to the man who delivered its divine message.
Extreme tendencies are hardly appropriate in any generation, let alone in our modern world with its easy and varied ways of communication. By nature, they remain confined within certain areas and among small communities. However, they sometimes acquire a self-energizing force that gives them speedily increasing momentum, and they can stage sweeping revolutions. The end result is almost always a negative one.
When we study the history of Islam and the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we clearly see that his approach was a very moderate one, seeking to win hearts and influence minds and ways of thinking. He never promised anyone any type of material gain. He never sought to achieve supremacy for any class, race, tribe or community. Even the least privileged individual was, to him, a person who had every right to learn of God's message and to make a choice whether to accept or reject it.
Muhammad's community is described in the Qur'an as 'the middle community', to stress its central role in the life of humanity and its moderate approach. Yet Islam is uncompromising in establishing the truth and defending it. It accepts no injustice, no matter who is the perpetrator. It tells its followers that they must always maintain justice, even with their enemies: "Believers, be steadfast in your devotion to God, bearing witness to the truth in all equity. Never allow your hatred of any people to lead you away from justice. Be just, this is closer to righteousness." (5: 8)
Steering away from all types of extremity, we will be publishing a series of articles that highlight the true character of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). We hope that this will help our non-Muslim readers to understand our view of him. It will also help Muslims to formulate a better understanding of God's last messenger and why they should follow his guidance in all aspects of life.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Turkish aid brings light to Somalis
World Bulletin Turkey's IHH said its health teams of doctors performed cataract operations on 929 more people in Somalia, increasing the total number of those who can see the light after aid in the whole African continent has reached 34 thousand 749 after aid.
Weftigii Guddiga Doorashada oo Burco uga jarmaaday culaysyo lagu saaray xulista xubnaha
Weftigii Guddiga Doorashada oo Burco uga jarmaaday culaysyo lagu saaray xulista xubnaha Burco (Jam) Weftiga ka socda Guddiga Doorashooyinka Qaranka oo maalmahanba ku sugnaa magaalada Burco, ayaa shalay ku dhawaaqay magacyada xubnaha Komishanka ee Gobolka Togdheer iyo degmada Burco oo ka kooban sagaal xubnood. Guddiga Doorashooyinka oo imtixaan ka qaaday dad gaadhaya ilaa soddon qof, kuna tilmaamayay jagooyinka xubnaha Komishanka ee heer gobol iyo degmo, ayaa haddana magacaabay sagaalkii xubnood ee hore u ahaan jiray Komishanka. Weftiga Komishanka ayaa masuuliyiinta xisbiyada gobolka u sheegay inay xubnahan ku qaateen waayo- aragnimadoodi hore ay u lahaayeen hawlaha doorashooyinka. Magacyada xubnaha loo magacaabay Komishanka heer gobol iyo degmo waxay yihiin: 1 Siciid Xaashi Yuusuf 2 Kayse Maxamed Saleebaan 3 Cali Axmed Ismaacil 4 Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Guudcadde 5 Khadar Kaariye Cumar 6 Cali Jamaac Yuusuf 7 Cabdirashiid Ibraahim X. Cumar 8 Foosiya Jaamac Cilmi 9 Saynab Yuusuf Cabdi. Geesta kale, Guddiga Doorashooyinka Qaranka oo muddooyinkan si weyn ugu hawlanaa xulista xubnaha noqonaya Komishanka ee Gobolka Togdheer, ayaa la sheegay ina culays badani kaga yimi dhinaca xisbiyada siyaasadda iyo xukuumadda Madaxweyne Rayaale, kuwaasoo dhinac kasta doonayay inuu lug ku yeesho, , taasina sababtay in hawsha xulistu ku qaadato dhawr maalmood. Guddiga Komishanka ayaa subaxnimadii hore ee shalay ka soo jarmaaday magaalada Burco, iyagoo sheegay inay si rasmi ah u soo dhejin doonaan liiska xubnaha ay magacaabeen, balse magacyada guddiga gobolka u gudbiyeen masuuliyiinta saddex xisbi qaran ee Togdheer. Jarmaadaha weftiga Komishanka, ayaa lagu tilmaamay mid ka dhashay culays badan ee kaga imanayey dhinacyada siyaasadda ee ku loollamayay xulista xubnaha guddiga doorashada ee gobolka. |
Jamhuuriya Online |
Thursday, February 25, 2010
What can Nigeria expect now? | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters
What can Nigeria expect now? | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters
By Matthew Tostevin
What will the return of Nigeria's president, still to unwell to rule, mean for the chance of dealing with pressing problems and preparing for elections by April next year? ... Reuters editor for Africa. Based in Johannesburg, I have been covering Africa for nearly two decades. I joined Reuters in 1995 after starting out as a reporter with BBC radio and for a local newspaper in Sierra Leone. ...
Africa News blog -
Somaliland: xildhibaan Xasan Cawaale Caynaan Oo Askarta Booliska Kaantaroolka Boorama Ay Xadhig, Cago Juglayn Iyo Baadhasho Kula Kaceen
xildhibaan Xasan Cawaale Caynaan Oo Askarta Booliska Kaantaroolka Boorama Ay Xadhig, Cago Juglayn Iyo Baadhasho Kula Kaceen
"Markaan Tusay Aqoonsigaygii Waxay Igu Yidhaahdeen Ma Baarlamaanka Somalia Ayaad Ka Tirsan Tahay, Intay Gaadhigii Iga Dajiyeen Ina Tukhaan Tukhiyeen Ayey Jeebadahaygiina Baadheen"
Xidhibaan Xasan Cawaale Caynaan
Hargeysa, February 25, 2010 (Haatuf) – Xildhibaan Xasan Cawaale Caynaan oo ka mid ah xildhibaanada golaha wakiilada Somaliland ee xisbiga UDUB lagana soo doortay gobolka Hargeysa isla markaana ka mid ah xubnaha firfircoon ee sida wayn u taageera madaxweyne Rayaale, ayaa sheegay in ciidanka booliska ee jooga kaantaroolka bari ee magaalada Boorama ee gobolka Awdal inay maalintii shalay mudo 20 daqiiqo ah ku xayireen kaantaroolkaasi xadhig, cago juglayna, hanjabaad iyo baadhashaba ay iskugu dareen isagoo intaa ku daray in hanjabaadahii ay askartaasi u gaysatay ahaayeen kuwo qaranimada Somaliland wax u dhimi kara, tilmaamayna in goobtaasi lagaga dhacay baasaboor uu sitay iyo lacago doolar ah oo jeebada ugu jiray.
Xildhibaan Xasan Cawaale Caynaan oo wargeyska Haatuf uga waramay xalay dhacdadaasi ayaa waxa uu yidhi "muda laba maalmood oo aan safar ugu maqnaa magaalada Boorama oo aan shalay subax ka soo kicitimay, ayaa abaaro 9-kii mar aan soo gaadhay kaantaroolka laga soo galo lagana soo baxo ayaa waxay i yidhaahdeen askartu ma bixi kartid, askari taraafiya ayaa yidhi keen waraaqdii wado marista waxaanan ku idhi waa kuwaa sharcigii wado maristu wax laygu leeyahay sanadkii horena ma jiraan, wuxuu igu yidhi buugii gaadhiga keen, waxaan ku idhi ma hayo, waxaan ku idhi hadana masuul xildhibaan qaran hayaan ahay ka dib wuxuu igu yidhi gaadhiga ka soo dag, waan ka soo dagay askartiibaa isku weer iga qabatay markaan u sheegay inaan xildhibaan qaran ahayna wuxuu igu yidhi ma xildhibaan baarlamaanka Somali ka tirsan baad tahay.
waxaan ugu jawaabay xildhibaan baarlamaanka Somaliland ka tirsan baan ahay ee adeer sawtaynu Somalia kala go'nay, intaa ka dib xidha buu yidhi sharcigu ma ogala baan ku idhi in lay xidho maadaama aanan wax danbiya gacanta kula jirin, ka bacdi askartii way i tukhaan tukhiyeen oo jeebadahagii bay gacanta ula tageen oo ay galalafeen oo intay i baadheen ayey wixii ku jiray kala baxeen, intaa kadib meel bay i fadhiisiyeen mudo 20 daqiiqadood ah ayaan kaantaroolkaa ku xidhnaa, waxaan ku idhi bal ii ogalaada inaan dib ugu noqdo magaalada hadaad ii diideen inaan gudbo ka dib way iga diideen, markaan mudo ku dhaw saacad badhkeed fadhiyey ayaa waxa soo maray kaantaroolkii nin caaqil ah oo la yidhaahdo Xasan oo i garanayey markuu woxogaa iga maslaxay askartii waxay ogalaadeen inaan iska amba baxo, markaan cabaar soo dhaafay kaantaroolkii ayaa jeebadahaygii baadh baadhay dabadeed waxaan ka waayey baasaboorkaygii Somaliland-ka ahaa iyo lacag doolar ahayd oo iigu jiray, waxaanay halkaasi iigu gaysteen aflagaadooyin iyo hanjabaado aan qaadan kari waayey oo qaranimada iyo bulshada reer Somaliland hadaan sheego khatarta iyo cawaaqib xumada ay keeni karto masuuliyada i saaran darteed ayaanan u soo bandhigi karayn xadgudub yadii jariimada ahaa iyo hadaladii naxliga ahaa ee ka soo yeedhayey askartaasi booliska ah sidaa darteed waxaan ugu baaqayaa hay'adaha amaanka ee xukuumada in si dhakhso ah baadhis loogu sameeyo ciidanka booliska eek u sugan kaantaroolka Boorama, hadaan wax laga qabana waxay ku keeni kartaa Somaliland arin qaranimada cawaaqib xun ku keenta, waana in si dhakhso ah baadhitaan loogu sameeyo kooxda kaantaroolkaasi ku sugan ee ku kacaya falalka aflagaadada iyo cago juglaynta ku salaysan ee naxliga abuuraya.
S: Maxaa keenay adigoo xildhibaan ka tirsan golaha wakiilada Somaliland in askartaasi ay ku hadaaqaan ma xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamaanka Somalia ayaad tahay ?
J: Waxaan u arkaa wax ku qufulan inay ahaayeen in erayadaasi ay afkooda soo mariyaan, hadaan talaabo sharciya oo dagdaga laga qaadina waa arin qaranimada saamayn ku yeelan karta.
S: Maxaaa ka mid ahaa aflagaadooyinka laguu gaystay ee aad afkaaga ka dhawrayso ?
J: Waxaa la yidhi nin reer u wayn iyo naag naago ka umulisay midkoodna siday wax u ogyihiin uma sheegaan baa la yidhi, masuuliyada qaran ee i saaran awgeed ayaan afkayga uga dhawrayaa inaan ka waramo, waxayse ahaayeen kuwo fidmo abuuraya oo qaranka dhabar jab ku noqonaya.
S: Askarta kaantaroolka joogtay miyey u dhamaayeen baadhitaanka ay jeebadahaaga kula kaceen, miyaanadse tusin aqoonsigaaga xildhibaanimo markay falalkaasi xadgudubka ah kugula kacayeen ?
J: Runtii cago juglaynta, aflagaadada iyo baadhashada laygula kacayba way u dhamaayeen askarta kaantaroolka joogta.
S: Ma la odhan karaa askartu aqoon bay u lahaayeen xilkaaga xildhibaanimo iyo shakhsiyadaadaba, balse ujeedo kale oo ay kuugu badheedheen ayaa jirtay ?
J: Waxaan qabaa inay aqoon ii lahaayeen maxaa yeelay aqoonsigaygii xildhibaanimo ID-card waan tusay waanay ku qanci waayeen.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Dacwad Xaasaasi ah oo ka Socota Maxkamadda Degmada Burco oo soo Jiidatay Indhaha Dadweynaha
Dacwad Xaasaasi ah oo ka Socota Maxkamadda Degmada Burco oo soo Jiidatay Indhaha Dadweynaha Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Burco oo codsi u dirsaday wasaaradda caafimaadka Somaliland iyo hay'addaha caalamiga ah Burco (Jam). Dacwad ka socota maxkamadda degmada Burco, ayaa noqotay mid si weyn u soo jiidatay indhaha bulshada magaalada Burco, taasoo u dhaxaysa laba qoys oo ka soo kala jeeda maamul-goboleedka Puntland iyo dalka Itoobiya kuwaasoo isku haysta gabadh yar oo da'deedu tahay 5 sanno jir. Hooyada lagu haysto gabadha yar oo lagu magacaabo Aasiya Maxamed Cali oo ka soo jeedda qoomiyadda Oromada ee dalka Itoobiya, ayaa lagu eedeeyey inay ilmahan ka soo xaday magaalada Bender-beyla ee ka tirsan degaanka Boosaaso ee Ismaamulka Puntland, ka dibna ula soo baxsatay dhinaca magaaladda Burco ee gobolka Togdheer, hase yeeshee hooyadan oo ay shalay magaaladda Burco kula kulmeen weriyayaal Jamhuuriya ka tirsan ayaa ku doodaysa in aanay waxba ka jirin eedaynta loo soo jeediyey ee ah inay ilmaha yar soo xaday, waxayna sheegtay inay ilmahan yar ku dhashay kililka 5aad ee Itoobiya. Hooyada Oromada ah ee gabadha yar lagu haysto, ayaa sheegtay in aanay waligeed arag Puntlnad oo ay ku nool yihiin qoyska muranku ka dhexeeyaa, iyada oo xustay inay sannad ka yar ku noolayd magaaladda Burco, isla markaana aanay dhinacna u dhaafin, sidaa darteedna ay iyadu tahay hooyada dhabta ah ee dhashay ilmaha la isku haysto. "Waxaa laygu soo weerary xaafadii aan deganaa oo laygu waa lagu haystaa ilmahan ka dibna saldhiga Booliska ayaa nala geeyay," ayay tidhi; hooyo Aasiya Maxamed Cali, iyada oo ay iyada iyo ilmaha yare e la siku haystaa hadda ku sugan yihiin guriga guddoomiyaha Gobolka Togdheer Md. Jaamac Cabdilaahi Biin, halkaasi si dhex ah loogu dhiibay, inta maxkamadu g'aan ka gaadhayso qoyska loo xukumayo. Sidoo kale qoyska reer Puntland ee sheeganaya in laga soo xaday gabadha yare e Shan jirka ah, ayaa horaantii bishan dacwad u gudbiyey maxkamadda degmada Burco, taasi oo ay ku sheegeen in gabadha yar laga soo xaday sannadkii 2008-dii, sidaa awgeedna markii loo sheegay in ilmahoodii lagu haysto Buco ay ka daba yimadeen. Cismaan Aadan Yuusuf oo ah aabaha sheeganaya inuu dhalay gabadha yare ee dacwadeedu ka socoto Burco oo hada ku sugan magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta maamul-goboleedka Puntland oo weriyaha Jamhuuriya ee Gobolada Bariga Somaliland Mr.Kayse Axmed Digaale khadka telefoonka kula xidhiidhay si uu wax uga weydiiyo gabadhayar ee shan jirka ah ee muranku ka atagan yahay, ayaa yidhi; "Gabadhan yar anagaa dhalnay,sanad ka hor ayay naga halowday iyadoo adhi la joogto degaanka Bender-bayle ee ka tirsan Boosaaso, ka dibna waxa naloo soo sheegay in lagu haysto magaalada Burco,halkaasoo aanu tagnay ka dibna waxaanu halkaa kala kulanay cadaalad-darro weyn, gabadha Oromada ah ee ilmahayaga haystana waxa loo qabtay looyar u dooda oo ay u qabteen ururada u dooda xuquuqal-insaanka." Waxa kale oo aabo Cismaan Aadan intaa ku daray in gabadha yar ee la diiday in si dhex ah loo hayo, maadaama inantii yarayd iyo hooyadda haysataba la dejiyey guriga badhasaabka Gobolka Togdheer, isaga oo xusay in markii xaaskiisu soo booqo is tidhina la xidhay. Waxa kale oo aabahani caddeeyey inay saddex qodob ka codsadeen maxkamada degmada Burco kuwaasi oo kala ahaa in sharciga islaamka lanagu kala saaro, in DNA-da lagu kala saaro dadka cid madaxbanaan loo igmado oo lacagta ku baxaysana ay iyagu bixin doonaan iyo in dhegaysiga kiiskan dib loogu soo celiyo Puntland, maadaama gabadhayar halkaa lagala baxsaday, isaga oo xusay in laga diiday meel marinta saddexda qodob ee ay u gudbiyeen maxkamadda. Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Degmada Burco Md. Maxamed Jaamac Cashuur oo isagu kiiska inanta yar ee labada qoys isku haystaan gacanta ku haya ayaa u sheegay Jamhuuriya, in dacwaddani ay wali socoto oo aan go'aan laga gaadhin, isla markaana uu yahay kiis culus oo u baahan in si weyn looga fiirsado. Waxa guddoomiyuhu intaas ku daray inay maxkamad ahaan codsi u gudbiyeen wasaaradda caafimaadka iyo hay'adaha samafalka ee caalamiga ah, kaasoo uu sheegay inay codsigooda kaga dalbadeen inay gacan ka siiyaan sidii ilmahan looga qaadi lahaa DNA-da si loogu kala saaro ayuu yidhi labadan qoys ee isku haysta, balse wuxuu guddoomiyuhu carrabka ku dhuftay in haddii ay suurto geli weydo ka qaadista DNA-du, in lagu kala saari doono shareecada islaamka iyo sharcigu wuxuu dhigayo, isaga oo guddoomiyaha maxkamaddu xusay in kiiskan ay mudo hayeen Laanta Baadhista dambiyad booliska ee CID-du, ka dibna ay maxkada u soo gudbiyeen. Dacwadan u dhaxaysa labada qoys ee ka soo kala jeeda Puntland iyo Itoobiya, ayaa noqonaysa tii saddexaad ee nooceeda ah ee soo marta maxkamadda Degmada Burco, waxayna dacwaddani noqotay mid si weyn ay ula socdaan indhaha dadweynuhu. |
Jamhuuriya Online |
Africa: Finding the food crops of the future
JOHANNESBURG, 24 February 2010 (IRIN) - Temperatures seem set to soar to perilously high levels because of climate change. In another 40 years, would maize still be the staple food in Kenya, already hit by five failed rainy seasons? If not, what could people grow and eat? And if you could grow maize, how much water and fertilizer would it need?
If you live in the remote semi-arid Karamoja region of northeastern Uganda - beset by 14 droughts in 25 years - you might also want to know what your options are for continued food security.
For the first time, a customized regional climate model linked to crop growing and water models, run on a supercomputer at Michigan State University (MSU), will help provide crop breeders in three East African countries - Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania - with detailed answers on crop yields.
Many research institutions have been working on models to predict the impact of climate change on food production in Africa, but in a few months the MSU model will help scientists and breeders to zoom in at a regional level on the possible impact of climate change on a wide variety of crops in these countries.
The research could help produce climate-resilient varieties of food crops, said Jennifer Olson, lead researcher and associate professor at MSU's College of Communication Arts and Sciences.
"East Africa is already experiencing the impact of climate change - food crops are experiencing extreme water stress," she commented. People living in Kenya's highlands, who have traditionally grown tea and coffee, have begun experimenting with maize and beans as the climate has grown warmer.
Work on the model began 10 years ago with the recording of relevant data, such as the impact of nutrients on a certain food crop, or the impact of water stress on another, which were subsequently fed into the model. "The model is still being perfected," said Olson.
The model can experiment with the impact of climate change, such as high temperature and water stress on a certain crop variety, saving the time that would have been spent on field trials, "which will help speed up the agricultural research cycle", she noted.
The researchers intend to launch the model at a workshop in June. Concern about increasing food insecurity in East Africa has prompted two institutions to set up a research grants to encourage innovative solutions.
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), based in South Africa, and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), in Nairobi, Kenya, announced a US$10.67 million grant from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) to support the establishment of a multidisciplinary competitive funding mechanism for biosciences in Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.
ILRI's Bruce Scott said they would be looking for innovative solutions using bioscience to improve crop resilience to climate change, or perhaps to improve the shelf-life of a food product.
The head of the United Nations agency leading the global effort against HIV
and AIDS has commended the Nigerian Government for its progressive policies,
while calling for greater efforts to tackle the epidemic and set an example
for the rest of Africa.
"Nigeria must take the lead in setting the regional and African Union agenda
in eliminating mother to child transmission of HIV by 2015. Without
Nigeria's leadership, this goal will not be met in the African continent,"
Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS
(<"">UNAIDS), said during a visit to the
According to UNAIDS, there are nearly three million people living with HIV
in Nigeria – second only to South Africa on the continent – with about 1,000
new infections every day.
The agency noted that there is a growing demand for access to treatment and
prevention services within Nigeria, which can only be met by strengthening
the current partnership between global, national and local partners.
"We cannot afford to let down the four million people living on treatment
and the millions who are waiting for it,"
2010/20100223_Nigeria_2.asp">said Mr. Sidibé.
Nigeria has only 30 per cent of the resources available to meet the needs of
the national AIDS response, with the global economic downturn impacting
negatively on the amount of resources available at the national and state
Mr. Sidibé, who was on a joint visit with Ambassador Eric Goosby, the United
States Global Coordinator on AIDS, met with a number of officials, including
Health Minister Professor Babatunde Osotimehin. He also visited Kaduna
state, where adult HIV prevalence is around 7 per cent.
With cross-border movement of unaccompanied minors reaching into the
thousands, senior officials from 15 Eastern and Southern African countries
are thrashing out ways to strengthen cooperation for the protection of
children at risk, at a three-day United Nations-backed meeting beginning
today in Pretoria, South Africa.
"We need to make sure that all children, particularly vulnerable and
orphaned children are better protected against the risk of trafficking,
abuse and exploitation," UN Children's Fund
(<"">UNICEF) Regional Director As Sy said.
"UNICEF is committed to accompany all countries in this region in their
efforts to comply with the Hague Conventions on children," he
<"">added, referring to four
inter-governmental pacts adopted since 1980 on international child
abduction, inter-country adoption, protection, and international recovery of
child support.
Although Governments have ratified the African Charter on the Rights and
Welfare of the Child and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, many
countries have yet to ratify the Hague Conventions, which seek to
standardize international law and provide a comprehensive legal framework
for the cross-border movement of children between countries.
According to recent UNICEF research, South Africa is home to thousands of
unaccompanied child migrants, both from neighbouring countries, especially
Zimbabwe, and from within the country.
Delegates will explore how these international conventions can translate
into a practical inter-State framework. So far only Botswana, Burundi,
Kenya, Madagascar and South Africa have ratified the Hague Convention on
Inter-Country Adoption, and many countries do not have adequate cross-border
legislation in place.
This meeting, hosted by the South African Government and the Hague
Conference on Private International Law with support from UNICEF, brings
together high officials from Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC), Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia,
South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe, as well as from the UN
Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the African Union (AU)
Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.
SOMALIA: Ade Sheikdon Negeye, "Having leprosy has worsened my displacement"
SOMALIA: Ade Sheikdon Negeye, "Having leprosy has worsened my displacement"
BELETWEYNE, 24 February 2010 (IRIN) - Displaced and ostracized, his drug supply cut off because of conflict, Ade Sheikdon Negeye, a resident of the town of Beletweyne in central Somalia, is caught up in a cycle of suffering. He is one of 49 leprosy patients displaced from the town when fighting between two Islamist groups intensified in early February in Hiran region, central Somalia. He spoke to IRIN about his plight:
"Like many other patients, my life is in danger because it is now very difficult for us to access drugs or to be treated like other human beings deserving of human rights.
"But even before I got displaced, I had been without medication because aid agencies that used to supply the drugs pulled out of the region six months ago, citing insecurity.
"People with leprosy are more affected by the weather than other displaced people because the intense heat during the day and the extreme cold at night causes our wounds to fester and the skin to crack.
"Since we fled our homes we have suffered so much; our skin is damaged and cracked and, even worse, getting food has become even more difficult.
"In Beletweyne, most of us depended on well-wishers to give us food, ordinary people even helped provide bread, but here in the countryside, where we thought we had escaped fighting, our lives have become worse because people run away from us. There is this myth that people with leprosy eat human flesh; the isolation we are facing is amazing.
"The most unforgettable and heartbreaking thing is the deadly isolation; everybody we come close to runs away; even drivers we asked to help us flee Beletweyne could not - other passengers would shout at them to move on whenever we flagged down a car. This has forced many of us to trek on foot for long distances.
"For me the trekking was terrible, I kept dragging my feet until I was bleeding all over, my limbs looked like raw meat.
"One day, my family told me I could no longer sit with them under one shelter and that I could no longer sleep in the same hut as them. They dragged me out, far away from them. Since then, I have moved from trouble to trouble.
"Everywhere I go, fingers are pointed at me as if I am a criminal. I have identified one tree under which I sit when no one is around; I have made it my home since I can't rejoin my family. My people [Somalis], unsurprisingly, believe that any person suffering from this disease is a man-eater; I think this is why everyone runs away from me."
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Mourning Tree - An Autobiography and A Prison Memoir
The Mourning Tree - An Autobiography and A Prison Memoir
Mohamed Barud Ali, February 2010
Published by Ponte Invisible, available from
In 1993, as a Minister of the Republic of Somaliland, "I was given the same office that the National Security Service interrogated me in the first night I was arrested [in 1982]. What can I say? All the demons have been exorcised from my life". So ends, in characteristic modesty and generosity of spirit, the memoirs of Mohamed Barud Ali. The memoirs titled "The Mourning Tree – An Autobiography and Prison Memoirs" were launched on 20th February – an eventful date for the author and one which has since been commemorated in the Republic of Somaliland. The memoirs which have been published as the well chosen first book in a series titled "men and women" of Somaliland, is not just the story of a man, but also reflect the tale of a nation.
Born, in British Somaliland of the 1950s, under a tree (the Mourning Tree of the title) which was steeped in clan folklore, Barud attended one of the few elementary schools in Somaliland and joined the successive generations which left nomadic life. After independence, Barud attended the prestigious Sheikh Secondary School which was still staffed by redoubtable British teachers, and then, as one of the brightest pupils, he came to the United Kingdom for university education. With a keen eye for detail, Barud narrates amusing vignettes about the inevitable but innocent culture clashes and about the invidious racism of the 1970s seaside town "skinheads" who had never faced before young Somalis jealously guarding their honour. I can attest to the fact that the curious incident of the "black magic" (hot pepper) powder which reduced the tough Brighton "bovver boys" into sopping jellies has gone down in the annals of UK Somaliland students' folklore!
Unlike many other Somaliland students completing their overseas studies abroad in the 1970s, Barud returned to the Somali "Democratic" Republic, as the country was known then, at the end of 1978. By then the so called "bloodless" military coup of General Siyad Barre has already shed much blood. On his return, Barud had no choice but to go to Mogadishu "because it was the only place where there was an opportunity for employment in the country". In 1980, however, he was lucky enough to find employment in his home town, Hargeisa, and soon a new chapter of his life unfolded.
Barud and other young professionals were concerned about the dire state of the British built Hargeisa Group Hospital. With no adequate electricity supplies, relatives of expectant mothers were asked to switch on the headlights of their cars so that midwives and doctors can deliver the babies. A voluntary committee started to improve the state of the hospital and the streets and kept the local officials apprised of their work. The dictator's extensive security apparatus could neither countenance any voluntary welfare activities that might be seen as highlighting the government's failings nor would it allow any meetings or gatherings of such volunteers. The dictatorship's idea of voluntary self help "iskaa wax u qabso" was neither organised by volunteers nor undertaken voluntarily. Barud is very characteristically modest about his role and that of his colleagues, but both the nature and symbolism of their actions to the regime, on the one side, and to the long suffering "Somalileyn" people, on the other, set in train the events that followed and are narrated in the remainder of the memoirs.
It started with a portentous nock on the door late at night in November 1981. Five fully armed National Security Service soldiers took Barud away from his home. They reassured his anxious wife "with disarming civility" that he will be back home within the hour – an hour that stretched to eight and half years! 28 other Hargeisa professionals were arrested during the ensuing months. Barud describes the torture and the inhumane treatment to which he was subjected over a period of four months. This included indiscriminate and repeated beatings, various water torture, sensual deprivation, and hunger. In their continual efforts to extract confessions, the teams of interrogators even tried to condemn Barud and the others for absurd inferences drawn for their traditional names – Barud (gunpowder in Somali); Olad (struggle); Abby (defence) and Dagal (war)! Barud retorted by pointing their other names, such as Warsame (glad tidings), Dualeh (blessed) and Madar (nourishing rain)!
On 19 February 1982, Barud was served, for the first time, with a charge sheet alleging that he committed offences under Siyad Barre's Security Law, which were punishable by death. Barud already knew that the people accused of serious offences were executed promptly with or without short "trials" in special security courts and states that this was indeed the worst week of his life. On the following day (20th February 1982), Barud heard from his prison cell gun fire that continued spasmodically for three days. This was the regime suppressing and killing unarmed students and young people who came on the streets when they learnt that Barud and 28 other detainees were to be sentenced by the dreaded National Security Court. Young students (and others) in Hargeisa and other cities came out into streets in defiance of the might of the dictatorship, and their stones and pebbles were answered with a hail of bullets, and reportedly some artillery fire. 45 were killed and a considerable number were arrested.
The ensuing show trial of Barud and the other 28 men took only 10 hours, including a break of one hour for lunch. The lawyers brought for them from Mogadishu two days earlier met them only for 10 minutes each on the eve of the trial. Two of the three judges of the court and the prosecutor were all military officers and the inevitable show trial conviction of almost all of them on the same day was no surprise to anyone, except for the fact that there were no death sentences. Barud states that this was simply because the regime was terrified of the continuing demonstrations and uprising from 20th February. Barud and another were given life sentences and the others prison terms ranging from 3 to 30 years.
The second half of the book is a copy of the transcript of "decision" and an English language translation done in 1986 by Dr Ahmed Hussain Esa. I am not aware of any other written record of Siyad Barre's Security Courts pronouncements which has been preserved and this is a testament to the pivotal role that this show trial has played in the history of the Somaliland people. Apparently also one policeman, at a considerable risk to his life, secretly taped the proceedings!
In October 1982, Barud and the others were transferred to the secret maximum security prison, Labatan Jirow, thousands of kilometres away from their home town. They were held there in solitary confinement in a two square metre cells. It is extremely humbling to read how they coped in such trying circumstances, and Barud recounts the horrors of a prison run directly by the dictator and staffed by military members of his clan. Barud narrates the small acts of defiance and the secret ways they have communicated with each other through the walls without incurring the wrath of the jailers, the games they invented and the methods of collecting and sharing what little medicines they got. All these acts helped them keep their sanity and spirit through the 2375 days they spent in this prison in isolation.
Barud explains that he found physical torture easier to bear than the isolation of solitary confinement. He points out that we all have more strength and resources than we use, which we can be tap into when forced to do so, but he is being much too modest about his own strengths in the same way that he also decried, when released, the admiration of his countrymen. Barud and his colleagues were released in March 1989 when they were suddenly moved out of the jail and taken directly to Siyad Barre, who called them traitors and blamed them for the destruction and loss of life that he unleashed on "Northern towns". Having been in solitary confinement for over 6 years, none of them even knew the details of what Siyad Barre's army did to their own people.
None of the perpetrators of the carnage and destruction mentioned in these memoirs has been made to account for their acts. Many of them are living comfortable lives in western countries and others are still in Somalia colluding with others to keep their benighted country mired in anarchy. There may soon be a small but significant dent in this wall of impunity made by (among other victims of Siyad Barre's war against the Somaliland people) one of Barud's follow prisoners, Bashe Abdi Yusuf, who, having settled in the United States, is bringing a civil claim against former General Mohamed Ali Samatar. The case to be heard at Supreme Court in March will establish whether those who presided over torture, destruction and death of civilians can continue to claim immunity on the basis of the very positions that allowed them to direct such inhuman acts. Although this is neither a criminal trial nor a substantive hearing on liability, it is indeed the first time any of the perpetrators or their masters have been called upon to account for their actions.
Barud points out that the death, devastation and exile visited on the Somaliland people has served as a kind of shock therapy to help them not to dwell too long on their own experience, but we are all glad that he and the others have shared with us their experiences. We value their indomitable spirit and are humbled by their sacrifice. Barud and Bashe and the other young professionals who came to be known (after the title of a secret journal of the period) as "UFFO", the breeze that precedes the rainstorm, were indeed the early wind that gained momentum through their suffering and those of others and finally brought down the dictatorship. The events of February 1982 were indeed the beginning of the end of the tyranny in Somaliland and it is fitting that 20th February is now officially a date commemorated in Somaliland every year. These memoirs will serve as a reminder of what has happened to us and as a warning of what must never happen again!
Ibrahim Hashi Jama
23 February 2010
For more details about the forthcoming US Supreme Court hearing of the case of Yousuf v. Samantar, visit the Centre for Justice and Accountability website.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Soldiers to Govern Niger Until New Constitution
Photo: AFP
Soldiers stand guard outside the office of Salou Djibo, leader of the coup that overthrew Niger's president Mamadou Tandja in Niamey, 21 Feb 2010
Coup leaders told diplomats from the United Nations, the African Union, and the Economic Community of West African States that they will organize elections "as soon as possible" once politicians agree on a new constitution.
Ramtane Lamamra is the African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security.
Lamamra says Niger's new military Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy gave regional diplomats "very clear assurances" about their willingness to work with all political parties and the international community to achieve common objectives.
Mohamed Ibn Chambas is the president of the Economic Community of West African States.
Chambas says military leaders say an inter-Nigerien dialogue will include all political parties, civil society groups, and trade unions to lead to a new constitution and credible and transparent elections.
Soldiers have suspended the constitution that President Tandja used to expand his power and give himself another three years in office. The president, prime minister, interior minister, and finance minister are still under house arrest, but soldiers say most government ministers will keep their jobs, for the time being.
There is cautious optimism that this military action may help resolve Niger's political impasse, in part, because several of the men involved in this coup played big parts in the country's 1999 coup. That military government lasted less than a year before organizing elections that were won by President Tandja.
Coup spokesman Colonel Djibril Hamidou Hima says the military's track record of moving quickly to democratic elections should reassure the international community.
Hima says regional diplomats leave Niamey reassured by what they have seen and heard from military and political leaders. He says the transition process that the military is proposing reassured them and the military believes those diplomats now trust Niger's new leadership.
The situation in the Middle East – including the report by a United Nations <"">fact-finding mission into the deadly conflict in the Gaza Strip at the start of last year – was among the topics discussed today in Cairo between the President of the General Assembly and the leader of Egypt.
Ali Treki told Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak that he plans to hold a plenary meeting as soon as possible to pass a resolution regarding the implementation of the recommendations made by the mission led by Justice Richard Goldstone, a former UN war crimes prosecutor, into the conflict.
The Goldstone Report, as it has become known, found that both Israeli forces and Palestinian militants were guilty of serious human rights violations and breaches of humanitarian law during the Gaza conflict, which began in late December 2008. The Assembly has endorsed the mission's findings.
The four-member fact-finding team, set up at the request of the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council, called on the two sides to carry out independent credible investigations into their actions during the conflict.
In his follow-up <"">report submitted at the request of the Assembly, Mr. Ban stressed that he hoped Israel and the Palestinians would conduct those inquiries appropriately. "International humanitarian law needs to be fully respected and civilians must be protected in all situations and circumstances," he wrote.
Today's talks between Mr. Mubarak and the Assembly President also touched on the situation in the war-ravaged Sudanese region of Darfur, where, according to media reports, the Government and the rebel group known as the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) struck a deal over the weekend paving the way for peace.
Among other issues raised during the meeting, according to the Assembly President's spokesperson, Jean Victor Nkolo, were disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – eight economic and social targets with a 2015 deadline.
While in Egypt, Mr. Treki also held talks with the nation's Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and other senior officials.
In an address to the Council of the League of Arab States yesterday, he highlighted the main priorities of the Assembly's 64<sup>th</sup> session, including dialogue among civilizations.
The Council "welcomed these initiatives by President Treki, underlining the need to revitalize the work of the General Assembly in tackling important issues on the international agenda," Mr. Nkolo told reporters in New York.
Before departing for the Egyptian capital, Mr. Treki met with Senior Vice-President for External Affairs at the World Bank Marwan al-Muasher in New York, and the two men conferred on a range of issues, such as post-conflict peacebuilding and preparations for September's formal review of progress made on achieving the MDGs.
No grudge against Somalis: Lindhout
Hero's Welcome For Kidnap Victim By Sherri Zickefoose, Calgary Herald
Despite being kidnapped and traumatized by lawless gangsters in Somalia, freed freelance journalist Amanda Lindhout says she harbours no grudge against the wartorn country.
"It's very important for me to say I do not see the men who kidnapped me as a reflection of Somali society as a whole," Lindhout told a local community group honouring her in Calgary Sunday.
Reading from a prepared statement, Lindhout shared a glimpse of her ordeal.
It was the first time Lindhout has spoken before an audience about her ordeal. Last December, she issued a photo of herself posing next to a Christmas tree and a statement thanking a British security firm, their families and those who donated money for the pair's release.
Lindhout was honoured Sunday night by members of Alberta's Somali-Canadian community. The group offered Lindhout a standing ovation at the conclusion of her speech. "She's a hero. She took the initiative to do what most people like you or I fear," said Hussein Warsame.
"She's a role model for what we need to see more of in times like this."
Flanked by her parents, girlfriends, and a publicist, Lindhout was moved to tears during a slide show about war-ravaged Somalia.
Aside from the banquet held in her honour, the local Somali community also gave her a gift of a framed picture of herself and a necklace engraved with the word hero.
Following her speech, she visited with well-wishers and posed for photos with them. The media was not allowed to ask her questions.
Lindhout, a freelance journalist, was taken captive at gunpoint near the Somalian capital of Mogadishu on Aug. 23, 2008 along with Australian photographer Nigel Brennan. A Somali translator and their driver were also taken hostage.
Kidnappers first demanded $2.5 million US ransom in exchange for her release.
The two said they were beaten and made to ask their families for money until a ransom, reported to be $500,000 to $1 million, was paid last November.
After agonizing months of negotiations, the pair were freed Nov. 25, 2009. "My wish for Somalia is to experience freedom . . . I hold a vision of peace for Somalia," Lindhout said.
Source: The Calgary Herald |
A senior United Nations official today voiced concern at Israel's announcement that it was adding two religious sites in occupied Palestinian territory to its list of national heritage sites, warning against moves that could prejudice the resumption of peace talks.
Noting that the Israeli announcement concerning the tombs of the biblical patriarch Abraham in Hebron and the biblical matriarch Rachel in Bethlehem had led to heightened tensions, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry stressed that the sites are of historical and religious significance not only to Judaism but also to Islam and Christianity.
"I urge Israel not to take any steps on the ground which undermine trust or could prejudice negotiations, the resumption of which should be the highest shared priority of all who seek peace," he said in a statement, referring to Israeli-Palestinian peace talks that have been stalled for over a year.
"I also call for restraint and calm. As I underscored in my visit to Hebron last week, I would like to see more positive steps by Israel to enable Palestinian development and state-building in the area and throughout the West Bank, reflecting a genuine commitment to the two-State solution," he added of the internationally endorsed plan for Israel and Palestine to live side by side in peace and security.
A joint mission of United Nations and African officials have met with those
responsible for last week's coup d'état in Niger as they visited the
capital, Niamey, to assess the situation on the ground.
Participating in yesterday's visit were the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General for West Africa, Said Djinnit, as well as representatives
of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African
Union (AU).
"The mission met with the junta leaders who reaffirmed their commitment to
organize elections and return the country to constitutional order," UN
spokesperson Martin Nesirky told reporters in New York.
He added that the UN is working closely with its partners, including ECOWAS
and the AU, as part of its joint efforts to help resolve the crisis in the
country which began when renegade soldiers reportedly stormed the
presidential palace on Thursday with the stated aim of returning Niger to
On Friday, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the coup and appealed for
"calm and for the respect of the rule of law and of the human rights of all
Nigeriens." In addition, he stressed the UN stands ready to support
initiatives aimed at peacefully resolving Niger's political and
constitutional crisis.
AFRICA: Early arrival of meningitis "alarming"
DAKAR, 22 February 2010 (IRIN) - A meningitis epidemic has struck earlier than usual and is spreading across sub-Saharan Africa's "meningitis belt" from Senegal to Ethiopia, according to health ministries in the region. The disease occurs during the dry season, with most cases reported in mid-April.
As of 7 February, health ministries in high-risk countries reported 2,298 cases, with a 13-percent fatality rate. Burkina Faso has reported the highest number of cases, but Togo has experienced the highest fatality rate, where 25 of 108 infected people died.
The World Health Organization (WHO) described the situation as "alarming".
Mamoudou Harouna Djingarey, a WHO epidemiologist and meningitis expert, told IRIN it was still not clear why infections were spreading earlier than expected. "This [timing] is a sign of a major epidemic risk if no action is taken," he warned. Extensive meningitis outbreaks tended to occur every eight to 10 years, he said, but were now occurring about every four years.
In the 2009 meningitis season, 14 African countries reported a total of 78,416 suspected cases, including 4,053 deaths, the largest number of infections since the 1996 epidemic.
Studies are being carried out to determine whether climatic and environmental factors might be influencing the extent of the current epidemic. Djingarey told IRIN that infections had also been reported further south than usual, including in Uganda, Kenya and Democratic Republic of Congo.
Burkina Faso
On 17 February the Health Ministry in Burkina Faso reported 1,251 meningitis cases, with a 15.4 percent fatality rate. This time last year there were 25 percent less infections, but a similar percentage of deaths.
The disease has reached epidemic proportions in Pama in the east, Titao in the north, Sapouy in the centre west, and Batié in the southeast, defined by WHO as areas where at least 10 out of 100,000 people are infected. Three other districts with half as many reported infections are on alert, according to Burkina Faso's Ministry of Health.
Vaccinations have been carried out in Pama and Titao, and more are scheduled to take place in the centre west on 20 February. "If we can react quickly the numbers will drop," Health Ministry epidemiologist Jean Ludovic Kambou told IRIN.
WHO recommends vaccinating everyone aged from 2 to 29 years and living in an epidemic zone, as well as people in neighbouring areas that are on "alert". If the country does not have enough vaccine, it can request no-cost or minimal-cost vaccines from a meningitis vaccine stock managed by WHO. Alejandro Costa, a WHO vaccine scientist, told IRIN no countries have requested vaccines as of 19 February.
Costa told IRIN 100,000 doses of vaccine from the stockpile had been sent to Chad, which did not have vaccines on hand but was facing an epidemic in the southern regions of Mandoul and Logone Orientale. Chad's Ministry of Health said 42,000 people in the southern town of Doba needed vaccination.
On 19 February the government reported 507 meningitis infections that have led to 56 deaths, an 11 percent fatality rate.
Dhoolatuskii KULMIYE Ee Manchester Iyo Digarogashadii Dhalinyaradii UDUB Kasoo Baxday
Dhoolatuskii KULMIYE Ee Manchester Iyo Digarogashadii Dhalinyaradii UDUB Kasoo Baxday
(Somaliland.ORG, Manchester England) Waxaa magaalada Manchester ee cariga Ingiriiska lagu qabtay shirweyne aad loo soo agaasimay, waxaa shirkaas soo qaban-qaabiyey Jaaliyada degan waqooyiga Ingiriiska oo ay hormuud ka tahay Laanta KULMIYE ee Manchester.
Shirka ayaa loo soo agaasimay si aad u qurxoon, waxaana ka mid ahaa masuuliyiintii ay dadweynaha waqooyiga Ingiriiska degani ay fursada u heleen in ay la kulamaan; Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka labaad ee KULMIYE, mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cabdiqadir, Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka koowaad ee Gollaha Wakiilada Cabdicasiis Samaale, Cabdi aw-daahir, Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Omar, Axmed Cali Cadami, Abiib Timocade, Xildhibaan Ikraam Xaaji Daauud, Cismaan Saxardiid iyo masuuliyiin kale oo badan. Waxaa kaloo joogay goobtaas, si weyna uga qaybqaatay shirkan xildhibaano dhawra oo ka mid ah gollaha wakiilada, waxaana ka mid ah Aadan Tarabi iyo Xildhibaan Dhaahdheere oo labaduba ka tirsan xisbiga UDUB, iyo xubno kasocday Ururka UDHIS.
ta aanan u gudbin shirka iyo sidii loo daadihinayey, waxaan jeclaa in aan xuso, in dhamaan xubnihii ka hadlay shirka ee KULMIYE, ay gudbinayeen fariin ah in la sii daayo, lamaanaha u dhashay Britain ee lagu afduubay dalka Somaliya, waxayna ka codsadeen budhcadaas haysata lamaanahaas in ay iska sii daayaan, iyaga oo sumcada Somalida illaalinaya, dhawraya xuquuqda lamaanahaas kana feejignaanaya in aanay denbi gelin. Shirka ayaa isaga oo isku duuban fariintaas gudbiyey.
Shirka iyo Furitaankii Xaflada.
Waxaa lagu soo dhaweeyey mikrifoonka guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE ee cariga Ingiriiska, Ibraahim Xuseen Dakhare, wuxuuna halkaas ka soo jeediyey kelmado kooban oo uu ku guubaabinayo xubnaha ururka iyo guud ahaan laamaha Uk, wuxuu tilmaamay hawlaha horyaal Xisbiga KULMIYE, wuxuuna hadalkiisii ku soo koobay, in loo baahan yahay taageerada xubnaha, weliba taageerida dhaqaale ay laf-dhabar u tahay dedaalka xisbugu ku jiro ee ka midho dhalinta dimoqraadiyada. Wuxuu hadalkiisii ku soo koobay, "balankeenu waa hawl badan iyo hadal yar."
Waxaa kaloo isna halkaas ka hadlay guddoomiyaha Laanta Manchester, Mudane Faarax Xasan Jagac, wuxuuna soo dhaweeyey isaga oo ku hadlaya magaca laanta, wufuuda xisbiga iyo dhamaan taageerayaasha xisbiga ayuu Faarax madasha ku soo dhaweeyey.
Waxaa halkaas ka hadlay Guddomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee Xisbiga Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cabdiqaadir, wuxuu sidoo kale isagu si gaar ah ugu mahadnaqay dhamaan taageerayaasha KULMIYE oo si mug leh ayuu yidhi, isaga intii uu shilka galay isu barbar taagay, wuxuu kaloo uga mahadnaqay taageerada ay xubnaha reer UK la barbar taagan yihiin xisbiga. Isaga oo arrinkaas sii iftiiminaya wuxuu yidhi "Haddii aynu doonayno in aynu xukuumada noocaas ah ee dhaqaalaha dalka boobtay ee hanta boobka ah ee dhul boobka ah, ka guulaysano, waa in aynu xisbiga xagga dhaqaalaha ka taageerno". Isaga oo sii sharaxaya wuxuu yidhi " Xukuumadu waxa ay nagu ceebaysaa in aanu dadka wax waydiisano, annagu hantida ummada ma boobno, haddiise ay ceeb noqotay in aanu taageerayaasha wax weydiisano, waa cajiib, annagu hantida ummada ma boono, hadaanuse leenahay waanu waydiisanaynaa taageerayaasha oo idin waydiisanaynaa taageero".
Waxaa kaloo isna halkaas ka hadlay Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibada Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cumar, wuxuuna sheegay barnaamijka Xisbiga ee doorasho, wuxuu sharaxaad ka bixiyey siyaasada arrimaha dibada ee xisbiga KULMIYE hadduu xilka qabto. Wuxuu xoghayuhu ka hadlay in maanta ay xisbigoodu si mug leh uga hawlgalay siyaasada arrimaha dibada ee Somaliland, ka dib markii xukuumada Somaliland ku hungoowday, isaga oo ka hadlaya wuxuu yidhi " Waxaan odhan karaa, maanta waxaa cad in xukuumada Somaliland ay u dhaqmayso sidii xisbi mucaarad ah, annagu aanu u dhaqmayso sidii xukuumad, marka aynu ka hadlayno arrimaha dibada." Wuxuu kaloo ka hadlay Budhcad badeeda iyo agabka ay haystaan ciidamada badda Soamliland ee ku hawlgalaan, isaga oo barbar dhigay dayaca ciidmada badda, hantida iyo mushaharka Madaxweyahana oo ah bishii, waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye " Madaxweynaha Somaliland mushaharkiisu bishii waa $62000, mushaharka intaas leeg ma qaadan doono haddii la doorto Siilaanyo, umana baahna." Ayuu yidhi Dr Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cumar.
Waxaa sidoo kale halkaas ka hadlay oo hadalo qiiro leh ka soo jeediyey, Cabdi Aw-daahir, oo si qoto dheer ugu dheeraaday waxa uu KULMIYe kaga duwan yahay Xisbiga UDUB. Isla markaana soo bandhigay in barnaamijyada kala duwan ee Xisbiga KULMIYE hirgalin doono hadii talada uu gacanta ku dhigo, oo ayugu horayso Wasaarada caafimaadka, oo uu sheegay in Xisbigoodu u sameen doono qaab tayo leh, isla markaana aanay faro galin siyaasadeed ku sameen hawl maal meedka shaqo ee dhakhaatiirta. Waxaana Dr Abdi Aw-Dahir Cambaareeyay eriskii 13 dhakhtar ee dhawaan xukumadu shaqadoodii ka eriday, iyaga oo danbi ay galeen jirin.
Ikraam Xaaji Daa'uud ayaa iyana hadal kaftan iyo baraarujin isugu jira ka jeedisay madashaa. Waxaana Ikraan ku booriday haweenka Somaliland ee qurbajooga ah, in ay ka qayb qaataan is bedelka siyaasadeed ee manta la rabo in dalkii laga sameeyo. Xisbiyadana kula xisaab tamaan waxqabadka siyaasadeed ee markaa ay u sameeyaan bulshada ay doonayaan in ay xukumaan.
Abiib timocade ayaa isaguna halkaa hadal kooban ka jeediyay. Waxaana u sheegay in geesiyaal badani halgankii SNM naftoodii ku waayeen, halgan ka maantana Somaliland la rabo lagu badbaadiyana uu yahay mid dhaqaale iyo cod lagu badbaadinayo, sidaas darted dadka qurbajooga ku taageeraan Xisbiga KULMIYE dhaqaale. Maadaama iyagu aanay codeenayn.
Cismaan Saxardiid oo dhawaan uu Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibada ee KULMIYE u magacaabay in uu yahay Xidhiidhiyaha Qurbo-jooga KULMIYE. Ayaa isana halkaas si aad u xamaasadeesan uga hadlay, wuxuuna sheegay in muhiimada ugu ween ee uu uga soo dhoofay Mareekan tahay sidii uu uga qayb qaadan lahaa, Xisbiga uga taageeri lahaa u diyaar garowga olalaha doorashada ee Xisbiga KULMIYE ka wado dibada. Isaga oo sheegay in socdaalo kalena uu ku bixin doono wadamo kale, oo ka tirsan Europe. Si uu markaa ula kulmo jaaliayadaha Somaliland ee halkaa degan.
Axmed Xaaji Cali Cadami, ayaa isaguna dadka ugaga waramay sida loo heli karo isbedel iyo calaamadaha muuqda ee ina tusaya in dadweynuhu diyaar u yihiin is bedelkaas.
Dhamaan siyaasiyiintii halkaa ka hadlay ayaa iyagu ugu baaqay qurbajooga in hadii ay doonayaan in isbedel ka dhaco dalka, ay markaa is garabtaagaan Xisbiga KULMIYE, oo ku tageeraan dhaqaale iyo afba doorashada madaxtooyada ee dhawaan dalkii ka dhici doonta. Iyaga oo dhamaantood xusay madaxdaasi, in isbedelkasta oo aduunka ka dhacaa ay jiraan cid ka danbeesa oo u hurta naftooda ama maalkooda. Sidaas darteed isbedelka manta laga rabo in dalku ka dhacona yahay mid la doonayo in dhaqaale iyo cod lagu garab istaago, qurba jooguna maadaama aanay iyagu codeenayn ay markaa huraan maalkooda si isbedelkaasi u rumoobo.
Xisbiga KULMIYE wuxuu ku soo bandhigay shirkoodaas dhawr arrimood oo ka duwan khudbadaha ay jeedinayaan masuuliyiinta KULMIYE, waxaana ka mid ah dhalinyaro badan oo ka soo digo-rogotay UDUB oo soo gashay KULMIYE oo qurbo jog ah, kuwaas oo ka waramay sababaha ay u soo digo-rogteen, uguna soo biireen Xisbiga KULMIYE. Waxaa kaloo halkaas lagu soo bandhigay, waxqabad ay u qabteen Xisbi ahaan dadweynaha Somaliland, sida Iskuul Burco ku yaal oo uu ka Hadlay Mudane, Cabdi Yusuf iyo dhalinyaro Ingiriis ah oo kala shaqaynaysay dhismaha iskuulkaas qayb mid ah.
Shirka waxaa soo gunaanaday, guddomiye ku-xigeenka kowaad ee Wakiilada mudane, Cabdicasiis Samaale, isaga oo diinteena iyo dhaqankaba kaga waramay, dhibta ay leedahay keli-talisnimadu oo ah aafo ragaadisa waayahaya nololeed iyo horumarineed ee bulsho, wuxuuna halkaas gundhig uga dhigay, aayado iyo axaadiis ka waramaysa arrimahaas. Mudane Cabdicasiis ayaa dadweynaha madasha jogay aad uga heleen hadalkiisa oo diinta salka ku haysay.
Gebagebadii Shirka.
Shirka waxaa ay fanaaniin iyo abwaano ku soo bandhigeen heeso iyo murti sugaaneed oo aad u tayo badan oo ka turjumaysa waaqica siyaasadeed ee Somaliland, waxa ay suugaantaasi gundhigeedu ahaa mid tilmaamaysa waxa Xsibiga KULMIYE ku yahay ka dalka badbaadin kara.
Heesahaas ayaa ahaa kuwo aad loogu raaxaystay, dhegtuna ku nasatay laguna soo afjaray shirkii oo lagu soo gunaanaday.
(Manchester England)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dahir Rayale is Brought Down to His Knees by Pressure from Awdal Suldaans Who are Backed by Their People
Last Friday afternoon, Rayale knelt down in front of Awdal elders, held his hands up and begged for forgiveness. He looked frail and a typical creeping wounded animal bleeding from serious self inflicted injuries.
The scars in his political life are deep and will probably remain with him forever. This man cannot turn the clock back and he very well knows that he failed himself and he and his impotent advisors are to blame. His call for mercy at this time is too late and his repents, regrets are not more than lip service and crocodile's tears. He already lost the trust of his people and many believe that he is not yet ready to change his monkey business. Those who met him saw nothing new but emptiness and still on his old foot-steps of lies and divide and rule. Anyway he knows he is the one who started the fight when he provoked the anger of the people and tested their patience to the zero level in many different ways:
- It was unnecessary and irresponsible to deny the Suldans access to their territory when they wanted to visit Saadadiin.
- Rayale, shamelessly, used the public media to discredit the elders. He could have met them and explain himself at that time but not now.
- This was seen as adding insult to the injury because Rayale couldn't dare to catch the butchers who mutilated the bodies of our people. People know that safety and security is a priority for any responsible government but not land confiscations and initiations of tribal rivalry.
- He should have consulted the Awdal elite, the elders and the business community when taking such steps as he does with other tribe elders.
- An illegitimate tribal leadership of Somaliland should not create provinces because it is not a recognized government. Don't forget, you little Rayale and your opposition leaders. You are working in the framework of a transitional administration not a government. That was our initial agreement.
- Without self-esteem and lack of confidence, he distances himself from the Awdal people in fear of tribal allegiance. At least, he should have protected their rights as their impartial leader. That is seen as naïve because he meets other tribal elders on regular basis.
Rayale is not able to distinguish the
differences between political opposition
leaders and the people's elders. His strategies
and approaches should not be the same when
challenging, for example, Silanyo and when
dealing with Suldans. The community elders
represent the people who put Rayale in
power. Skillful leaders avoid confronting the
public and their leaders. This man does not
understand that the government is for the
people and from the people. In this issue of
establishing nonsense provinces and foreign
investments, Rayale was supposed to use a
politician's strategy to convince the leaders.
He should have known the disastrous
outcome about the Niger Delta and the Shell
Company when the tribes protested. We are
living in an era of reasoning and the era of
war and force is long gone with failures of
Hitler and Mussolini. A good leader has to be
transparent with the people. If there is
something to explain, the public has every
right to get the facts and that is what the
Awdal people were looking for.
Mr. Rayale, we, for the rest, warn to assure you that we stand behind our elders who advocate for our rights and lands. Those who are inside the country and elsewhere, Arabia, Europe and North America are all united. We will never back down in protecting our interests and will never rest until we secure our rights and our freedom. We are united in this case and the few cheap members whom you have bought will not divide us. They only cover you from the truth and the cracks in your shattering leadership. In our modern world, all politicians are very well aware of the people's power and many dictators, even with an arsenal at their disposal, must bend pressure from the people. We are on the move with our full force and determination from every corner and on the march to crush any one who comes on our way. You will never get away with the crime of giving our territories and hiding our blood selfish interest. Today, our historic town of Zeila is in the process of being re-manufactured as carte eight of Djibouti. What a nonsense? You and all those who surround you are all traitors and will soon be seen in people's courts. Whether you buy homes for your family in Paris or in Beardou, you will end up in the international court of Haunts. Your dreams will be nightmares; you will live in guilt forever and you will finish your life as a fugitive.
Hussein A. Egeh
Ururka Dhakhaatiirta Xoolaha ee Madaxabannaan oo Madaxweynaha Ugu B...
Ururka Dhakhaatiirta Xoolaha ee Madaxabannaan oo Madaxweynaha Ugu Baaqay Inuu Ummadda ka Qabto Wasiirkiisa Xannaanada Xoolaha Hargeysa (Jam)- Ururka Dhakhaatiirta xoolaha ee madaxa bannaan ee magacooda loo soo gaabiyo ULPA, ayaa madaxweynaha Somaliland ugu baaqay inuu inuu ummadda ka qabto wasiirkiisa xannaanada xoolaha Dr. Idiris Ibraahim Cabdi oo ay ku eedeeyeen inuu si badheedha ah ugu tuntay shuruucda iyo xeerarka dalka u yaal, taasi oo ay sheegeen in hadii sida ugu dhakhsaha badan wax looga qaban waayo ay saamayn xun ku yeelan karto inay saamayn ku yeelan karto in qaadhaan-bixiyayaashu dib uga fiirsadaan mashaariicda la xidhiidha caafimaadka xoolaha ee ay ku caawiyaan dalka. Hadal qoraal ah oo ururka dhakhaatiirta xoolaha ee madaxabannaani soo saareen oo ay nuqul ka mid ah xalay Jamhuuriya soo gaadhsiiyeen, ayay ku sheegeen in wasiirka xannaanada xooluhu 20 dhakhtar oo ka tirsan ururka dhakhaatiirta xoolaha ee madaxa bannaan (ULPA) uu si badheedh ah uga horjoogsaday mashruuc daawaynta xoolaha ah oo uu maalgeliyey sanduuqa Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan xaaladaha degdega ah iyo masiibooyinka ee magaciisu yahay CERF (Central Emergency Respond Fund), isla marakana ay fulinayso hay'adda FAO, kaasi oo ay xuseen in loogu tallogalay sidii ay uga faa'iidaysan lahaayeen dadka xoolaha bdhaqatada ah ee abaaruhu waxyeeleeyen. Qoraalka ururka dhakhaatiirta madaxa bannaan ee xannaanada xooluhu soo saareen oo faahfaahsani waxa uu u qornaa sidan; "Warsaxaafadeedkan waxaanu cambaareynaynaa tallaabadii axmaqnimada ahayd ee ay wehelisay cadaawada aan garawshaha lahayn ee uu Wasiirka Xannaanada Xooluhu dhowaanta shaqada kaga joojiyey 20 dhakhtar oo ka tirsan ururka dhakhaatiirta xoolaha madaxabannaan ee magaciisa loo soo gaabiyo ULPA. Labaatan dhakhtar oo ka qaybgalayey mashruuc daaweynta xoolaha, kana mid ah mashaariicda degdegga ah (emergency projects) oo uu maalgeliyey sanduuqa xaaladaha degdegga ah iyo masiibooyinka ee Qaramada Midoobay ee magaciisa loo soo gaabiyo CERF (Central Emergency Respond Fund), isla markaana ay fulinaysay hay'adda FAO, waxa loogu talogalay mashruucaas inay ka faa'iideystaan dadka xoolo-dhaqatada ah ee ku nool gobollada dalka ee ay xoolahoodu waxyeelaysay abaarta dabada dheeraatay ee ku habsatay guud ahaan gobolllada dalka Somaliland. Haddaba 20-ka dhakhtar ee ULPA ka qaybgali lahaa hawlaha daaweynta xoolaha ee mashruucaas aan sare ku soo xusnay, wuxuu Wasiirka Xooluhu shaqada uu ka joojiyey ku sababeeyey in xubno ka mid ah ULPA ay dhowaanta war siiyeen Guddi-hoosaaska dhaqaalaha ee Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland oo iyagu beryahanba ka dalbanayey Wasiirka Xoolaha inuu horyimaaddo si ay uga gutaan xilkooda dastuuriga ah. Haseyeeshee, runta biyo-kama dhibcaanka ah iyo cadaawada Wasiirka Xooluhu shaqada kaga joojiyey dhakhaatiirtaas waxay tahay, lana xidhiidhaa 27 dhakhtar oo bishii ina dhaaftay ee sannadkan 2010 ka soo dareeray shaqadii maxjarka xoolaha dhoofa ay ka hayeen, kadib markii Wasiirka Xooluhu fulin waayey heshiiskiisii muqaawalka ahaa ee uu badhtamihii bishii December 2009 uu ku shaqo galiyey, isla markaana ay dhakhaatiirtu wayday cidday u shaqaynayeen iyo halkay xuquuqdooda u raacayeen, taasoo Wasiirka aad uga cadhaysiisay isagoo ka baqay in wuxuu qarinayaa ee uu golayaasha qaranka laga qarinayo inuu fashilmo. Haddaba mashruucaas oo ahayd inay fuliyaan ururrada dhakhaatiirta madaxbannaan, waxa dhacday in Wasiirka Xooluhu ka fara maroojiyey hay'adda FAO dhammaan hannaankii maamul ee mashruuca loogu talogalay in loo fuliyo, waxaannu meesha ka saaray doorkii ay dhakhaatiirta madaxbannaani ay ku lahaayeen, taasoo mustaqbalka keeni karta in qaadhaan bixiyeyaasha mashaariicda noocan ah inay dib uga fiirsadaan mashaariicda ya ku bixiyaan xagga daryeelka xoolaha Somaliland. Sidaa awgeed, waxaannu Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland ugu baaqaynaa inay qorshahooda ku darsadaan in Wasiirku jabiyey qodob kale oo dastuuriya oo ah qodobka 23aad, faqadiisa 3aad ee qeexaya in muwaadiniintu xaq u leeyihiin inay si madax bananan u shaqaystaan, isla markaana isu abaabulaan urur, maadaama uu Wasiirka Xooluhu dhakhaatiir muwaadiniin ah u diiday inay xirfadooda inay si madaxbannaan ugu shaqaystaan Wasiirka Xooluhu xilka hayeyna uu ka galay gabood-fallo iyo tacadiyo aan la soo koobi karin oo la xidhiidha xuquuqdooda xirfadeed. Waxa kale oo aannu Madaxweynaha ugu baaqaynaa inuu ummadda ka qabto Wasiirka Xoolaha ee dad iyo xoolaba dhammeeyey ee jabiyey qodobo ka mid ah dastuurka aad ku fadhido, isla markaana aad garwaaqsataa ficilladiisii kuwo ceeb adiga ku ah, maadaama aad tahay Madaxweynihii ummadda u garsoori lahaa, mana ah inaad Wasiir ka doorato ummadda inteeda kale. Wasiirka Xoolaha waxaan leennahay adigaa malaha qaramo kale u shaqeeya oo waxaad muusaysay gosha ku sita golayaashii qaranka Somaliland-na ka dhuumanay oo leh waa sir waxaad I weydiinaysaan oo hadba been dhoodhooba haddaad run sheegaysana Golaha Wakiillada ee ka dhigay Wasiirka ayaad hortagi lahayd. Haseyeeshee annagu haddaanu xataa la kulanay Golaha Wakiillaa xaq baannu u leennahay inaan kulano, wayo annagu golahayagii Wakiillada ayaanu la kulanaee kii TFG lamaanu kulmin. Runtii iyo gebogebadii waxaannu leennahay waa ayaan-darro in nin jabiyey qodobo dastuuriya inuu dhakhaatiirtii shaqada kaga joojiyo xubno idin ka mid ah, ayaa Baarlamaanka la kulmay oo xogsiiyey waa wax lala yaabo in shakhsi sidaa u fikarayaa lagu aamino xil ummaddeed, gaar ahaann loo igmado noloshii ummadda reer Somaliland oo ah xoolaha nool." |
Jamhuuriya Online |
Saturday, February 20, 2010 - Hot News > Blog Archive > ANALYSIS: NIGER COUP ... – Hot News » Blog Archive » ANALYSIS: NIGER COUP ...
By Africa News Online
A junta that seized power in a coup in the West African nation of Niger named a platoon commander as its leader Friday, hours after soldiers announced on state TV that their group was in charge of the uranium-rich country. ... In 1991 in Mali, an officer overthrew the former strongman, then organized elections the following year. In Mauritania in 2005, officers ousted the last dictator, then held the country's first free and transparent vote - even though a countercoup a ...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Brown wants probe as Israel denies role in Hamas murder
Brown wants probe as Israel denies role in Hamas murder
Published: Feb 17, 2010 11:26 PM Updated: Feb 17, 2010 11:53 PM
TEL AVIV/LONDON: Britain will launch a full investigation into the use of forged passports by a hit squad responsible for the murder of a senior Hamas leader in Dubai, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Wednesday.
His comments came as Israel's Foreign Minister denied that his country's intelligence agency Mossad was behind the assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh in a hotel in Dubai on January 20.
Issuing the first reaction by an Israeli official to suspicions that Mossad was behind the killing, Avigdor Lieberman said Wednesday that it was "not correct" to assume that Israel was behind the assassination.
His comments come after revelations that several of the people named by Dubai authorities as being part of the hit team bore the same names as British immigrants to Israel.
Six of the 11 people whose names were published by the Dubai authorities held British passports, which the Foreign Office has said were forged.
"We are looking into this at this very moment, we have got to carry out a full investigation into this. The British passport is an important document that has got to be held with care," Brown said in a radio interview.
Opposition politicians in Britain have demanded that the Israeli ambassador should be summoned over the affair, but the Foreign Office said Wednesday it had "not made any official representation to the Israeli ambassador about the case."
Brown said the British government would seek to accumulate evidence about "what actually happened" before making any official statements on the matter.
Meanwhile, Liebermann told Israel Army Radio: "I don't know why we take it for granted that it was Israel or the Mossad that used those passports or the identities of that British citizen."
Rafi Eitan, a former government minister and high-ranking Mossad official, was more direct.
"The Mossad was not behind the assassination of Mahmoud Al- Mabhouh, but rather a foreign organization that is trying to frame Israel," he told the radio station.
Al-Mabhouh, 50, one of the founders of the Hamas military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, was found dead in his hotel room on January 20, a day after arriving in Dubai.
The authorities in the United Arab Emirates have named 11 European passport holders in connection with the case, including the six Britons, three Irish, a German and a French citizen.
Two of the British men, who have lived in Israel for many years, were reported Wednesday to have been shocked at the use of their identity.
According to the BBC, Israel-based Melvyn Mildiner, 31, who holds a British and Israeli passport, said he had never been to Dubai.
"Wow, I didn't know that (the number) was out. That's horrid," he said, adding: "I have never been to Dubai."
Mildiner also revealed that although the name and number of the travel papers matched his own, the date of birth was off by a few days.
British-born Paul Keeley, 42, a builder who has lived on a Kibbutz in northern Israel for the past 15 years and had not left Israel for two years, the BBC and the Daily Telegraph reported.
"When I first heard about this I immediately looked to make sure my passport was still there and it was," he said.
"It has not been stolen so I don't know what on earth has happened," he added. "It is all very worrying but I know I have not done anything wrong."
Those traveling with UK documents were named as Michael Lawrence Barney, James Leonard Clarke, Jonathan Louis Graham, Paul John Keeley, Stephen Daniel Hodes and Melvyn Adam Mildiner.
It is believed that while details like the names, numbers and dates of birth on the suspect passports matched the originals, the photographs and signatures differed.
Dubai's police chief Lt. Col. Dhafi Khalfan Tamim said the identities of the suspects had been passed to Interpol, so that international warrants for their arrest may be issued.